My knees are complete shit

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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by RadioFan »

I've said it before and I'll say it again ... RACK 88's stories.

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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by War Wagon »

88 wrote: More to come.
Please, don't.

I had planned to read an Ernest Hemingway novel tonight.

Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Screw_Michigan »

You are from/still reside in Slow-hi-oh. Life is naturally supposed to suck for you.

Why don't you just re-use the 20oz plastic bottles pop comes in (dear those south of the mason-dixon line: it's called pop for a reason, not soda) and use those as spitters?

The only good thing Ohio has going for it is that it is birth place of the fucking MAC. And the CCHA if you want to get technical.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Tom In VA »


Good read. 70's must have been a killer time. Too bad I was just a kid.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by poptart »

RACK 88!
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by RumpleForeskin »

88 wrote:....while we played with knives and hatchets and experimented with various incendiary devices.
Those were the old days. As a child of the 80's, our vandalistic endeavors usually resulted in self-inflicted wounds with bottle rockets, fresh pine cones, and firing rocks and eggs straight up into the black sky with a 3-man balloon launcher. Good times.

Today....all I see is these pasty looking children traversing around the neighborhood on their bikes completely immersed in enough body armour that would protect them from a Soviet ICBM. Incredible.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by PSUFAN »

Rack the blasts.

My pet peeve this week has been the onslaught of recruiters - calling me on my cell, at home, etc. I guess they must be feeling the crunch, and they're stabbing wildly.

Is there anything worse than tech recruiters? Generally, they know nothing about the resources they're marketing to employers. They stand no chance whatsoever of evaluating the abilities of those whom they seek to place. Then they call your cell while you're in a meeting and act like they're doing you a favor by deigning to try and place you with whatever shitty job they have been able to scrape up.

I once went to an interview set up through a recruiter that blossomed into a debacle. The position i question was actually a good one with a great company. The recruiter acted concerned and hoped I wouldn't sully their reputation by not interviewing well. They found me somewhat averse to their coaching about how I should respond to specific questions that they imagined I'd be asked, along the lines of "where do you want to be in 5 years". I explained that I was prepared to be specific about my abilities, experience, and inclinations - and that I would be happy to provide examples of my work and professional and personal references - they looked at me like they were still nervous.

Anyway, after a bunch of that baloney, the recruiter didn't show up for the interview - just blew it off. Basically, any shot I had at the position was gone then - why would an employer be interested in paying a fee to the recruiter for bringing a candidate to them when they couldn't be bothered to show up?

I was pretty steamed. After the sham interview, I called and left a pretty angry message. I eventually heard back from the guy, and then later from his boss. They both tried to chew me out for some reason, and I got a perverse glee in telling them to fuck off.

I had a few other experiences with recruiters, and actually got a job through one. She was a cute girl - she could have sold anyone to anyone, just by showing up and nodding her head a few times. Overall I was not well served by her, she didn't try very hard when it came to salary negotiation...but at least she succeeded at a basic level.

Anyway, it's been 7-8 years since these there's no way I would consider a position that I didn't personally represent myself for - no reason to. I'm actually surprised that these tech recruiters are even still around, frankly.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

88 wrote: This is ridiculous.

I coach 5th and 6th grade tackle football. Good stuff, but Jesus H. Christ is it fagged out. One of the kids got tackled at practice tonight and landed on a flat rock about the size of a half dollar that would have been good for skipping across a pond or something. He cried, as seems to be the case after about 50% of all tackles these days, and then his mother went apoplectic. We had to stop practice and walk, elbow to elbow, across the practice field for 20 minutes looking for twigs and gum wrappers that could cause bodily harm to a cherub. And wouldn't you know it, someone found a piece of metal about 4" long buried in the grass (probably and old piece of fence that a mower chopped up during the 70's and threw out on the field just for this moment). Now we are on stand-by until the City hires a crew to come and inspect the field for safety concerns.

And another thing. My old man never stepped foot in any school I attended ever.

Last night I attended the fall all-sports banquet for the middle school. This fucker lasted 3 hours and they didn't even serve grub or booze. Every fucking kid got some kind of award, even the retards that would have fucked up hauling water out to the athletes. Color me inconsiderate, but a 7th grade athlete who weighs 230 lbs. and managed to walk a couple of miles on a cross-country course in just under an hour seven times this year doesn't inspire me to stand up and clap like a moron. But I'm definitely in the minority here. Way to go, Brandon. Grab another slice of victory cake. You earned it.
Okay, you're a funny motherfucker. I take it back! :lol:
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Fat Bones »

Preach on, Bro.

When we weren't burning joints on Enchanted Rock or frying scorpions in the campfire, we were loading up cow chips in our neighbor's fire.
The best part of PTA meetings was the King of Hill battles that would rival any WWF Slamfest anyday...and we played mush the moron for hours, not Call of Duty 4.
RACK old school Boyscouts.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Goober McTuber »

88 wrote:And another thing. My old man never stepped foot in any school I attended ever. At least that I can recall.
By the 70’s I was in college. During the late 50’s and throughout the 60’s my family moved several times. My dad was at my school several times. The first day at each new school he would walk me and my older brother into the principal’s office, introduce himself, and inform the principal that he could do whatever he deemed necessary to keep us in line.

Excellent rant, 88.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

RumpleForeskin wrote:Today....all I see is these pasty looking children traversing around the neighborhood on their bikes completely immersed in enough body armour that would protect them from a Soviet ICBM. Incredible.
One thing that seems to be conveniently skipped over whilst discussing the fagification of today's youth are the parents. These kids are the spawn of your generation, dude. If the parents weren't such gaping pussbags, the kids likely wouldn't be.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by BSmack »

Fat Bones wrote:Preach on, Bro.

When we weren't burning joints on Enchanted Rock or frying scorpions in the campfire, we were loading up cow chips in our neighbor's fire.
The best part of PTA meetings was the King of Hill battles that would rival any WWF Slamfest anyday...and we played mush the moron for hours, not Call of Duty 4.
RACK old school Boyscouts.
When I was growing up, we used to play King of the Hill using apples from a neighbor's tree as the weapon of choice. You get 3-4 kids at the top of the hill and 3-4 kids at the bottom of the hill and we would go to war for hours at a time trying to kill each other with old semi rotting apples.

Oh, and 88's football story reminded me of my old HS football coach. He was an army guy who brought a heavy dose of military discipline to his role as coach, teacher and administrator. He was a total hardass who even at age 50+ could break off an Iron Cross on the rings, and the kind of guy who would never ask another to do something he wouldn't do himself. Which is why he would occasionally stop practice, pull the QB out of the huddle and run the play himself to show how it should be run. And God help the kid who pulled up on a play when Coach Quinn was playing just to avoid hitting the coach. That kid would find himself doing a few extra "buffalo sprints" at the end of practice.

And Don Quinn didn't take any lip from anybody. I saw him yank a kid out of the huddle who had the nerve to talk back to him and he beat his ass down right on the 50 yard line of our school football field in front of the whole team. Coach Quinn was in coaches shorts and a t-shirt, the player was in full pads and had a helmet. It didn't matter. The next day, the kid came back to practice, apologized to the coach, promised it would never happen again and ran a mile for his penance. Yea, Coach Quinn was into penance in a big way. He even took us to Mass before every game. Nobody complained about that either.

Funny thing is, I used to hear the occasional parent complain about Coach Quinn. But I don't know a single guy from that team that doesn't consider it an honor to have played for him.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Tom In VA »

Anyone remember "Smear the queer" or "Kill the Carrier" ?

Probably where my obtuseness started I know I hit my dome several times, going to catholic schools we had a friggin parking lot to play in for recess - it was huge though - we used to play that shit on the asphalt. Torn uniforms, bloody knees and elbows, thank God for the clip on tie else some kids would have been strangled.

It was carnage and we loved it.

Pop Warner type football league I played in we used to have a coach, Coach Green, black dude awesome as shit. Vietnam Vet he used to run with us around the playing field like a DI - and we were in "formation" - and yell cadences we repeated.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by RumpleForeskin »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:One thing that seems to be conveniently skipped over whilst discussing the fagification of today's youth are the parents. These kids are the spawn of your generation, dude. If the parents weren't such gaping pussbags, the kids likely wouldn't be.
Oh yeah, no doubt. My generation was coddled more than the generation before me. You can say the same for your parents. You were coddled more than them, but it isn’t all on the parents. I think the increased parental oversight agencies created by the government and all the scare tactics from sensationalized investigative reporting over the past 30 years have a lot to do with young parents being overprotective of their children today.

My sister, God rest her soul, was a poster figure for that very thing. She was WAY overprotective of my niece and nephew. That is clearly evident when you see how my six year old nephew plays little-league football. He is the biggest and fastest kid out there on the field, but does not have an aggressive bone in his body because he was nurtured way beyond what was necessary.

Unfortunately, it is what it is and we will only get worse.

Check this report from 60 Minutes about how coddled the Ys are today. ... 5200.shtml
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Mikey »

When I was a kid we lived in an area that had lots of hilly streets. One of these streets was prolly 1/4 to a 1/3 mile long, 100% downhill, sort of winding and pretty steep. The bottom was a flat cul-de-sac and one of my friends' family lived directly at the end.

We would spend hours walking up to the top of that hill, and riding down it on anything that had wheels. Bicycles, tricycles, Flexy Flyers (ours had wheels - no snow in our neighborhood), skateboards (the pre-historic ones with wheels that were either steel or made from something that looked like clay), Radio Flyer wagons (you could steer by bending the pull handle back), or best of all homemade go-carts made from wood scraps and old roller skates, skateboard wheels or cannibalized RF wheels.

Notice that, besides bicycles (which were mainly used by newbies and wusses), none of these transportion modes had any really functioning brakes. In most cases, by the time you got halfway down you were going too fast to stop and too fast to jump off without risking major road burn. On a skateboard you could start out traversing the street back and forth to try and keep your speed down but after a while those traverses got less and less effective until you were pretty much going straight down the hill. At that point the challenge was to keep the board from going completely unstable and throwing you off. Going down seated on the board was a little less hair-raising

Did I mention that one of my friends lived at the bottom of the hill? We'd take an old piece of plywood and use it for a ramp over the curb, onto his front lawn. That's how we stopped. Hit that ramp on a skate board going at what seemed like 20 or 25 mph and you'd go flying about 20 feet onto the lawn.

Helmets? Unheard of back then. Pads on elbows or knees? Never. Any parents these days saw their kids doing this kind of shit, they'd prolly be locked up in their rooms for a week. Besides twilight tackle football on the 18th fairway this was about the most fun you could possibly have during the summer.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Dinsdale »

88 wrote:Parent teacher conferences were for kids who had big mental problems.

Fuck you.

But RACK the rest of it.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Wolfman »

RACK 88 !!
Only a truly loving husband can vent on his wife, in secret of course. However, it seems to me that someone in Ohio needs a nice vacation on an island in the Gulf of Mexico where the air is warm and the beer is cold.
After watching a Robin Hood movie my brother and I were fascinated with flaming arrows. Made some bows and arrows
with rags dipped in kerosene and had a blast shooting them across our back yards. It came to a screeching halt when Liesche's garage caught fire next door !
We played our sports w/o any adults around. Tackle football between guys from different neighborhoods went on until
we all got tired and/or were bloodied up a bit much. Those days you went to the park with a ball, bat (usually all taped up), and glove and the next thing you know you had a pick up baseball game.
Even in college, we'd go over to the gym on weekends and play pick up hoops all day.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Mikey »

Wolfman wrote: Even in college, we'd go over to the gym on weekends and play pick up hoops all day.
RACK wolfie and his basketball buddies...

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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by RumpleForeskin »

Makes you wonder if Wolfie was designated as the guy who had to climb the ladder and retrieve the ball when a basket was made.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by atomicdad »

Rack all the rants. Kid of the 70's early 80's here. Did pretty much all the same things as mentioned. Orchard fights were the bomb all though we had about a 20 acre citrus grove down the street. Grapefruits all on the low ground and the center hill populated with lemons and limes. I still can't say which was worse, taking a hard lemon off the side of the head or the ever popular rotten maggot infested grapefruit in the face. SHooting hills on any thing with wheels, we found that shopping cart wheels were best for the homemade go carts. What about fucking dodgeball, hell in Jr High and High School, during P.E. class on rain days everybody was in the gym and the Coaches/Teachers actually organised the dodgeball and made everyone play. There was nothing funner than slamming all the book worms and tards at close range with a volleyball.

Today i'm doing my part to resist the pussification of my kids imposed by the schools. Hell just this past wednesday at my daughters softball practice that I coach we were working on stealing and catcher throw downs. This one girl made a pretty horible slide and landed hard on her knee as well taking out the SS pretty hard as well (not what we were trying to coach) they were both shaken up a bit. As I got over to them the runner just looks up, "Yea, Yea, Coach Dan, we will rub some dirt on it." That's what I want to hear.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by RJ »

RadioFan wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again ... RACK 88's stories.


Great read and spot on.

RACK A-dad as well.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by .m2 »

I never understood why guys stay married... what the fuck ???

It's never too late to get a divorce and get on with your bad ass life and find your balls again.

"Taking your plastic cups" ??? Tell that bitch to go down to the local Wal-mart and replace 'em immediately. This is type of shit that kept me from ever falling for their marriage bullshit. Next thing you know you have 3 kids running around that you can't remember the names of.... and your knees are shot.

Everything a women does is a test to see how far they can get some poor sap to take her shit... and how heavy a ball and chain he can carry.

*First Clue*..."When the blow-jobs stop at month 6 into pounding her ass".... this isn't when you say I'll sign on the dotted line telling her she can have your balls and she'll be financially a burden on your ass the rest of your life.

Remember when you first met her and she was sitting on the couch.... and you'd grab her by the head/hair and pull her ass up and tell her to unbuckle the pants and have her go to town 'til you told her to stop ??? Sometimes going for the "double shot" because you could... and her brain wasn't functioning correctly due to have a horse in her mouth.

These things are just around the corner... and their bodies don't have stretch marks... which may lead to a mood killing.

Find you knees and balls again... 88

It's not to late, brother.

Oh yeah... you should have banged your neighbor when you had the chance.

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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by RumpleForeskin »

Since this thread is really about rants and not the glory days of childhood yesteryears, I though I might share this with the class...

The last two weeks of my life were the most intense and stressful stretch of days I have ever endured. As most of you know or are aware, I am currently enrolled in 15 hours of school and I am working roughly 45-50 hours a week. Usually, work is fairly routine because we have procedures in place and with the line of work I am in (financial investment industry) surprises are a rarity. However, once every four years FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Agency) pays our office a little visit and proceeds to slap on a rubber glove and conduct a full blown anal-cavity search on our firm. Not fucking fun.

Normally I would only sweat this major event a little bit, but considering what was happening with school at the same time, I was sweating profusely. Hurricane Ike caused the school to shutdown for two weeks and when classes finally resumed, the state said the students were required to make up those hours that they missed. The department, in their infinite wisdom, decided to put a due date on when we had to make up all of these missed hours. Instead of giving us the remainder of the semester to make up the hours with computer based training modules, extra labs, quizzes, tests, and other curricula, they said we had to complete and turn in all of our makeup assignments by October 22nd. What. The. Fuck.

I will spare you the details of my daily activities, because I think most of you have suffered enough from all the coma-inducing rhetoric with regard to the abundance of political atrophy on this board. No….I will just sum it up by saying that my endeavors usually began around 4:30am and ended around 12:30am for the last thirteen days of pure hell. And I’ve been through some shit in my life too. The two weeks leading up to my wedding was no fucking picnic either. My father died of a sudden heart attack while out on the links exactly 14 days prior to me and Mrs. Rumps exchanging vows. That was very difficult, but this time was obviously a different kind of difficult and I managed to get through it…

You know what? After negotiating through this tumultuous and demanding schedule, I can now sit back and reflect on what I was able to accomplish and realize….I is one bad motha fucka, motha fuckas. Ohhh yeah…..I am bullet proof, made of pure 100% U.S. patented Texas steel. I WANT Yolanda to point that gun at me, I WANT to cross paths with Mickey and Mallory, I WANT Anton Chigurh to flip a coin for my fate. I ain’t afraid of shit….NO MO, ‘cus the audit was a success and I still maintain three As and one B in school. I’m Rick James, BITCH!
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Us Metro transit users here in DC are lucky to have LED display boards that show when our train's estimated time of arrival is. Not only do the tards in Chicago not have that, but they also have predominantly above-ground stations outside the Loop, so they get to both freeze their fucking asses off in the winter AND wonder when the fuck their train is arriving. There are only a little more than a handful of above ground stations here, mostly on the outskirts of the 'Burbs. Anyway, at our stations, there is a main LED board that has train times going in both directions, so you know when approaching the station whether you have to run your ass off to get a train. Well, the one at my station, Navy Yard, will not work for a week and then magically work for a few days, then not work again. So I decided to inquire, which is a risky proposition because I have been cussed out by a station manager in College Park for daring to ask a question about the LED board and the accuracy of train arrivals and been told (literally) to go fuck myself for asking.

I have to get off at Morgan Blvd in Landover when I go to work. Fortunately, the station attendants there are really nice. Any question I ask them, I'll also bullshit with them about transit issues, they always think about a good, quality answer and have informative things to say, and generally carry on a conversation about transit in DC. They are always cheerful and willing to help.

To say the least, not the same way out at Navy Yard. For example, last week, the board wasn't working, so I didn't know I had to bust my ass for a train or else I would be late. I literally arrive down at the dock when the train is just shutting its doors to leave. Train conductor still has the window open, and I ask him to let me on before he leaves. "Can't, I'm running late." :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: Give me a break, it would have taken 30 sec. I wasn't even really pissed about that, but pissed at the board, because if I would have seen 1 min or 2 min on the board, I would have ran my ass down there to make it. Well, I go upstairs to ask the attendant about why the board hasn't been working, and why it hasn't been fixed? This is our exact conversation:

Me: "why hasn't the led board been working the last week?"
Bitch attendant: "it's man-made."
Me, flabbergasted: "excuse me?"
Bitch attendant: "it's man-made. things break."
Me, dumb-founded: "uh, i guess i was expecting a little more informative answer than that."
Bitch attendant: "well, there's your answer."

Yep, instead of responding in an semi-intelligent manner, like saying there have been budget issues where the board hasn't been fixed because Metro is fucking around or that they've been having issues with it or even train arrivals on the board are not 100% accurate, she is too fucking lazy to even do that and says "things break." The guys at Morgan Blvd would have at least used their brains and have attempted to help a customer and given a half-way legitimate answer. This bitch decided to act like a lazy bitch and not even put out an ounce of effort. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, cunt.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by smackaholic »

Rack pull tabs

Rack unorganized neighborhood sports

Rack homemade go carts

Rack tennis ball cannons

Rack 88
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Goober McTuber »

Screw_Michigan wrote:Us Metro transit users here in DC are lucky to have LED display boards that show when our train's estimated time of arrival is. Not only do the tards in Chicago not have that, but they also have predominantly above-ground stations outside the Loop, so they get to both freeze their fucking asses off in the winter AND wonder when the fuck their train is arriving. There are only a little more than a handful of above ground stations here, mostly on the outskirts of the 'Burbs. Anyway, at our stations, there is a main LED board that has train times going in both directions, so you know when approaching the station whether you have to run your ass off to get a train. Well, the one at my station, Navy Yard, will not work for a week and then magically work for a few days, then not work again. So I decided to inquire, which is a risky proposition because I have been cussed out by a station manager in College Park for daring to ask a question about the LED board and the accuracy of train arrivals and been told (literally) to go fuck myself for asking.

I have to get off at Morgan Blvd in Landover when I go to work. Fortunately, the station attendants there are really nice. Any question I ask them, I'll also bullshit with them about transit issues, they always think about a good, quality answer and have informative things to say, and generally carry on a conversation about transit in DC. They are always cheerful and willing to help.

To say the least, not the same way out at Navy Yard. For example, last week, the board wasn't working, so I didn't know I had to bust my ass for a train or else I would be late. I literally arrive down at the dock when the train is just shutting its doors to leave. Train conductor still has the window open, and I ask him to let me on before he leaves. "Can't, I'm running late." :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: Give me a break, it would have taken 30 sec. I wasn't even really pissed about that, but pissed at the board, because if I would have seen 1 min or 2 min on the board, I would have ran my ass down there to make it. Well, I go upstairs to ask the attendant about why the board hasn't been working, and why it hasn't been fixed? This is our exact conversation:

Me: "why hasn't the led board been working the last week?"
Bitch attendant: "it's man-made."
Me, flabbergasted: "excuse me?"
Bitch attendant: "it's man-made. things break."
Me, dumb-founded: "uh, i guess i was expecting a little more informative answer than that."
Bitch attendant: "well, there's your answer."

Yep, instead of responding in an semi-intelligent manner, like saying there have been budget issues where the board hasn't been fixed because Metro is fucking around or that they've been having issues with it or even train arrivals on the board are not 100% accurate, she is too fucking lazy to even do that and says "things break." The guys at Morgan Blvd would have at least used their brains and have attempted to help a customer and given a half-way legitimate answer. This bitch decided to act like a lazy bitch and not even put out an ounce of effort. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, cunt.
Didn't you just move there from the Midwest? Now it's "our trains" and "the tards in Chicago"? Or maybe you're originally from that east coast shithole? Either way, the Midwest's a better place now that you're gone, you brainless fuckwit. Do us all a favor and fall in front of the next train.

Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Screw_Michigan »

I'm glad you passed sixth grade english, tard, because yes, it's OUR trains. I share them with other Washingtonians every fucking day while we're busy running the free fucking world and you're busy shoveling snow to feed your children and harvesting the food us important peeps eat to help fuel our drive to make shit happen while you're busy residing in some worthless fucking shithole. i guess madison is a great place to live if you grew up in la crosse, douche.

eat a dick. come back when your overrated hockey team wins a game, which might not be a for a few weeks now, still. loser.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by PSUFAN »

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

I am 45, HAVE to use a cane, and I don't care that Jackie Earl Haley is weirdo and soon to be star cause of some comic book movie, Kelly Leak was every bully I was scared of in 1976 when I was 13 and weighed all of 75 lbs. The best freind I had was my big brother Jim, who, during those days of innocence and nasty hateful bullies that were next to Satan himself, taught me the great equalizer.

For better or was....having some weed. Watch Dazed And Confused. That skinny dude was me, except it was football, not baseball. And the really screw head bully (played by Ben Affleck in the movie), there really was one, and he was 17 in 7th grade, and decided to pick on me...the whole 4' 9'' 80 lb's of me. Busted my lip, black eye, whole thing, after football practice while I was riding my bike home. Big tough guy. Anyway, my big brother took me with him, after Mom got pissed off and actually gave him...well...non-verbal permission, and found that rotten bastard, and jumped out of his 1959 Ford Falcon( it was a cool car), and beat the crap, I mean BEAT the dog shit out of that dude. Asked me if I wanted to punch that poor fucker when he was down, but I declined, seeings how the guy couldn't even see by that point, and I wasw still a LOT scared even then, he then picked up his girlfreind, now wife of 35 years, and went to a place in the groves near Sebastian Inlet, and we got stoned with a bunch of his freinds. When they saw me beat up, about 10 dudes went running for their cars to find the guy and kick that crap out him some MORE! Jim cooled them out, and when we got back home right around dinner time, beig beat up was a GREAT cover for me being stoned to the bejeezus belt, so Mom was none the wiser, and wasn't pissed at Jim.

This 'story' got spread around, and not only was I not 'picked' on anymore, I was in with the...well.....potheads, as well as the sportos. And since I could count on older bro to hook me up every now and again, I was able to be cool with all the 'cliques' in school, even though I was a Singer/chorus guy.

88's story was better, but the point is......having to use a cane isn't that big of a deal. As long you are vertical, it's all good.

What were we just talking about?
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by smackaholic »

Your brother had a '59 falcon?


He musta had connections at ford or something, cause they didn't start selling them no other folks till '60.

Technically, I guess they were selling them in '59, but they were not "'59s".
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Diego in Seattle »

I'll go ahead & rack DC Metro. By far the best mass transit system I've seen.

And fuck pull tabs (unwar tabs that had the ring break off when you tried to open the can).
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by smackaholic »

I said pull tabs. I guess what we have now are pull tabs. I was thinking of the ones that came off that you would make into necklaces or, if you weren't a faggit, use as ammo in homemade rubber band powered guns.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.

Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Screw_Michigan »

I've more than had enough with the over-saturation of AC/DC in our everyday lives. Not only are you guaranteed to hear at least four different AC/DC songs (more than likely Thunderstruck, Hells Bells, Highway to Hell and Back in Black) at every single sporting event, Disney/ABC/ESPN has made AC/DC it's unofficial theme music for College Football Saturday broadcasts. You literally can't escape the most generic, bland, pedestrian, mainstream and flat-out untalented, but possibly, the most popular rock and roll band on the face of the earth.

What is most disgusting about how huge and mainstream AC/DC has become is a common problem amongst the arts: An act that takes no risks, that pushes no envelope, that has absolutely no creative base to it, is so amazingly popular they will gross almost $2 million per night during it's North American arena tour this fall (20,500 seats x $100 per seat). Totally designed and packaged for mainstream and corporate consumption, the only way you can buy the band's newest abortion of an album (which is basically the same shit they've put out for the previous 20 albums since Bon Scott died) is through WALMART. Seriously. That just shows you how middle of the road this band has become.

I put more thought into wiping my ass than the band puts into their lyrics and music and yet they are going to be smoking joints rolled with $100 bills at the end of this tour. Just like rock and roll FM radio, anyone who is above the age of 22 and considers themselves an actual AC/DC fan needs to be shot in the fucking face.

Disclaimer: The first album I ever bought was Back in Black in 1992. The first album I ever owned was The Razor's Edge. AC/DC was the first band I ever "loved." But then I hit 19, started discovering real music with real talent, and started to realize how shitty the first band I loved was. Also, the only three "good" AC/DC songs every written were Thunderstruck, For Those About to Rock, and Hells Bells.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Goober McTuber »

Screw_Michigan wrote:I'm glad you passed sixth grade english, tard, because yes, it's OUR trains. I share them with other Washingtonians every fucking day while we're busy running the free fucking world and you're busy shoveling snow to feed your children and harvesting the food us important peeps eat to help fuel our drive to make shit happen while you're busy residing in some worthless fucking shithole. i guess madison is a great place to live if you grew up in la crosse, douche.
Do you even have a job yet, you illiterate half-wit? And you're now claiming partial credit for running the free world? BWAHAHAHA!!

I've been to DC more than once. Madison is many times over a better place to live. It's not even close.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by XXXL »

Rack the 16oz cups.......Unrack the knees.......
KC Scott

Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by KC Scott »

Screw_Michigan wrote: Also, the only three "good" AC/DC songs every written were Thunderstruck, For Those About to Rock, and Hells Bells.

"If you want blood" is probably one of the best live albums of all time.

And their list of songs is pretty extensive - Problem child, Rocker, The Jack, Dirty Deeds, You Shook Me, Highway to hell


I'll will say not nearly as good without Bon Scott -

Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Give me a break, Scott. It's not like they dig deep into their catalog for their tours. I guaran-fucking-tee, for this tour, they'll play the same setlist every fucking night.
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Smackie Chan »

KC Scott wrote:And their list of songs is pretty extensive - Problem child, Rocker, The Jack, Dirty Deeds, You Shook Me, Highway to hell
Whole Lotta Rosie

Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Why aren't you dead yet, you fucking pussy?
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Re: My knees are complete shit

Post by War Wagon »

The Girl's Got Rythym

I had a post all que'd up this morning to blast this fucking 'tard who fancies himself a music aficianado but decided the high school GED dropout wasn't really worth the effort.

I've Got Big Balls.
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