So what is the difference?

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So what is the difference?

Post by PSUFAN »

Can anyone help me understand what is behind win margins, and how they are interpreted by the media?

Here are some scores for consideration:

PSU: 13
tOSU: 9

UT: 28
OSU: 24

Alabama: 24
Mississippi: 20

USC: 17
Arizona: 10

OU: 58
KSU: 35

Which of these results are among the most impressive to you? If PSU's win over tOSU was not impressive, then why?

If a team doesn't score a lot of points in a game, are we to automatically assume that's because their offense is overrated, or maybe the defenses involved were better? Similarly, if a team puts up almost 60 points but gives up almost 40, what quick conclusions are to be made from the squads involved?

What team - or better yet, what conference doesn't have a mix of good and bad arguments for overall strength?

Among the teams I emphasized above, there don't seem to be any '95 Huskers-esque juggernauts.

Are Big 10 teams simply down?
Are Pac 10 teams lacking heart?
Are Big 12 teams lacking defense of any sort?
Are SEC teams unable to play consistently?
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by buckeye_in_sc »

I have no idea...down here in Charlotte the local hack (HUGE SEC homer) even though he went to Clemson...if an SEC game goes something like 13-10, or something like that...they all lament THAT IS GOOD OLD FASHIONED SEC DEFENSIVE FOOTBALL...

but when it is the Big gets tiring actually...SEC fans typically love the use of the transitive property as case in point...we don't want to see PSU play in the National Title Game...because OSU got beat in the last what does OSU have to do with PSU?

Stupid arguments all the way me when I say...I hope PSU plays Bama or UF for the title (Sorry Texas fan) and just shit fucks them up the ass...

Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

I blame the liberal media who is trying its hardest to smear and character assassinate Palin.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Dinsdale »

PSUFAN wrote:Are Big 10 teams simply down?
The B11 isn't terribly out of balance, by their usual standards. The top half is decent, the rest are fairly weak... usual B11 stuff.
Are Pac 10 teams lacking heart?
Yes and no.

In every conference, every year, some of the big recruiting schools lose some of their stars to the draft either before their eligibility is up, or they did their time. I think the better schools in the PAC had a slightly-higher-than-usual rate of player loss at key positions... and even though USC keeps loading the cannon with 5-stars, it doesn't offset the "Blue Chip Blues" in that the cohesiveness/congruity is lost to an extent. Same goes for Oregon, with DD gone, and much of the recieving corps gone... sure, Oregon is loaded at WR, and Jaison "I'd already be in the NFL if I could catch the fucking ball" Williams is the anchor, but it still ends with a lack of big-game experience. Kal lost plenty of key players, too.
Are Big 12 teams lacking defense of any sort?

Are SEC teams unable to play consistently?

Sure, I'm an SEC Hater... BUT...

Last year, it was obvious where the best football was played. And the year before. But this year, I'm not so convinced. I don't know if the BCS conferences are all getting watered down, or if "parity" is kicking in... but if you asked me 3 weeks ago to rank conferences, I would have had a defined answer, and given a list. Now... I'm not sure I can.

It's been like a roller coaster. Earlier, I considered my beloved PAC10 a laughingstock. Now, they don't look so bad. Earlier, I considered the SEC to be incredibly deep. Now, they look like every other conference. The B12 suddenly looks like some good offenses running practice drills against phantom defenses.

Although... I'm just not seeing as much CFB this season as I have in years past, due to a couple of reasons.... so my opinions should be taken with an even larger grain of salt than usual.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

If PSU is undefeated and Alabama has a loss, PSU belongs in the championship game. Period.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

Sudden Sam wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:If PSU is undefeated and Alabama has a loss, PSU belongs in the championship game. Period.
I would tend to agree. But the BCS may not. If, say, one-loss Alabama, Georgia or Florida were to manage to be at #3 at the regular season's end and PSU was #2. I would think SOS and an SEC championship game win could conceiveably push the SEC champ past JoePa's boys. That, combined with the Big Ten's showing against the SEC in the last two NC games could carry some weight with voters. Probably not...but it's possible.

The two human polls count for two-thirds. No way the pollsters would put a one-loss SEC team ahead of undefeated PSU considering how good PSU has looked much of the year. Not to mention that one-loss SEC team might have a bigger concern with one-loss Big 12 team sitting ahead of them.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by PSUFAN »

I don't see a 1 loss team from any conference jumping an undefeated PSU. We've seen that happen to other teams, but never a BCS conference team, right? Maybe I'm wrong.

Like Goobs says, I think every human poll would have undefeated PSU over every one loss team.

PSU has three significant challenges - Iowa, Indiana, and MSU. I wonder if beating Iowa and MSU would boost the BCS rank a bit?

I don't mean to sound arrogant, PSU could well lose to any and all of those three.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

Sudden Sam wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
The two human polls count for two-thirds. No way the pollsters would put a one-loss SEC team ahead of undefeated PSU considering how good PSU has looked much of the year. Not to mention that one-loss SEC team might have a bigger concern with one-loss Big 12 team sitting ahead of them.
Ahhhh. Interesting scenario. But I don't see a one-loss Big 12 team being ahead of any of the three potential one-loss SEC schools.
Of course you don’t. You’re an SEC ball-sucking homer.

If Alabama loses to LSU, there could only be one SEC team with one loss after the championship game. If Alabama gets to the championship undefeated, the only way you have a one-loss SEC team is for Georgia or Florida to beat them.

Oklahoma sits above Georgia and Florida in the BCS, and if they win out, they’ll stay ahead of them. If Alabama drops their last game (SEC championship), they’ll probably fall below 11-1 Oklahoma.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Sudden Sam wrote:I would tend to agree. But the BCS may not. If, say, one-loss Alabama, Georgia or Florida were to manage to be at #3 at the regular season's end and PSU was #2. I would think SOS and an SEC championship game win could conceiveably push the SEC champ past JoePa's boys. That, combined with the Big Ten's showing against the SEC in the last two NC games could carry some weight with voters. Probably not...but it's possible.

Coastal Carolina could be Penn State's Citadel (see Auburn).
Totally different situations. Auburn TRAILED #1 and #2 in the polls. They couldn't make up ground on 2 other teams that were also undefeated. PSU, on the other hand, wouldn't have to try and leapfrog anybody, rather, just maintain position by staying undefeated. There's no way a team could lose a game LATE in the season and still leapfrog an undefeated major conference team. Well, I wouldn't call it impossible, but it's damn near close to it.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

PSUFAN wrote:I don't see a 1 loss team from any conference jumping an undefeated PSU. We've seen that happen to other teams, but never a BCS conference team, right? Maybe I'm wrong.

Like Goobs says, I think every human poll would have undefeated PSU over every one loss team.

PSU has three significant challenges - Iowa, Indiana, and MSU. I wonder if beating Iowa and MSU would boost the BCS rank a bit?

I don't mean to sound arrogant, PSU could well lose to any and all of those three.
If I'm Penn St fan I'm definitely nervous about going into Iowa City. Shonn Greene is an absolute load to stop, and Stanzi is starting to really make plays at the qb position. Defensively, they're all beasts up front. Even though OSU whipped MSU, Iowa was probably the more physical team and probably will have been the most physical team they face all year. State had guys go out left and right in that game; no real serious injuries though. You can pick apart their secondary a little bit though. This game is probably more loseable than MSU is for you guys simply because you're on the road in a fairly hostile enviroment, and Iowa is quietly starting to come around. They're difficult to put away easily too as they haven't lost a game by more than 5 points.

As for BCS boost, you should get a little extra cushion for beating both Iowa and MSU, absolutely. Going into Iowa City and winning isn't easy, that will go over well with voters, and MSU could conceivably be a top 15 team when that game is played in Happy Valley assuming State takes care of business vs Wisky and Purdue.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by buckeye_in_sc »

Boy if this scenario ensued

Texas wins out...UGA or UF roll one or the other this week...

UF then rolls through their schedule and crushes Bama in SEC title game
UGA rolls through their schedule and crushes Bama in SEC title game...

either of the above 2 with ONE loss jumps undefeated PSU (not that I am rooting for this to happen) you have a MNC game of Undefeated Texas v ONE Loss UF or UGA while PSU is undefeated and in the Rose Bowl...

that would make Jim Delany's head explode and potentially lead him to get the FUCK out as Big 10 Commish...I can't stand this fucker...him and the Pac 10 with their tradition with the FUCKING ROSE BOWL...get over yourself and get with the fucking system jerk off...
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

If that were to happen, wouldn’t this be JoPa’s 5th undefeated team that got shut out of national championship consideration?
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by WolverineSteve »

I think PSU gets in if undefeated. That way JoPa can go out on top. Think of it like the bone the coaches threw Osborn in 97.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

Sudden Sam wrote:The scenario of a one-loss SEC team passing them is far-fetched, but plausible.
Only to SEC fan.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Sudden Sam wrote:The scenario of a one-loss SEC team passing them is far-fetched, but plausible.
If you consider about a 1% chance "plausible." It's not even worth discussing, really.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by M Club »

the thing about polls is that campaigning is actually effective. the joepa narrative will be so overwhelming that the voters will find a way to bend reason into a preferred outcome. steve already referred to this as osborne's bone.

i think iowa's less of a trap than they could be considering psu gets a bye before these last three games. msu still poses the greatest threat considering they don't need the element of surprise to actually win. i'd normally take penn state 9 out of 10 times in this matchup, but this rivalry has been so unpredictable that nothing's going to surprise me, especially when you factor in the shenanigans that passes as the bcs shakedown at the end of every year.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Mr T »

PSUFAN wrote:Can anyone help me understand what is behind win margins, and how they are interpreted by the media?

Here are some scores for consideration:

PSU: 13
tOSU: 9

UT: 28
OSU: 24

Alabama: 24
Mississippi: 20

USC: 17
Arizona: 10

OU: 58
KSU: 35

Which of these results are among the most impressive to you? If PSU's win over tOSU was not impressive, then why?
You used last weeks results for everyone except Bama.

Bama beat Tenn 29-9

I would say Bama's result last week was probably the most impressive just because they actually played a full game for once. I think this was the first game in which they outscored their opponent in the 2nd half.

PSU's win over tOSU was not impressive because the game changing play was a freshman mistake by OSU. If the kid wouldve just gone up the gut, ESPN wouldve been gobbling the Vest's knob after the game like they have the past two years. Thankfully for all of us outside the shoe, that kid did bust to the outside holding the ball with one hand.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by PSUFAN »

Yes, the tOSU game turned on:

-TP's fumble
-TP's pick
-tOSU's PI penalties

Imagine that - turnovers and penalties were deciding factors in a football game. Isn't that generally the case for every football game? Maybe some games have a broader array of decisive factors...

PSU's defense contained a very good OL, a very good RB, and a very good WR corps - on the road. Beanie was slamming the ball into the ground after most carries, and he was cussing out his linemen on the sideline. Here's Beanie: ... ecome.html
In seven previous starts against ranked teams, Wells had broken the 130-yard mark six times and never averaged less than 4.5 yards per carry. Whatever else had gone wrong, Wells had gone right.

Now, after rushing for just 55 yards on 22 carries, a 2.5 yard average that was his worst in 19 career starts, Wells knew what it was like to get stuffed.

Asked if he'd ever felt like this after a game, Wells' eyes widened as he said, "I definitely haven't.

"This was by far the best defense I think I played against," Wells continued. "It seemed like guys were all over the field. They played great. It was hard for us to establish our run game."
Has any team ever stuffed a healthy Wells? No.

What are you looking for? A flashier victory? More yards gained? This is the question the thread posed - what is the difference between a dominant defensive-minded victory and a track meet where the defense cannot prevent the other team from moving the ball and scoring? Why should the latter be lauded more readily than the former?

Mr. T, I picked games that had close outcomes, from different weeks.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Laxplayer »

Teams play who's on their schedule. Should $UC get in? Look at their schedule. Who the fuck have they played? PSU and SUC both played oregon state. what was the score differential? Oh wait.....Penn State played them at home and $UC had to travel up to OSU to play. Penn State stopped Wells at home. Wells didn't play vs. $UC. Everyone makes mistakes. Pryor being a freshman has nothing to do with it. Seniors make mistakes, 10 year veterans in the NFL make mistakes. They've played everyone on their schedule and beat everyone on their schedule. What else do you want them to do. Scoreboard does not lie. They beat OSU in their own yard which they've never done before. they may not be flashy but it's not a glamour contest.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Sudden Sam wrote:The win at Columbus was, as MrT said, the result of a freshman fumbling late in the game.
So Penn St holding the Bucks to only two field goals...on the road, mind you...had no impact on the victory?

Christ almighty, you're dense.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:The win at Columbus was, as MrT said, the result of a freshman fumbling late in the game.
So Penn St holding the Bucks to only two field goals...on the road, mind you...had no impact on the victory?

Christ almighty, you're dense.
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Sam, just be satisfied with the fact that virtually every announcer that’s done a PSU game this year has commented on the fact that they look like an SEC team.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by SEC Ballsucking Homer »

Sudden Sam wrote:No, actually I'm not an SECBSH.
Dude, look in the fukken mirror.

This is what you'll see.



Not only a river in Egypt, bro.
There is no other conference.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »


Okie State only has one impressive win as well (Mizzou). Why then, when it's contrary to your logic, do they get a free pass but not PSU?

Let's look at the rest of their wins:

Washington St
Missouri St
Texas A&M

Yeah, a real murderer's row of competition. I'm certainly convinced they could beat PSU "fairly easily." :meds:

I don't take any issue with you not believing PSU is for real. There's really no way to tell if they are or not quite yet. All I ask is that you show consistency with your arguments. When you say they're discounted because they've only beaten one good team, then you should discount OK St as well.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by SEC GlassHouseHomer »

SEC Ballsucking Homer wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:No, actually I'm not an SECBSH.
Dude, look in the fukken mirror.

This is what you'll see.



Not only a river in Egypt, bro.

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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by indyfrisco »

Sudden Sam wrote:How did Ohio State score against Florida?
How did 2007 Florida do against 1995 Nebraska?

This ain't EA Sports or the NFL. You can't compare victories/losses from year to year.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by indyfrisco »

You're not pissing me off, Sam. I don't see Ohio State's recent years as a failure. It is DAMN HARD to with a Championship. The fact they have "gotten there" 3 times in recent years, winning one, in my book, is a tremendous success. Last year...they weren't the better team. The year before...they weren't the better team. Against Miami...they were.

Only OUFan and U$CFan has felt the same as OSU fan recently. I would give my left nut, and possibly right, to have 3 BCS Championship appearances, winning only 1, in such a short span.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by PSUFAN »

I think the question "how good is tOSU really" is a valid one - one that might be asked of a good many teams at this point.

Is USC the team that lost to the team PSU ransacked, or the team that dryfucked tOSU?
Is Texas the team that mouth-buttfucked Mizzou, or the team that squeaked past OSU?

Myself, I like PSU's chances against any of the Big 12 teams, who seem to be defined primarily by their offenses rather than their defenses. I think PSU is better because the offense is decent, and the defense is too. I think that against a more high-powered offense, PSU can and will be more productive themselves offensively. No offense to tOSU, but when you expect the true frosh QB to eventually make a mistake, then a conservative approach on offense is probably the right one. I could live with a few more points scored, of course...but moving the ball and eating clock keeps the ball out of your opponent's hands, as well.

I think the best scenario is when you are able to only do what you have to do offensively, and let your defense tee off and look for the mistake. Tressel and Paterno have always sought the upper hand in that sort of game. The difference is that when they have to, late in the game, this PSU team CAN move the ball and score, which is what they did. In 2002, tOSU did that over and over again.

Here is what I think will happen: PSU will beat their remaining opponents and be the lone undefeated team from the BCS conferences. Texas and Alabama will lose, and the conversation will shift from PSU to the array of 1 loss teams that seek to oppose them in the MNC title game.

At THAT point we'll have a good metric for comparison.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

Sudden Sam wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: Sam, just be satisfied with the fact that virtually every announcer that’s done a PSU game this year has commented on the fact that they look like an SEC team.
How so? What's their criteria?
They must be SEC ball-sucking homers who are looking to cover their asses when PSU makes the championship game. Look, if you’ve lost a game to anyone other than an undefeated team, you just might not be one of the top two teams in the country. If Alabama wins out they are as deserving as anyone of a shot at the title. If they lose, and Texas and PSU both win out, no SEC team belongs in the title game.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

How did Ohio State score against Florida?
Honestly? REALLY??

We're talking about Penn St, and you're referencing a game OSU played over two years ago. Why? What does a game Ohio St played that far back have to do with PSU's victory over the Buckeyes this season?
How'd they do against Southern Cal?
Not well. When you go on the road, very early in the season, and play the best overall team this past decade, well, winning is tough. I think ANYBODY would've gotten shit stomped that day. Big 12, SEC, you name it. I'm not interested in hearing your transitive arguments, however. Only SECBSH puts stock into that line of thinking. What impressed me was how PSU went into an extremely hostile environment at The Shoe, and totally shut down a team that had just started to unravel itself offensively. As an aside, let me say there should be no link to what Ohio St has done in the past in isolated games to what this Penn St team is currently doing. Ohio State's past successes and failures have no bearing whatsoever on this PSU team. These are two totally different programs.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by buckeye_in_sc »

The transitive argument is alive and well in SEC/ACC land (trust me I hear it almost daily)...they all associate tOSU's failures and transpose them onto PSU right now...which in turn offers no links between the two...that is how stupid some of these SEC BSH's are...

Look PSU could go into the MNC and blow the doors off Big 12 or SEC team...and what will people say? Oh boy you got lucky? Bullshit...

I agree with is damn hard to make it to a MNC game...only one team can win...the thing is people want to lambaste OSU for last year...they didn't DESERVE to be there...I was perfectly happy for them going to the Rose Bowl...but the fact that how many teams lost in front of them over the last 2 weeks...I got to see my team, alma matre in the NC game since it was in New Orleans and won 10 G' I had a great time...

I am sure

etc...would all have loved to have gone to 3 NC games and come out 1-2...I do not hang my head or think tOSU should apologize...

PSU has had some pretty good success against the SEC in bowls and have won what 3 or 4 straight Bowl how people are still consistently linking them to OSU is laughable...
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
How did Ohio State score against Florida?
Honestly? REALLY??

We're talking about Penn St, and you're referencing a game OSU played over two years ago. Why? What does a game Ohio St played that far back have to do with PSU's victory over the Buckeyes this season?
But…but…but look at what happened to Wisconsin when they played Tennessee last year.


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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

So what are your thoughts on Saturday's game, Goobs? I hear Beckum is out. Could get ugly...
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:So what are your thoughts on Saturday's game, Goobs? I hear Beckum is out. Could get ugly...
Beckum is done for the year. Two similar teams with very good running games, suspect QBs and inconsistent defenses. I’m feeling very optimistic about the game this weekend, which would indicate that Sparty wins 34-14.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Goober McTuber »

Sudden Sam wrote:If PSU slaughters an SEC team in a bowl game, I will gladly tip my hat to ol' JoePa and his squad.
How terribly generous of you. What if they only win by a field goal? No tip of the SS hat? What if they beat a Big 12 team?

Sudden Sam wrote:That said, I don't see Alabama as being nearly the 2nd best team in the country.
Well, now you’re just preaching to the choir.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by indyfrisco »

Goober McTuber wrote:How terribly generous of you. What if they only win by a field goal? No tip of the SS hat? What if they beat a Big 12 team?
The National Champ is whoever wins the SEC. Whoever is in the BCS is just playing for second. Tell me you knew.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by PSUFAN »

I definitely see what you're saying, Sam. PSU is good, but exactly how good? I hope they have a chance to prove their worth beyond all doubt.

I personally am impressed by the win over tOSU on the road. I am possibly more impressed by a win in a tough defensive struggle than I am a blowout in a track meet.

I am sure that many folks will offer a 1 loss USC, for example, as a more deserving team than an undefeated PSU. I think PSU's close win over tOSU is more impressive than USC's close win over Arizona.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Mr T »

PSUFAN wrote:Yes, the tOSU game turned on:

-TP's fumble
-TP's pick
-tOSU's PI penalties

Imagine that - turnovers and penalties were deciding factors in a football game. Isn't that generally the case for every football game? Maybe some games have a broader array of decisive factors...
Yes fumbles and penalties are usually decision makers in games but you are not going to impress anybody by winning a game that way over a team who has exposed every time they have stepped out from the Big 10 the last two years. USC didnt need any help from OSU. They just fucking crushed them.
Mr. T, I picked games that had close outcomes, from different weeks.
Like I said, You picked everyones games from last week except for Bama. Dont act like you dont have an agenda. I know you want PSU to jump Bama. If FSU was is in the same position, I would be pissed.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Mr T »

IndyFrisco wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:How terribly generous of you. What if they only win by a field goal? No tip of the SS hat? What if they beat a Big 12 team?
The National Champ is whoever wins the SEC. Whoever is in the BCS is just playing for second. Tell me you knew.
That is how it is down in SEC country. No doubt about that.

But winning your conference should always be goal number one. The BCS is just a bullshit game played between two after a beauty contest and debate among many.

Speaking of winning your conference, The nation had to deal with two years of the Big XIIs second best making the championship game and we might have to deal with it again this year.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Laxplayer »

USC didnt need any help from OSU. They just fucking crushed them.
OK, genius let's compare apples and apples. Penn State crushed Oregon State. What did $UC do against Oregon State?
Thanks for playing, now go home.
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Re: So what is the difference?

Post by Mr T »

Oregon State vs USC...Penn State vs Oregon State.....when the fuck did PSUFan mention Oregon state?

I am giving him a response to why people didnt view PSUs win as some miracle like the OSU-Mich game two years ago that ESPN spanked it to for months before some piece of shit mother fuckers from the worlds biggest truck stop kicked their teeth in.

PS. I dont think USC has been impressive either.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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