Screw_Michigan wrote:FAT FUCKING RETARD wrote:You tree-hugging Dem faggots just don't get it....Onogga is FUCKED on election day.
Raiduh Lames wrote:McCloon will now win this election easily.
mvsdumbfuck wrote:Yes, of course. The election was lost the moment he picked somebody who energized a listless base, picked off a few disgruntled Clintonistas and led to an immediate surge in financial contributions to the campaign.
You are one seriously dumb fuck.
Mvsdumbfuck wrote:That explains the piss-stained furor in the Onogga camp surrounding the Palin pick. They've pulled out all stops to motherfuck her and it will fail miserably.
tardogenes wrote:So how far ahead was Dukakis after his convention?
A whole lot of stupid going on here. Can't wait to see some lefty heads imploding come november.
You vag discharges can post up all the polls and graphs and links you want to dispute it, but McCain/Palin will have the ultimate SCOREBOARD in November. Mark it down, bitches.
If I lived in a cave, and this board was my only contact with the outside world, I probably would've concluded that McCain was going to win this election in a landslide.
Fortunately, I don't live in a cave, and this board is not my only contact with the outside world. So I didn't fall for the right-wing echo chamber that dominates the discourse in here.
smackaholic wrote:As for folks talking shit and then being wrong, yeah, I 'spose he is the first troll on this board to have that happen.
As crassly as he put it, FubuClown actually does have a point. Let me backtrack a little bit first, though.
First, start off with the given that everyone here has posted something exceedingly stupid at one time or another (except maybe Dins). There's no way around that from an objective point of view, nor is there any exemption from it for any certain poster or posters.
Speaking for myself, at least, I generally try to avoid predictions, and certainly try to avoid the hand-waving "look at me" type of predictions that mvscal seems to favor. And I always thought that most reasonably intelligent, reasonably well-educated people did the same. Of course, those type of predictions only increase the odds that his predictions will flame out spectacularly. If I had that sort of track record, I would've sit down and shut up when it came to predictions a long time ago. But mvscal's previous failures in that regard seem only to motivate him to go on to even bigger and better failures.
What's really amazing to me, though, is that with the exception of BSmack, he hardly ever gets called out for any of that. Two possible explanations exist for that.
Viewing the board in its worst light, mvscal is receiving preferential treatment that most other posters would not. And there's some support for that conclusion, particularly given his rather frequent use of n-bombs. While someone will most certainly retort with "this is a smack board," thing is, I can remember the days of SCIII when that particular word was verboten. In fact, IIRC, there was a rather significant controversy when Dr. Detroit dropped that particular word on Index, and the backlash from it didn't work our particularly well for Detroit. What mvscal does here on more or less a daily basis, with premeditation (his alteration of the word -- enough to slip by the board filter program, but not enough to raise any questions about the word itself or the context in which it was used -- alone is proof of that) makes that look like kindergarten.
Viewing the board in its most favorable light, perhaps the absence of commentary on mvscal's predictions reflects an aversion on the part of most posters to commenting on the more Marcus Allen-esque aspects of this board. Along those lines, it may also reflect a general consensus among the board that mvscal is merely trolling for reactions, and that even he doesn't believe about 90% or so of what he posts.
I'll leave it to others to draw their own conclusions as to why mvscal gets a pass.