Drank a couple Pabst waiting for the 2nd band. You know you're in for an awkward experience when its an early 20's crowd and the soundcheck riff from the old guitarist is off Metallica's Ride the Lightning. 2nd band played two shit songs so I went to the bar next door because 1) it was not HOT AS FUCK, less crowded and not SMOKY AS ALL FUCK.
Drank three Budweisers there and returned to the venue to find that the 3rd band was just about to start. Rustero. I went solo, got stuck talking to a veterinarian I once worked with and the smoky smoke smoke was burning my eyes. I left.
Old man can't do this little punk club shit no more. I'll accept my wuss status and will gladly receive all offerings of lotion for my chaffed vagina.
I still wonder what all those kids were doing there. I bought a Guitar Wolf album 10 years ago... who are these teenage pukes?

Sorry guys. I'm an old man.