WAR ETHAN Christmas fundraiser

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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WAR ETHAN Christmas fundraiser

Post by Mongo »

The jocks at Stucknut Radio have banned together to run the first annual "War Ethan" Radiothon Christmas Fundraiser.
The day Saturday December 20th
The time 12:00 until the last scheduled show which is around 0200 AM Sunday with Modell Hayta's show.
How it will work.
Throughout the day starting with Pooldoc at 12 noon the jocks will be running their shows mostly with normal format and be taking donations throughout payable Via Paypal.
Pooldoc will be coming on in between various shows and the regularly scheduled shows will go as scheduled just the same. Pooldoc will be the MC.
On the day we will announce throughout the shows what the paypal address is so donations can be made. (Which will be Via Steef)
The funds raised will be donated towards the Hospital or facilities that helped take care of Ethan during his illness in his name or at the determination of his family.
In this season of giving and knowing what Ethan meant to the members of this site, We would like to make this an annual success.
There are several radio slots open for jocks who wish to run their shows, Contact Pooldoc to get your slot schedule (I am sure he will post the preliminary schedule)
We are also asking that this be advertised around the different boards (T1B, Thetrolls.net Et Al) to get the word out.
I know during my time slot I will be doing a pledge for request show. You make a pledge, and I will play your request as long as I can get it. Anywhere from a dollar to who knows.

The schedule so far
12-2--- pooldoc




8-10--- mongo

10- 12 --- angie

12-2 ---- modell

2-till we are done --- russ, rockin the trolls show, will close with a live recap

We also have commitments from 308, RyRy and others
Lets make this a huge success..
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Re: WAR ETHAN Christmas fundraiser

Post by smackaholic »

How do I know it's not all going to booze and hookers?

Not that booze and hookers isn't a worthwhile endeavour.

Tell ya what. Post some pics of the hookers and maybe I'll steal some cash out of the OL's ebay paypal account.
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Re: WAR ETHAN Christmas fundraiser

Post by Goober McTuber »

Who is Ethan?
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Re: WAR ETHAN Christmas fundraiser

Post by pooldoc1 »

http://www.stucknut.com/sports/index.ph ... 999.0.html

something that has been in the works for awhile now... u can also check out ethans crib, if ya wanna know more about our little dude. http://www.stucknut.com/sports/index.ph ... 114.0.html .. tune in on dec 20th if ya get a chance.

pooldoc, snr program director/station manager
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Re: WAR ETHAN Christmas fundraiser

Post by RadioFan »

smackaholic, it won't go to booze and hookers.

Log in and pony up a buck. The schedule's been altered a bit. I'll get on and give anyone a shoutout who contributes, and will play requests. If I've got it, I'll play it.

You have to be registered at SN in order to take part in the chat there. I'll be looking for requests there and via Skype (mike_in_tulsa), when I'm on.

The schedule is still being finalized, but I'll be around for most of that day and night.
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