Mrs. Rumps and I hosted Christmas dinner for my side of the family on Saturday. By the way, I made the best deep fried turkey I have ever made and I made two chocolate pies that were just killer. Fucking good eats all around.
After we finished eating it was opening gift time. I was expecting more of the same like attachments for my i-pod, a gift card to best Buy, and shit like that. I was mistaken. First gift I open was from my uncle and it was probably the best gift I've opened in years...
The meaning behind every Pink Floyd song?!?!?! Awesome....just....awesome. I don't care if I didn't have anything else to open for the holidays, that book made my fucking year.
Oh, but it gets better. For those of you who pay attention to anything I post in the CFB forum (all one of you), I'm sure you are well aware of my manlove for anything Houston Cougars football. Kevin Kolb is my second favorite player behind Reggie Brooks. I followed Kolb's career closely all four years he was a starter with the Coogs. Dude brought UofH back from the dead. Next gift I open is this beauty...
My stepdad and mother bought that up in Philly while they were there on business. Un-fucking-believeable that they would even think about getting me a Kolb jersey while they are there for other reasons. I know this sounds corny and all, but I was speechless.
Anyways, I've had a fucking $$$ Christmas so far. Hope you all received or will receive something as $$$ as what I did or will. Happy Holidays.