War Wagon wrote:Anyways, I'm pretty damn sure that adel and I would win the first annual T1B scratch doubles bowling tournament. We'd rule and stuff.
You don't know me from ADAM.
Don't know if I've mentioned this, but Oregon is THE world's hotbed of bowling (sup not in... but puh-fucking-LEEZ don;t try and argue this point -- sin, the first 3 guys to ever pull 7 digits in the PBA)...
I could easily send in a ringer, posing as Dins.
An old buddy of mine, Bowling Dave, was considered THE best bowler on Planet Earth in his day.
Have I told this story to you bowling losers?
Motherfucker bagged his 24th sanctioned 300 by the time he was 24.
Never joined the PBA because he wanted to stay in the U&L and smoke weed... joined after a failed marriage and career, and never got it going on the pro circuit.
First guy to repeat as Portland Masters Champion. If any of you "bowling fans" remember the unfuckingreal tear that Norm Duke went on in the mid-90's (look it up), Dave drew him in the first round of the (national) Masters when he was on his 11-PBA event streak going into the Masters (1995???), as the reigning Masters Champ. The Little Big Man found himself smack dab in the middle of the losers' bracket after Dave got done with him... the Man who brought Duke's Reign of Terror to an end... and sucked hard on the last day, for an 8th place finish... Homeboy was fucking pissed when I picked him up at the airport (the Masters was in Mobile, AL, whatever year that was).
No, seriously... dude was considered THE best bowler in the world by the "people in the know"... and has played pot games with Earl Anthony, Duke, and all of those guys... and has taken all of their money.
Watched the motherfucker hit a turkey... on the next lane over.
I haven't seen Dave in a while... last I heard from the local bowlingdorks, he moved back U&L, and is struggling hard to keep his PBA card. Guess he should have taken that guaranteed PBA contract when they waved it at him and wanted to make him "the new face of the PBA"... I personally witnessed the PBA reps stalking him after tournies, paperwork in hand.
Bro used to make pretty fat money on the U&L amateur circuit, which made him hesistant to pull the trigger on the PBA deal, which would have essentially ended his lucrative am career.
I spent a few years of my younger days semi-suppoting Dave's childhood friend, Bowlin'/Drunk Bob. Rarely saw him, but every time I staggered in the front door, tripped over at least a dozen bowling balls, including a couple of examples of the
...War Wagon wrote:Blue Hammer.
drilled for different conditions, of course.
I grew up with a huge bowling ally being the closest business... and never got into it.
But it's one of my great claims to fame... I used to hang out with the best bowler in the world (who would prove it anytime, anywhere, for $500 a pop, which Earl never took him up on, on the lanes Earl owned... but he gunned Dave Husted down in his own house consistantly... and yes, I've met Earl (RIP) and Husted on multiple occasions)...
So RACK me for my associations... yet another claim to Dinsdalian Greatness.