I'll RACK the first person who does the world a favor by giving you a closed-casket funeral through blowing your brains out with a fucking shotgun. Go fuck yourself, cunt.RJ wrote:I'll RACK the first insane fan who off's one of these cunts after thier team gets fucked in a game (I'm truly surprised it hasnt happened already with the amount of fuckjobs every year).
Arizona - Carolina
Re: Arizona - Carolina
Re: Arizona - Carolina
Ah, I see Goobs has pounded screwball into ankle gumming elsewhere and heightening the dumbfuck bar one post at a time. How quaint.
PSU, Is there some sort of 'Ignored and thrown away for the bottom feeders to fight with' poster payroll exception you can throw Screwed_ByashitbatchofMDMA on? I'm sure something can be done for an Xstacy crippled slit whose brain now resembles a porous rag.
PSU, Is there some sort of 'Ignored and thrown away for the bottom feeders to fight with' poster payroll exception you can throw Screwed_ByashitbatchofMDMA on? I'm sure something can be done for an Xstacy crippled slit whose brain now resembles a porous rag.
Re: Arizona - Carolina
You just advocated the murder of a human being over their performance in a fucking FOOTBALL GAME. Society would be better off if you just euthanized yourself, fucking gash. Stick to San Diego trophy case smack and getting fucked in the ass at the gym. You've got nothing. Bitch.
- Jay in Phoenix
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 3701
- Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:46 pm
Re: Arizona - Carolina
The NFC title game going through UPiG.
Days of swine and roses indeed.
Ummm, go...Cards? :?
The NFC title game going through UPiG.
Days of swine and roses indeed.
Ummm, go...Cards? :?
Re: Arizona - Carolina
Screw_Michigan wrote:You just advocated the murder of a human being over their performance in a fucking FOOTBALL GAME.

Nice Melt.
I am fuckin' dying over here. I never thought i'd see a bigger sniveling gash than KC Dave.....I now stand corrected.
You always believe everything you read on an internet BB, you whiney liberal cunt? My next take will involve you being invited to a special event stabbing Chargerfan style in the Black Hole.
I'll even accomodate the necessary items for your next post, because i'm a nice guy like that.

You fucking pussy. You're a pathetic disgrace to the Male gender.