King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
They also run the Trilateral Commission and you know what happened to Flight 93? Yep, that was the Rooneys too.PSUFAN wrote:you're shitting me, right? So because some of the Rooney people had dog track interests, they're corrupt and they pay officials?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Now now now. We don't want Tom to think we're gloating. Be nice to RJ's vag.PSUFAN wrote:Awesome...this win couldn't be sweeter. Not only are the Steelers now the greatest franchise in the Super Bowl era, but we get to see RJ's vag and tear ducts spout like fire hydrants.
That game just re-affirmed my reasoning for turning my back on the NFL.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Did you watch this years playoffs? The same could apply.RJ wrote:
This is the second straight time the Squeelers have been involved in a Super Bowl with shit reffing aimed at giving them the win. B_Grift rooting for this fraud of a team is very, very fitting.
BSmack wrote:Now now now. We don't want Tom to think we're gloating. Be nice to RJ's vag.PSUFAN wrote:Awesome...this win couldn't be sweeter. Not only are the Steelers now the greatest franchise in the Super Bowl era, but we get to see RJ's vag and tear ducts spout like fire hydrants.
Wow... have the PETA people gotten a hold of this information yet? I hope those psychos line the streets of Shitsburgh and spray-paint your players an awful shade of lime-green during the parade. Or whatever the fuck. Maybe toss dead puppies at Hines Ward. Oh wait, does he eat dog? He's half gook, right?PSUFAN wrote:Rooney people had dog track interests....
Not saying I condone it, but...ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:PSUFAN wrote:I suppose all of you saw exactly what happened with Harrison from start to finish on that play - or at least to know for sure that the reaction wasn't provoked?
Hell, I sure didn't.
As for Madden calling for the ejection - whatever, fat man. Did you insist Jack Tatum play like a perfect gentleman?
I think the thing you're missing here is... Harrison seemed to pick on the smallest dude he could find and kept punishing him... showing him "how tough he was." That's the bitch move part, you gash dripping discharge. I understand it's a tough sport and people's emotions sometimes get the best of them. You want to hit someone. Okay fine, go find the toughest guy on the other team and go at it.
I didn't even know who #47 was on the Cardinals until I just looked it up. Dude weighs 207 lbs. Mr Tough Guy couldn't have found a smaller dude on the field unless it was a CB or the fucking kicker, for chrissakes. Dude chose to impose his "manhood" on the smallest guy he could find. He's a great player, no doubt. He'a also a punk-bitch. End of story.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Do you have some statistics to back that up? Or does drinking vodka before noon give you the power of clairvoyance?trev wrote:Most Steeler fans NOT from PA are bandwagoning libtards.
I just looked up the term Bandwagon Steeler Fan and your name Bitch_Pansy came up with your picture and description under it.BSmack wrote:Do you have some statistics to back that up? Or does drinking vodka before noon give you the power of clairvoyance?trev wrote:Most Steeler fans NOT from PA are bandwagoning libtards.
I'll take your reply as confirmation that you're completely fucking tanked. Don't forget to drive the kids into the nearest tree.trev wrote:I just looked up the term Bandwagon Steeler Fan and your name Bitch_Pansy came up with your picture and description under it.BSmack wrote:Do you have some statistics to back that up? Or does drinking vodka before noon give you the power of clairvoyance?trev wrote:Most Steeler fans NOT from PA are bandwagoning libtards.
He had three choices after snapping, landing the punch, and realizing the dude in front of him made no move to get up and definitely wanted no part of him; Continue to punish the bantamweight dude in front of him well after the play had ended, realize he fucked up and move towards his sideline, or continue with the bravado and move towards the opposing sideline. I have no problem with the latter two.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:It was an outburst of emotion, and that guy was three feet away from Harrison. What was he supposed to do, scan the Cardinal sideline and dead sprint toward the biggest O Lineman he can find?
I'll take your reply as confirmation that you have been beat up by girls many times in your life.BSmack wrote:
I'll take your reply as confirmation that you're completely fucking tanked. Don't forget to drive the kids into the nearest tree.
It occurs to me that you really have no idea how stupid that sounds. My only gripe with how things went down yesterday was that the Steelers didn't pile up 3-4 scores in the 2nd half to put that thing out of reach. James Harrison went the entire post season without the benefit of one offensive holding call, so take that biased refs bullshit and stick it up your ass.RJ wrote:For the record, i'd rail on my own shit team and call them out in a fucking heartbeat if they won in the fashion you guys did yesterday.
Stick to pilfering old, unsuspecting coots out of coin instead of slamming your dainty sausage links on submit to yet another unreadable shit take, power tool. Do you even fucking live in the dingleberry known as Pittsburgh located on the taint of America known as PA, cock charmer?B_Porkrind wrote:*Slams head in sand after reading gambling article*
IIRC, the incident happened near the end zone in the middle of the field which was nowhere near the Cardinal sideline. Yeah, I guess going after the entire Cardinal bench would've been a "manlier" move, but that would've been more of a calculated, analyzed reaction and that's not what went down in this case.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:He had three choices after snapping, landing the punch, and realizing the dude in front of him made no move to get up and definitely wanted no part of him; Continue to punish the bantamweight dude in front of him well after the play had ended, realize he fucked up and move towards his sideline, or continue with the bravado and move towards the opposing sideline. I have no problem with the latter two.
What, are you in a gang or something?Question:
(a)Have you ever thrown down before... (b)especially in a "group setting" where you can pick your opponent? Your take on what happened lends me to believe... neither (a) nor (b).
Just caught this.......PSUFAN wrote:but you're renouncing the NFL altogether...and sporting a fucking kobe av now?
I wasn't aware rewiring of the brain was part and parcel of a gender re-engineering these days. I wish you godspeed and a fully functional vagina with turbo-charged ovulation capabilities as you complete your... transformation.RJ wrote:For the record, i'd rail on my own shit team and call them out in a fucking heartbeat if they won in the fashion you guys did yesterday.
I guess I have a problem with bullies. Especially the ones who think they're tougher than they are, and for some reason, always seem hellbent to prove it against the little guy (or gal... more on that in a minute.) Admittedly, I know little of the man... but I've read stories (at least two) about him abusing women too. His track record of beating on those smaller than him lead me to believe he knew exactly what he was doing. Seriously, can't you just imagine this cunt blindsiding the kicker in the midst of a return and then doing a Hulk Hogan posedown routine afterwards? Fuck him.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:What, are you in a gang or something?![]()
Sure... there were some tough calls. Especially the one where Ben should have gotten an intentional grounding penalty and instead was rewarded with a bullshit roughing the passer call. It cost Arizona 3 pts and their stupidity almost cost them 4 more. Regardless. Arizona had the lead and couldn't protect it on that last drive. End of story.RJ wrote:Ucant-I dont think its too much to ask for the biggest game of the year to be called correctly. [LT]Do you?[/LT]
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
I know somewhere in this forum (after the Dallas game), I said "Pittsburgh is a great team. Great teams find a way to win." Or something like that. It ain't always pretty, but Shitsburgh found a way to win most weeks. Wife-beater and overall punk-bitch, James Harrison notwithstanding.... rack your team.PSUFAN wrote:Yep, rack your wife.
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: Btw -- RACK my wife. As Fitz was running into the endzone she was screaming at him to "go down, go down." The following exchange ensued:
Me: Wtf are you babbling about?
Her: They left Big Ben too much time. They're going to lose.
Me: Wtf are they supposed to do? They were down 4, you need to take the TD whenever it comes.
Her: You watch. We've seen it happen too many times before.
Me: Fuck that shit, go get me another beer, wench.
Her: Eat shit.
NBC: Ben Roesthlisburger has 14 fourth quarter comebacks since 2004. The most of any QB during that span.
Her: Ha! You see that stat? Make it 15 in 2 minutes and 37 seconds!
Me: Fuck. Okay, what do you propose? Dude tackles himself at the one yard line, they take 3 knees, and punch it in on 4th down? Are you fucked?
Her: It's better than the alternative. You watch. Their D just shit their pants. They won't stop Pittsburgh. They're the fucking Cardinals, you asshole. Game over. Steelers win.
About 5 minutes, later...
Her: I thought I told you to eat shit?
That's where I'm at on this.War Wagon wrote:Even if there was a conspiracy, a review then wouldn't have changed the outcome.
Probably because they didn't ... umm ... review it?Wagon wrote:How do you know they didn't review it?
'tart, just stop.poptart wrote: A review is NOT some booth dipshit abruptly messaging down to the field that the play is legit ...
Nothing any sane person saw in that replay would have led to an overturn of that call. Period.poptart wrote:You'll find a LOT of folks of the opinion that he DID begin a forward movement of the ball.
It deserved a review, without question.
Bullshit. And, this coming from a lifelong Stiller fan. I'm at least grounded enough to put aside my bias and see that it COULD have been ruled a forward pass.BSmack wrote:Nothing any sane person saw in that replay would have led to an overturn of that call. Period.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.