War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
Getting out of the funk, and starting to really influence how a game is played on both ends, just like a dominant big man is supposed to do.
Durant has also improved leaps and bounds../. and if you still think he's a better long-term prospect, I'll shit my pants like RTS at an owl-lovers convention.
Of course, I could have gone lots of ways with that answer:
War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
A fuckload better than Bynum.
War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
He can spell his own name correctly on the deposit slip when he cashes his check, meaning he's doing much better than Durant.
War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
He's a meaningful contributor to a 30-17 team... how do YOU think he's doing?
Greggy's problem has been A) a knee injury 1.5 years ago, and B) Learning NBA defense.
What the casuals like yourself don't seem to understand, is when Oden isn't in foul trouble, he's putting up bigtime numbers... bigtime.
Matter of fact, it won't go down this way, but if it was real and not a beauty contest, his only competition for ROY would come from his own teammates (Don't think people realize the Blazers are doing all this damage with 4 rooks in the regular rotation... be VERY afraid, NBA)... but they'll give it to Big Market Rose, or What's A Pass Mayo.
VERY happy with the #1 pick, thank you very much... we're starting to reap the benefits of that no-brainer decision.