Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

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Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by smackaholic »

a wheat beer, if said wheat beer is a U&L product?

Just picked up a 12 of Widmer Hefeweizen. It's a'ight, I guess. I think I prefer Sam Adam's hefe though. Kinda hard to tell without a back to back taste test.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Mikey »

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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Sirfindafold »

who gives a fuck?
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by smackaholic »

I wouldn't say it was awful. Definitely not as good as the kraut stuff, though.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Mikey »

Used to tend bar (a loooonnnggg time ago) in a Kraut restaurant. We carried this stuff in 1/2 liter bottles:


It wasn't called Franziskaner then, though. It was just Spaten Weissbier and it had the standard Spaten-Munich spade logo.

That stuff was pretty good. Drank about a half dozen at one sitting once, and could hardly stay on my barstool.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Cosmo Kramer »

Franziskaner and lemon is my beer of choice in the summer!!!!!! Good Buzz
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by indyfrisco »

smackaholic wrote:wheat beer
For some reason, I believe Dins will tell you this is an oxymoron or something like that.

I make hefeweizens myself. I use a recipe that is supposed to replicate Paulaner Hefe-Weizen. I must say it is pretty close. The wife drinks the shit out of it. She puts lemon in it too. I drink it ever so often just because I have the homebrew on tap, but I would never buy it in a pub. I'm just not into fruity beer. I like the hoppy variety. IPAs
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by smackaholic »

...you mean non faggity stuff, right indy?

Jeez, is there any fukking thing you don't make yourself, indy?

Either you are one talented, hyperactive motherfukker with mad time management skills.....or you're a bigger bullshitter than mstool. Wait, nahhh, you couldn't be that big a bullshitter.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and go with the former since you atleast appear to know what you're talking about unlike mtool.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by indyfrisco »

smackaholic wrote:...you mean non faggity stuff, right indy?
When I said fruity beers, I meant Hefe-Weizen with a lemon in it (which is how I always see it served). Even without the lemon, it tastes kinda fruity to me.
Jeez, is there any fukking thing you don't make yourself, indy?
Pasta. I bought a pasta maker for my Kitchen Aid and the first attempt was disasterous. I have not tried it again and it has been a year. I will definitely try to master it though.
Either you are one talented, hyperactive motherfukker with mad time management skills.....or you're a bigger bullshitter than mstool.
Not bullshitting. I've posted pics time and again of things I am talking about. See my pic near the bottom of this page:


As you can see, the small labels on the freezer back up my post. You can barely read it, but the label on the right says Root Beer. The second from right is my IPA. The label is the labels I used to put on beer bottles. Now that I keg the beer, no need for labels. Anyhow, I called my IPA TAMU-BREW. You can see the picture of the longhorn with the horns sawed off and the little A&M logo. Then the one next to that is my stout. The label you can really read, but I call it Little Perch Stout. Came up with that name just because back when I came up with this beer, I fished a lot. Thought it was a cool name. The far left I do not have a label but that is the Hefe-Weizen tap.

As for time management skills...yeah, I do have those. I get a sense of accomplishment when I can replicate a process that you generally take for granted. And not only replicate it but replicate it well and even improve upon it.
Wait, nahhh, you couldn't be that big a bullshitter. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and go with the former since you atleast appear to know what you're talking about unlike mtool.
Unlike trollio, I have no reason to bullshit on here. As I said, I have provided pics for things I say I do. Like in the thread I linked above, I'm not afraid to admit I don't know how to do something like make wine. But I aspire to. And I will not end my research trail with Dins by any means, but I would gladly accept any advice people have on the matter.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Dinsdale »

smackaholic wrote:Just picked up a 12 of Widmer Hefeweizen.

My condolences.

They used to tell us how Widmer Hef was by far the best selling "craft beer" in the country. Because apparently, chicks and fags don't have functioning taste buds, I guess.

The Faggot Widmer Brothers sold their brewery to Anheiser Busch many years ago. I'll never put a glass of their crap to my lips again. I could almost tolerate their horrid swill back in the day, if only to support the local guys. Once they sold out to AB (you'd probably be suprised how many of the U&L breweries have sold at least 51% of their business to AB), I have no reason whatsoever to drink their garbage, since they've never actually made anything thatwas worth a fuck.

And then there's another issue... back in my grease monkey days, one of the brothers used to always bring his beaters in for little bullshit repairs, which I'd rarely charge him for the few minutes it took to take care of the minor little problems. Every time I hooked the flamer up (bigtime flamer), he never failed to promise me the moon and the stars... or at least things like doughnuts and cases of Widmer products. This shit went on for years, and the grand total of things the little homo followed through on after promising all these favors in return was...


I eventually pretty much ran the dude off, since he wasn't just your run-of-the-mill flamer -- he was one of those creepy flamers that eventually made me uncomfortable to be around.

So basically, my problems with Widmer are twofold -- shitty beer, and shitty proprietors.

Bad guys making bad beer are never really going to be really high on my list.

And there's so many good freaking beers from so many outstanding breweries in this town, it bums me out that people support that one.

Hef, Drop Top, Broken Halo... all fucking complete garbage. I'm trying to remember a day, even before their big sellout move, if they ever made anything that was worth drinking, and I haven't thought of it yet. Post-sellout... well, they're about as good as all of those other fine AB products. Garbage. The prominant local guys who didn't sell off to AB still make some damn fine brews -- Bridgeport and McTarnahan's (formerly Portland Brewing) being a couple of good examples.

BTW-Some local beer reviewer, or whatever the fuck he does, claims there's 1000 different beers made in the Portland area. After thinking this over, that number doesn't sound a "little high," it sounds ridiculous. Couplefew hundred, I'd buy... a thousand? Try again, buddy.

In my nasty hungover condition, simply reading the name Widmer just about made me puke.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Dinsdale wrote:In my nasty hungover condition, simply reading the name Widmer just about made me puke.
Too many wobblypops on a Wed nite? Tsk, tsk... I hope you at least got laid out of the dealio.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by smackaholic »

So, are any of these worthwhile brews available here on the right coast?

Or do you have to be part of the AB mafia to get your shit transported out of the greater portland area?

Oh well, I still got 11 of those fukkers left. Maybe I'll squeeze some lemon in them and pawn them off on the OL.

Guess I ought to just stick with my tried and true SA products. It might not be the best beer in the world, but, it's consistently pretty damn good. Not sure how they pull it off since they use old shit beer breweries all over to make the stuff. They must have one hell of a 6 sigma program or somethign or other.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Dinsdale »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: Too many wobblypops on a Wed nite? Tsk, tsk... I hope you at least got laid out of the dealio.
Oh, one too many pops for that.

I chose to tell her to "fuck the fuck off," or something along those lines.

'holic -- Beats me. I know Deschutes gets around the western states. Not sure about any of the other "independents."

And what a shame the only true exposure to U&L brews most of the country is the crap breweries that sold out to AB. I could see where one could really get a bad impression from the shit AB slings.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by smackaholic »

Just choked down another one. Put a squirt of lemon juice in it. I think that helped a bit.

It's really not bad stuff, but, I do sense the AB influence. They have a knack for making beers that don't necessarily taste bad, they just don't taste really good. I guess you get to selling a few bazillion bottles of beer a year by making stuff that isn't offensive to anyone.

I think I have seen deshits around somewhere. I'll keep an eye out for it and give it a try if I see it.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by RadioFan »

IndyFrisco wrote:Paulaner Hefe-Weizen.

Damn dude, your wife drinks the shit out of it?

No wonder you don't post much. And yeah, now I'm jealous. Fucker.

Ok, Dins, I won't call it "beer," just nectar of the Gods.

A few bottles with a sip of bourbon inbetween won't hurt anybody. 'sayin
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Mikey »

Toddowen wrote:
Speaking of which, since I should work in some serious investigation of brewerys in my upcoming west coast trip, do any of you have any recommendations for a visit to one?
If you're anywhere near North County San Diego you should visit this place:


(just don't come within 10 miles of wherever I am, please)

They make great beers, plus they have an awesome brew pub / bistro that where they serve not only their own product but *a few* of the other local brews and some others as well...

Stone Stone Pale Ale American Pale Ale Escondido CA
Stone Stone Smoked Porter Porter Escondido CA
Stone Stone IPA India Pale Ale (IPA) Escondido CA
Stone Stone Ruination IPA Imperial/Double IPA Escondido CA
Stone Stone Levitation Ale Amber Ale Escondido CA
Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale American Strong Ale Escondido CA
Stone OAKED Arrogant Bastard Ale American Strong Ale Escondido CA
Abbaye De rocs Grand Cru Belgian Strong Ale Montignies-sur-Roc Belgium
Alaskan Barley Wine Ale 2008 Barley Wine Juneau AK
AleSmith X American Pale Ale San Diego CA
Anderson Valley 20th Anniversary Imperial IPA Imperial/Double IPA Boonville CA
Avery White Rascal Belgian White Ale Boulder CO
Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock Doppelbock Aying Germany
Ballast Point Even Keel American Pale Ale San Diego CA
Coronado Neptunes Nectar Strong Ale American strong Ale Coronado CA
Coronado Orange Avenue Ale Fruit Beer Coronado CA
Dupont Avec les Bons Voeux Saison Tourpes-Leuze Belgium
Dupont Saison Dupont Vieille Provision Saison Tourpes-Leuze Belgium
Eel River Certified Organic Amber Ale Amber Ale Fortuna CA
Lightning Fair Weather Pale Ale American Pale Ale Poway CA
Lost Abbey Red Barn Saison Saison San Marcos CA
Mission Imperial Alt Ale Altbier Chula Vista CA
Morland Old Speckled Hen Premium Bitter/ESB Bury St. Edmunds England
New Belgium Mighty Arrow American Pale Ale Fort Collins CO
North Coast Blue Star Wheat Wheat Ale Fort Bragg CA
Oskar Blues Gordon Imperial/Double IPA Lyons CO
Petrus Oude Bruin Sour Ale Harelbeke Belgium
Port Brewing Hop 15 Imperial/Double IPA San Marcos CA
Port Brewing Midnight Sessions Lager Schwarzbier San Marcos CA
Rogue Morimoto Imperial Pilsner Pilsener Newport OR
Unibroue Maudite Belgian Strong Ale Chambly Canada
Witkap Pater Single Belgian Ale Ninove Belgium

Stone Sawyer’s Triple Abbey Tripel Escondido CA
Alaskan Barley Wine Ale 2008 Barley Wine Juneau AK
AleSmith IPA India Pale Ale (IPA) San Diego CA
Allagash White Belgian White (Witbier) Portland ME
Anderson Valley 20th Anniversary Imperial IPA Imperial/Double IPA Boonville CA
Avery 14er ESB Premium Bitter/ESB Boulder CO
Avery Out of Bounds Stout Stout Boulder CO
Ayinger Jahrhundert Dortmunder/Helles Aying Germany
Baladin Super Du Baladin Belgian Strong Ale Piozzo Italy
Boulevard Nutcracker Ale English Strong Ale Kansas City MO
BrewDog Hardcore IPA Imperial/Double IPA Fraserburgh Scotland
BrewDog RipTide Imperial Stout Imperial Stout Fraserburgh Scotland
Cantillon Classic Gueze Lambic - Gueuze Brussels Belgium
Cantillon Rose De Gambrinus Lambic - Fruit Brussels Belgium
De Dolle Stille Nacht Belgian Strong Ale Diksmuide Belgium
De Proef La Grande Blanche Wheat Ale Lochristi Belgium
De Proef Signature Ale Belgian Strong Ale Lochristi Belgium
Deus Brut Des Flandres Belgian Strong Ale Belgium
Dupont Avril Biére de Table Saison Tourpes-Leuze Belgium
Duvel Special Belgian ale Belgian Ale Breendonk-Puurs Belgium
Echigo Japanese Stout Stout Nishikanbara-gun Japan
Echigo Koshihikari Pale Lager Nishikanbara-gun Japan
Eel River Certified Organic Amber Ale Amber Ale Fortuna CA
Eel River Raven's Eye Imperial Stout Imperial Stout Fortuna CA
Elgoods Flag Porter 1825 Original Porter Wisbech England
Fantôme de Noel Saison Soy-Erezée Belgium
Fantôme Hiver Saison Soy-Erezée Belgium
Firestone Walker 12th Anniversary American Strong Ale Paso Robles CA
Fox Barrel Black Currant Cider Cider Colfax CA
Fox Barrel Hard Cider Cider Colfax CA
Fox Barrel Pear Cider Perry Colfax CA
Full Sail Limited Edition Lager (LTD 01) Dunkel Hood River OR
Fullers London Porter Porter London England
Fullers Vintage Ale 2008 English Strong Ale London England
Girardin Gueuze Lambic - Gueuze Sint Ulriks-Kapelle Belgium
Greene King Olde Suffolk Vintage Ale Old Ale Bury St. Edmunds England
Hair of the Dog Adam Traditional Ale Portland OR
Hair of the Dog Blue Dot Imperial IPA Imperial/Double IPA Portland OR
Hair of the Dog Fred Barley Wine Portland OR
Het Anker Gouden Carolus Noêl Belgian Strong Ale Mechelen Belgium
La Binchoise Reserve Speciale Belgian Strong Ale Binche Belgium
Lagunitas Cappucino Stout Stout Petaluma CA
Lost Abbey Judgement Day Abt/Quadrupel San Marcos CA
Mad River Steelhead Extra Stout Stout Blue Lake CA
Malheur 12 Belgian Strong Ale Buggenhout Belgium
Maui Brewing Bikini Blonde Lager Premium Lager Lahaina, Maui HI
McAuslan St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout Stout Montreal Canada
Meantime Coffee Porter Porter London England
Ommegang Hennepin Saison Cooperstown NY
Ommegang Ommegeddon Saison Cooperstown NY
Orion Premium Draft Beer Pale Lager Okinawa Japan
Paulaner ThomasBräu Non-Alcoholic Non-Alcoholic Munich Germany
Port Brewing Shark Attack American Strong Ale San Marcos CA
Rogue Dry Hopped St. Rogue Red Ale Amber Ale Newport OR
Rogue Juniper Pale Ale American Pale Ale Newport OR
Rogue Yellow Snow IPA India Pale Ale (IPA) Newport OR
Russian River Blind Pig IPA India Pale Ale Santa Rosa CA
Russian River Consecration Sour Ale Santa Rosa CA
Russian River Damnation Belgian Strong Ale Santa Rosa CA
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale American Pale Ale Chico CA
St Peters Cream Stout Stout Bungay England
St Peters India Pale Ale Premium Bitter/ESB Bungay England
St. Bernardus Tripel Wheat Ale Watou Belgium
Telegraph Stock Porter Porter Santa Barbara CA
The Bruery Saison Rue Saison Placentia CA
Uerige Doppel Sticke Altbier Düsseldorf Germany
Unibroue La Fin Du Monde Abbey Tripel Chambly Canada
Urthel Hibernus Quentum Tripel Bekgian Tripel Tilburg Netherlands
Verhaeghe Duchess De Bourgogne Sour Ale Vichte Belgium
Victory Prima Pils Pilsener Downingtown PA
Victory V Saison Saison Downingtown PA
Westmalle Tripel Abbey Tripel Malle Belgium
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by RumpleForeskin »

Picked me up two 6s of this last week.

Verah, verah good beer.

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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Van »

Gonna go out on a limb here and say Mikey C&P'd that list. Otherwise, that's more typing than all the rest of his posts combined.

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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Mikey »

Van wrote:Gonna go out on a limb here and say Mikey C&P'd that list. Otherwise, that's more typing than all the rest of his posts combined.

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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Dinsdale »

Mikey wrote:Hair of the Dog Adam Traditional Ale Portland OR
Hair of the Dog Blue Dot Imperial IPA Imperial/Double IPA Portland OR
Hair of the Dog Fred Barley Wine Portland OR

HIGHLY recommended-BTW.

If you can deal with the sticker-shock... very expensive. But possibly my facorite bewery, or right up there. But be warned -- they make some chewey stuff... off the chart mouthfeel. All bottle-conditioned, with the sludge in the bottom, the whole bit.

And I believe Blue Dot is their first brew that isn't just identified with a propere name, eg. Fred, Adam, Rose, etc.

RumpleForeskin wrote:Picked me up two 6s of this last week.

Verah, verah good beer.


A U&L classic. I'm not the biggest fan of ambers, but as far as ambers go, that ain't a bad one.

Although it makes me miss the Old Days, since Full Sail Golden out of the keg is truly one of the most delicious concoctions ever made, and I don't think they even make it anymore.

Then again, Full Sail has grown pretty big these days, so the Good Old Days are gone for them, too. Although they make Session Lager, which is an interesting twist on the industry -- a budget priced "craft brew."

Full Sail is a great place to visit, too. In the Gorge, aka 8th Wonder of the World. Views of the river, and you can get some bottles to go, and take them down to the park and watch all the hardbodoes windsurfing (Hood River is the epicenter of windsurfing. They hold the world championships there every year, assuming the sponsors cooperate... since the wind never stops howling in Hood River).
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Dinsdale »

Toddowen wrote:I wouldn't mind checking out the Sierra Nevada brewery in Chino { Or is it Chico? I think that's where it is. :? }, or the Mendocino brewery that makes Old Rasputin, Red Seal, and other stuff equally epic.

So long as the beer is halfway decent and I don't wind up in some drunk tank out in the sticks after leaving the place, it'll all be good.


We'll have to check with M2 on the exact geography, but Chico is kinda out in the sticks... like a looong way out in the sticks... since I don't recall there being too much in the way of civilization in the northeastern reaches of california.

If you do make it to that neck of the woods, you'll also quite likely end up in Reno. And as a true, genuine, dyed-in-the-wool OG U&L Beer Snob, I'll make a recommendation -- whatever the fuck the name of the casino in Reno that has the big microbrewery in it...

under no circumstances should you let any of those beerlike substances get into your mouth. I met the brewmaster there, and he seemed quite eager to impress me after I was introduced as a Portland Beer Snob. Dude brought me a glass of about everything they made, on the house (having geographic cred has its privliges).

Itwas bad... every last bit of it. I was really between a rock and a hard place, balancing manners with honesty...

Then, someone started pouring Red Bull and vodka down my throat, and I have a vague memory of taking over some sort of singing duties for the band, or something. Pretty sure Reno isn't in a big hurry to have me back... and the feeling is mutual.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Van »

Chico is ninety minutes north of Sacramento, up I-70. It's primarily a severe party college town, centering around Cal State Chico (Chico St is how it's known), which always makes everybody's lists of Top Party Schools.

Otherwise it's nothing but forest 'necks. It's also an incredible area for motorcycling (street or dirt) and all manner of river sports.
Last edited by Van on Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Mikey »

I'm pretty sure that Chico is at the foot of Mt. Tamalpais.

Not sure if it's north or south, though.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Van »

Consult your compass.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by jiminphilly »

Mikey wrote: Victory Prima Pils Pilsener Downingtown PA
Victory V Saison Saison Downingtown PA
Shameless bump for the local micro I frequent.
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Re: Hey dins, is one any less a faggot for drinking.....

Post by Dinsdale »

R-Jack wrote:You are probably talking about Brew Brothers. It's pretty much in that Eldarado/Silver Legacy walkway.

Sounds reasonable. I seem to remember it had these fake pipes that looked like they were pumping beer through them. There was a small stage and dancefloor off to the side.

But the Eldorado sounds right.
And yes, the same Red Bull and vodkas from that same place that tries to impress balding skankhunters got me into a few choice situations as well.

I was hungover for freaking days.

And I also have a vague memory of opening my mouth, which precluded any chance at nailing the US Senior Women's Marathon Champ, which I think was a good possibility at some point before I started speaking the language of Bwarararararar.
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