Van, I think I started to lose count, maybe at about 78-or-so, of the times in this thread that you've attributed a "take" to me that isn't mine.
Or lumped me in with a "majority Christian" point of view, as you perceive it to be, which perhaps I am not a part of.
Or given a label to me, such as "literalist" ... which is probably not accurate in the sense that you understand the word.
And you've repeatedly spoken of me trying to, or
needing to, prove something.
In this thread I am not in the act of trying to prove anything to you.
I'm happy to discuss things with you, as time allows me to do so.
You won't get your wish that I not speak of the Bible, or reference the Bible.
This topic is ABOUT the Bible, and again, I am not seeking to "prove" the Bible to you, I am seeking to discuss it with you.
Van wrote:poptart wrote:Van, I'm not going to answer a whole laundry list of questions you have
What?? I gave you only TWO!
Van wrote:About that ark, Pop? Care to explain it?
Better yet, do you still wish to say that the story should be taken literally?
Do you really wish to sit there and say every insect and ever bird and every animal on earth managed to make its way to the middle east, in groups suitable for breeding and continuing each species?
Animals from around the globe that couldn't survive outside of their own climate somehow made their way to the middle east?
Flightless animals made their way from Patagonia to the middle east?
They brought their own food and shelter, for the entire journey?
Then, minus any refrigeration, heating or food Noah kept them all alive on a primitive wooden boat, and not a single one of 'em perished during the entire ordeal?
What, was there a really bitchin' chain of REI For Animals stores in Noah's time, spanning the globe, and they managed to stay open for business despite the entire planet being flooded?
That's 8 questions from just ONE of your posts.
Yeah, yeah, I know ... it's all within ONE big question ... about the flood.
Van, Wagon made a correct statement in an earlier post of his.
He said that those who come to the realization that Jesus is Christ "just have it come upon them" ... to paraphrase him.
This is true.
The truth of Christ comes on people, their heart softens, and they receive Him, they receive that truth.
And that was a key point of my first post in this thread.
You can look at that post again, if you like.
Perhaps I might have been best off leaving that post as my only post in the thread.
1Corinthians 12:3
no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost
And no amount of persuasive words will do the trick.
Unless the Holy Spirit moves a person to make the realization and acceptance, it won't happen.
And this critical point will lead me into giving a reply to your 1st of 2 questions that you want to ask.
Van wrote:1-If it's so compelling (to you, anyway) that twelve people who met the guy thought Christ was god then by that reasoning wouldn't it be much more compelling that thousands of other people who met the guy didn't think he was god?
I'll try to make this as brief as possible, but please give it a good read.
The Bible records that Jesus healed ... SO ... many people.
SO many people flocked to Him, gathered to Him, sought to be near Him.
And yet all of this time, it is not recorded a single time that anyone thought He was ... God, or Christ.
Then fiinally, as recorded in Matthew 16, Jesus asked Peter who people say that He is.
Peter said that they think He is Elijah (who was said in prophecy to be coming before the Christ), or one of the prophets.
And Jesus asked Peter who HE says that Jesus is.
And Peter answered ... You are the Christ.
Jesus said, yes, I am, and flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but my Father did, which of course is the Holy Spirit, since God did not come and directly tell Peter this.
Until such time as the Holy Spirit moves on a person, they are not going to recognize or confess Christ.
The disciples, who had BEEN with Jesus, and been eyewitness to COUNTLESS miracles and works of God, ... ran and freaking HID after they saw Jesus get crucified.
They gave up, despite all that they had seen and all that Jesus had promised them.
And even THIS is recorded in Matthew 28:17 about what happened initially when the disciples saw the risen Christ, who had PROMISED to them that He would resurrect.
Matthew 28:17
And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
STILL, some doubted, even as they SAW Him resurrected.
THAT is how deeply rooted disbelief is in mankind.
Doubt about God is man's nature since the event of Genesis 3.
All people are caught within this nature of doubt ... even Christians.
But Jesus told the disciples to WAIT for the Holy Spirit which would come to them, and that when it came, they would have power.
As recorded in Act 1, when that Holy Spirit did come to the disciples, they DID have a full faith and full conviction about who Jesus is.
And it was at that point that those 12 people were willing to go to their brutal deaths to begin the Gospel movement which has, as promised by Christ Himself, gone to the ends of the earth.
THIS was God's method.
You are not satisfied because you think that God should have operated in another way, a way which would have been good with YOUR sensibilities.
You think that God should have come down and announced to people that He is God, and made it PERFECTLY clear, so that hundreds, thousands, millions, would have KNOWN that He is God.
Since you're not God, you don't make the rules.
You just live here.
Van wrote:2-Explain Noah's ark.
Van, Noah's Ark could be an endless discussion.
I believe it, you don't.
How about we just leave it there and save ourselves 12 more pages of rambling?
Trust me, I have an answer for every question you want to ask about it.
And I also trust that you won't
like my answers.