Conditions: Pretty dry. Some wet spots. Grass is still brown and under is dusty. Greens were hairy even though they had been mowed a couple days before. About 65 degrees, but a 10-20 mpf wind. 10 mph constant with the gusts up to 20 or so. I don't give a fuck. Just want to get some swings in. Going to Florida Friday for a week of golf.
Hole 1 - Par 4 Bogey +1
Hole 2 - Par 4 OB = Snowman +5
Hole 3 - Par 5 Par +5
Hole 4 - Par 4 Bogey +6
Hole 5 - Par 5 (this is where it gets interesting) Birdie +5
Hole 6 - Par 4 Bogey +6
Hole 7 - Par 3 Birdie +5
Hole 8 - Par 4 (ok, so wind was behind my back and the green is tucked behind some 60'-70' trees on a 90* dogleg about 290 yards away so I go for the green/eagle) OB in the trees. Retee and get a bogey. Damn, just hit is down the fairway and this would have been a bird.) +6
Hole 9 - Par 3 Birdie +5 (41)
Not bad for my first golf since turkey day. And it is the first time I ever birdied both par 3s. They are both pretty basic holes, but the greens are so tough birdie is such a hard score. Both holes I made putts of 12 feet or longer. The hairy greens made it easy because you could be aggressive. Usually, they are like putting on glass. So, all in all, I was very happy with this effort.
At this time, my bud has a dinner to go to so I go in the clubhouse and have a jack and coke....and another...and another. About to head home and a guy I know comes in and wants to play 9. I figure ok, get 9 more in. We're a 9 hole club so it's basically the same 9 with some different tee locations.
I won't go hole by hole, but I get back to hole 7 (par 3) and I hit it. I start yelling at the ball to get in the hole. It was all over it. It stopped 6" short of the hole. I tap in for bird. So I'm 3-3 with birds on the 3s. Get to #9 and stick it 5 feet from the hole. I lip out my putt and par it. That would have been my first ever 4-4 birds on the 3s ever. All in all, I had 4 birds in the round and shot 82. That part of it sucks, but hey, first round in a long time.
Here's where I am playing on Sunday. My golf pro got me on it. He's working on other places for the rest of the trip. This is all I got booked fro now.