Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Re: Iowa says ok to gay marriage
Avi, the point is that these noxious puritanical measures were initiated, funded, and carried by ignorant, intolerant, and really low segments of the electorate. And that was the uneducated blacks, the twisted Christers, and YOU!!
That's the simple fact of the matter. Now, as to how soon this ONCE AGAIN gets overturned by actual educated adults, I'd give it about three months.
That's the simple fact of the matter. Now, as to how soon this ONCE AGAIN gets overturned by actual educated adults, I'd give it about three months.
Before God was, I am
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Re: Iowa says ok to gay marriage
mvscal wrote:And the measure carried with a solid majority in both instances. Now you and your bathhouse anal buddies are in the position of attempting to argue that an amendment to the state constitution isn't really an amendment after all.LTS TRN 2 wrote:Avi, the point is that these noxious puritanical measures were initiated, funded, and carried by ignorant, intolerant, and really low segments of the electorate. And that was the uneducated blacks, the twisted Christers,
I understand you keep doing this because you enjoy getting your shit packed tight so no doubt you will come panting back for a fourth go after this one fails too.
Personally I really couldn't care less, but enough is a enough. You lost, Felchco. Splurge on a new crazy straw, tee up a few lines of meth and slurp another load out of your boyfriend's rectum.

Re: Iowa says ok to gay marriage
Avigdor, 52% to 48% is not a "solid majority," first of all. Moreover, you're weaseling away from the fact of WHO those 52% were--and what sleazy lies and machinations were employed to scare these folks into supporting the measure. Yeah, you "forgot " that. Or rather just ignored it like the slimy weasel you are. That's why you're Avigdor.mvscal wrote:And the measure carried with a solid majority in both instances.LTS TRN 2 wrote:Avi, the point is that these noxious puritanical measures were initiated, funded, and carried by ignorant, intolerant, and really low segments of the electorate. And that was the uneducated blacks, the twisted Christers,
Supporters of Proposition 8, in what political analysts said was an extremely effective strategy, made the race about much more than that.
They were able to focus the debate on their assertion that without the ban, public school children would be indoctrinated into accepting gay marriage against their parents' wishes, churches would be sanctioned for not performing same-sex weddings and the institution of marriage would be irreparably harmed.
Supporters of gay marriage, along with political leaders including Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-San Francisco) and the state's superintendent of public instruction, denounced those messages as scare tactics, but they were not able to sway voters. Preliminary returns showed Proposition 8 passing 52% to 48%.
"It was masterful of the campaign to raise the implications of what it could mean in terms of the school system," said Republican political consultant Wayne Johnson. He said voters may have started out "thinking that as long as it doesn't affect me, do what you want" but the supporters shifted the focus to children.
Okay, this was the bald strategy: lie and imply that schools would be affected, etc. Now...let's look at who actually voted for prop 8:
Group % Yes % No
Obama voters 21 73
McCain voters 84 13
Identify as non-partisan 31 60
Female voters 42 51
Male voters 46 47
Voters over 65 62 32
Identify as conservative 87 10
Identify as liberal 10 86
Identify as moderate 40 51
Live in coastal counties 39 54
Live in inland counties 57 37
White non-Hispanic 44 50
Latino 46 48
African-American 49 43
Asian-American 41 51
High school education 62 27
Post-graduate education 33 61
Protestants 60 33
Catholics 44 48
And what we've got is the uneducated McBush Christers buying the fear and voting to impose their ludicrous primitive intolerance upon the rest of society. Fortunately, these types are losers and their demented efforts will be surmounted.
Before God was, I am
Re: Iowa says ok to gay marriage
Oh really, Avi? And if 60% of the public believe in "Creationism" then this doesn't matter? Just whatever the majority believes in or votes for--and Avi is cool with that? You're that much of a passive puss bag? It figures.
Before God was, I am
Re: Iowa says ok to gay marriage
Are Arch Angel and mvscal packing their bags to legally pack fudge in Des Moines?
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
Notice that Avi doesn't actually say why he's opposed to same-sex marriage. Notice how he weasels about--parsing and mincing, jumping away when pounded like a tent peg, just to pop up and pretend he was actually addressing some other point. What a tedious little creep.
Before God was, I am
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
Nick, mvscal has said on numerous occasions that he doesn't really care about the issue. He's certainly no "Christer."
All along, his main issue has been that the government needs to keep out of these types of issues, and he's complained about how the will of the people keeps getting overturned by biased courts who ought not to be sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.
mvscal has not been any sort of strong advocate for the issue, on either side. I can even recall at one point hearing him say something along the lines of he doesn't give a fuck, that it's an overrated issue and he doesn't give a crap what people do in their own bedrooms. The government just needs to stay out, and so do the courts.
If I'm wrong here he'll correct me, but I think you're greatly mistaken regarding his stated feelings on the issue. All he keeps telling you is that this is what California's voters have said...
All along, his main issue has been that the government needs to keep out of these types of issues, and he's complained about how the will of the people keeps getting overturned by biased courts who ought not to be sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.
mvscal has not been any sort of strong advocate for the issue, on either side. I can even recall at one point hearing him say something along the lines of he doesn't give a fuck, that it's an overrated issue and he doesn't give a crap what people do in their own bedrooms. The government just needs to stay out, and so do the courts.
If I'm wrong here he'll correct me, but I think you're greatly mistaken regarding his stated feelings on the issue. All he keeps telling you is that this is what California's voters have said...
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage

Oh thpsure Vannar, thath prethssssithly what he wanthts you to believe. Quite thsspsspimply Avi isthp a clothspet Chrithpter cowering behind the guisthp of thupporting some falthe notion of the Theparation of Powerthhhz athp outlined in the Conthtitution of the United Thtates and the thtate of Californiay.
Quite thimply and utterly, dethpicable.
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
You are always going to get someone having trouble with understanding your dumbfuckery. No one really gives a shit about what H.R. Flufnstuff has to say about current events or even history.mvscal wrote:What I said is that I don't give a fuck one way or the other. What I oppose is the issue being decided by half a dozen navel gazing douchebags in black robes. It should be decided by the citizens of the states through their elected representatives. That is the way our Republic is supposed to work.LTS TRN 2 wrote:Notice that Avi doesn't actually say why he's opposed to same-sex marriage.
Is that clear enough for you?
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
That's probably the most I've laughed in at least a week.Daffy wrote:Oh thpsure Vannar, thath prethssssithly what he wanthts you to believe. Quite thsspsspimply Avi isthp a clothspet Chrithpter cowering behind the guisthp of thupporting some falthe notion of the Theparation of Powerthhhz athp outlined in the Conthtitution of the United Thtates and the thtate of Californiay.
Quite thimply and utterly, dethpicable.

First, there's mvscal flashing on the idea of a frantic Daffy Duck, responding.
Next, it's the idea of mvscal searching for and finding the perfect "frantic Daffy Duck" pic.
Then, he posts it, and he sees how huge the pic turned out, whch only makes it that much funnier.
Finally, the idea of mister serious-as-fuck mvscal going through that whole rant, word by word, attempting to spell it all out in a proper Daffy Duck lisp.
If anybody else did that post, I would've been amused. The idea of mvscal doing it, that just killed me.
It's like picturing the pope clicking on his "In The VIP" bookmark...
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
- smackaholic
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Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
uhh, van. Tom made that post.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
Awww, fuck! He did, didn't he?smackaholic wrote:uhh, van. Tom made that post.
Well, I still got to laugh, and now that I know it was Tom who did it, it's still making me laugh. That sure does seem more like a Tom post than an mvscal post, but that's okay...
Sorry, Tom. Great post anyway...
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
No problem Van, glad I could make you laugh, afterall - it is all about the funnay.
- War Wagon
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Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
Actually, it was totally out of character for an HBJ post, yet that in itself made it remarkable.
I can understand your confusion, Van. Had to do a double take myself.
I can understand your confusion, Van. Had to do a double take myself.
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
DAGGER!!!!!War Wagon wrote:Actually, it was totally out of character for an HBJ post, yet that in itself made it remarkable.
Nice one Wags.
Re: Iowa and Vermont say ok to gay marriage
Wrong, Daff-Va, let's get it straight. Avi represents this:Tom In VA wrote:
Oh thpsure Vannar, thath prethssssithly what he wanthts you to believe. Quite thsspsspimply Avi isthp a clothspet Chrithpter cowering behind the guisthp of thupporting some falthe notion of the Theparation of Powerthhhz athp outlined in the Conthtitution of the United Thtates and the thtate of Californiay.
Quite thimply and utterly, dethpicable.

Any feints and dodges concerning "judicial restraint" or "Libertarianism" are totally fake bullshit. (Just like Rusp Limpdick, his sweating and bursting fake father figure)
Any weasel worth his weight can strum easy refrains of "let the people decide" and "our Republic" and on and on..Avi has long demonstrated a demented seething racist strain of irrationality that is manifest in this:

The hunkered and armed (daily now) shootin' lunatic....Coming soon to your neighborhood..if it hasn't arrived. :wink:
Before God was, I am