'77 was a good year for the AMC Pacer.
Dee Snutz?
Ha! I BURNED Mongo on that one.So the peanut butter worked?Mongo wrote:I got me a blowjob! Kool Aid
Perhaps you should put your keyboard on a treadmill. Your cats can hear you getting fatter.
Did I mention I like to post in secret forums? I am Nutz!I hope your insurance covers the stroke you're about to have sitting at your keyboard all red faced and enraged.
Well, they really aren't that secret, given that non-members of my holy circle-jerk have managed to penatrate them and corrupt them. Fags.
I've been reading this board for a long time, and trust me, it sucks. You all have no idea what it's like to have a REAL board, a place where we can just go an chill. Cuddle with each other, when things start to become upstetting. It's nice to have something like that. Only a REAL board has something like that, and I'm proud to say that I've been nurtured and comforted by only the BEST.
You all have no idea what hell I've been going through and what it's like to be able to have a place where I can just relax and chill.
See, Katy and Red Rover came over to MY board and were really, really mean to all of us hard-core smackers. We did our best to fend them off. Actually, I single-handedly KICKED THEIR ASSES, but only because of the love and comfort I received in our secret forum, a "home" if you will. But FUCK YOU ALL. You only WISH you could be in there, much less know the name of it, bitches.
Oh to hell with it. I thought I needed Viagra or Enzyte, but with the help of Brock and Pooldoc, I'm really complete after all (thanks, dudes -- you ROCK -- especially in OUR forum).
But this is only the beginning. We are going to TAKE DOWN thetrolls.net and that ASSHOLE Russ in Sactown. See, he's really mean and forces everybody to post nothing in our chat, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING NIGHT. I don't like that shit one bit, and WE are going to get him and his board.
You all, are next. Believe me.
Mark your time, one board. This is just getting started.
You all suck.