Felix wrote:now, if you think he'd been better off saying, "well, we think your beliefs are full of shit, but their your beliefs so as we say in the states live and let live", then your seriously deluded about how seriously Muslims take their religion.
When did I ever say he should say anything of the sort? When did I ever even imply that he should show any disrespect whatsoever? I think I stated
several times that simply calling it the Quran would have been sufficient. The rest of the speech could have remained the same, and still extremely respectful. I don't know why you can't grasp that.
what, you think being able to cite verses from the Bible makes you some sort of biblical scholar? I can cite verses from the Qu'ran, but that certainly doesn't make me an expert at it....pops is a fervent christian that reads more into it than I do....
Really, I was just pointing out your backpedal, which was starkly evident.
to me, it's simply fairy tales...
Alright, you've already said [that] [way more than 4] different times....you don't need to repeat yourself....
what always amuses me about people like you is that you change the subject when I start mentioning blah blah blah...
There is no point in trying to answer any of the questions you ask, Felix. I think I asked you a long, long time ago, why people like you ever ask any questions about God or Christianity. You never want the answers you're given, you never accept them. Yet you whine incessantly about these tremendous injustices and somehow still manage to tack some blame for the world's ills onto God... even though you don't believe in him.
some loving fucking god you've got there.
And since you don't believe in him, I don't understand why you're so obsessed with this concept. You repeat it
constantly. Why do you do that? Everyone who views this board can read, all can comprehend, yet you think this needs to be repeated over and over and over again. Why? Who are you trying to convince?
You could always ask that about the humans who do the same things, currently.
what the fuck does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Well, it is at least relevant to your question. You whine about these horrible injustices that took place at the hands of God, but ignore those same injustices as they exist currently at the hands of man. The statement was a lot more relevant than your question about whether or not Jesus should have been born in China. Seriously, talk about a left field, pointless question. And that question had what exactly to do with Obama calling the Quran holy?
morality doesn't come from god, sorry to be the one to break this to you....morality comes from a civilizations need to survive...how would you explain the fact that murder is considered evil in every civilization known to man...not just christian civilizations, but EVERY civilization.....
So then, there should be no murder, no animal torture, no civilizations destroyed by humans... because according to you, they have an inborn morality that tells them that those things are evil. So how do you explain the people who do those things? What happened to the inborn morality of criminals?
It's a terrible argument and why you can't see that speaks volumes about your ability to reason....I can provide you with just as many really really smart people that the concept of god is some sort of figment of man's imagination...but I wouldn't resort to using their arguments, I argue from my own perspective and resorting to the whole "lots of smart people believe in God" is a total fucking cop out....
Felix, just because you jump up and down and insist it's a terrible argument, doesn't mean it is. You consistently imply that you are too smart to believe in God. Given that posture, it is not even remotely out of line that I point out that plenty of people smarter than you
do believe in God. It doesn't really work the other way, you see, because I've never claimed to be "too smart" for any belief system. I'm sure there are plenty of atheists with IQ scores higher than mine. But since I have never postured my position based on some perceived superior intellect, it would be silly for you to use that argument against me.
When you stop acting like you're especially enlightened because other smart people have made this age more technologically advanced than previous ages, I'll stop explaining that you're not actually "too smart" for God.
sbut lots of smart people used to believe in Zeus, but you don't believe in him...therefore, when it comes to Zeus you're an atheist-maybe you should look up what the term atheist means before you claim not to be one....
You're really reaching, Felix.
From m-w.com:
atheist: one who believes that there is no deity
See Felix, I believe in God. Therefore I am not an atheist. Maybe you should look up definitions before you make statements like the one above.