Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

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Moving Sale

Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Moving Sale »

smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency...
And why is that?
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Bobby42 »

Moving Sale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency...
And why is that?
Dude most likely had a satellite phone to maintain contact with his Lt. Governor, Chief of Staff and Homeland Security Advisor.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Derron »

Bobby42 wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency...
And why is that?
Dude most likely had a satellite phone to maintain contact with his Lt. Governor, Chief of Staff and Homeland Security Advisor.
Yeah...or a simple ATT 3 G phone that works damn near all over the world. Like the ones my boys called me on from Fallujah, Baghdad,Dubai,Singapore, Okinawa on all the time.... :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds: :meds:
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Cuda »

What, doesn't NC have a Lt. Governor? Wat the fuck was he doing those 4 days, jerking off?
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Moving Sale

Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency, such as I dunno, georgia invading or something.
Which part of disappear is not clear? That was the problem. His flunkies didn't know how to get a hold of him. Nobody did.
You are such a fucking pussy.
Moving Sale

Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Moving Sale »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Katy wrote: Make sweet mouth love to a semi-automatic handgun sending your tonsils out of the back of your skull. It would be no loss to this world.
RACK Katy.
You're a class act and by class act I mean vile shithole.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Tom In VA »

Good thread. Rack all involved.

Special shout outs and Gold Plated Racks to R-Jack, Q and Smackie. Good stuff.

Dude left his post, was derelict of duty on all accounts; father, husband, and governor. mvscal's objectivity is always most appreciated.

His political life is bye bye.

Last but not least. Rules are rules and rules have been broken. Rather than throw stones, glasses houses and all, I'll throw a pic.

With the lack of Sanford's concubine in jpg form and the mention of Elliot Spitzer's triste this calls for:


While we wait with bated breath for the unveiling of Senorita Maria LaCheata.
Moving Sale

Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Moving Sale »

Tom In VA wrote: mvscal's objectivity is always most appreciated.
If you look past the fact that he is a self-loathing klan member he is a really swell guy.
Bed down with Racists and you get worse than fleas. Have a nice night you fucking POS.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by smackaholic »

mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency, such as I dunno, georgia invading or something.
Which part of disappear is not clear? That was the problem. His flunkies didn't know how to get a hold of him. Nobody did.
Is this known to be true? If so, he really is a dumbass. Nice going mark.
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Moving Sale

Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Moving Sale »

smackaholic wrote:Is this known to be true?
Shit you're fucking stupid.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Tom In VA »

Moving Sale wrote:
Tom In VA wrote: mvscal's objectivity is always most appreciated.
If you look past the fact that he is a self-loathing klan member he is a really swell guy.
Bed down with Racists and you get worse than fleas. Have a nice night you fucking POS.
Don't get mad at me. It's not my fault you're a piss poor attorney. There is reasonable doubt at to mvscal's racism.

Cultural bigot, perhaps, but racist ? I have my doubts and you haven't proven your case. In fact if mvscal perceived a black man being unjustifiably beaten, I got money that says he's about the only one on these boards with the balls to step up and do something about it. Pretend Reginald Denny - ruthlessly beaten by racist scum (that you'd probably defend in court) was a black guy in a working class white hood. mvscal respects hardworkers. Just as the black man, with balls, that stepped into stop the racists in the black hood, mvscal would do the same. That's because he has character, honor, integrity, values and guts.

Don't pout counselor, prove your case.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by War Wagon »

Sudden Sam wrote: I've had 3 wifes (sic). Why? What does that suggest to you?
It suggests you're an idiot who made some horridly bad decisions.

You married the wrong woman, twice.

You took vows and then broke them.
Moving Sale

Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Moving Sale »

Here she is. Her name is Maria Belen Chapur.

I'd give her a 6.5 based on this pic.

You have the liberal media to thank.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

smackaholic wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote: Interesting point you bring up, Sam.

I might have posted this on this board before, but a few years back, I read Ben Bradlee's autobiography. For those who don't recognize that name, he was the managing editor of the Washington Post during the Watergate era (as well as a few years before and after). Bradlee devotes an entire chapter of the book to his friendship with JFK. JFK, as we know, was a philanderer of world-class order -- he made Clinton look strictly minor-league in that department. We also know that that aspect of his life didn't become public knowledge until years after his death.

Bradlee doesn't pull any punches about his friendship with JFK, and even states that his former sister-in-law was one of JFK's mistresses. He also makes it a point to state that the media knew of JFK's womanizing, but never reported it. According to Bradlee, that was not because of his personal friendship with JFK, or a need on the media's part to protect JFK, or even to protect Jackie and their kids. According to Bradlee, the media made a value determination that JFK's philandering was not newsworthy.

A cynic might call that an attempt to cover his ass. But I think there's another, more rational explanation available. There has been a major sea change on that issue. In hindsight, I think there was a certain innocence lost among the American public following Vietnam and Watergate. Prior to that era, most Americans trusted the leaders of this country implicitly, and that is no longer the case today. And I think that extends into the personal lives' of the leaders as well. If there's dirt, Americans want to know about it.

I'm not saying it was entirely better in the old days, but I do think the media had it right back then. Even public officials, I think, don't entirely check their privacy at the door when they enter the political world. I think some things are better left private.
I agree. They did have it right. JFK's banging the likes of MM was really nobody's bidness and that's how it was treated. The clinton think was so much more. He was a serial cad who's targets often included underlings. This is a fukking crime and deserves to be treated as such. Bang all the hot thirty something hollywood types you want, but, stay the fukk away from the hired help.
C'mon, you know better than this. The rough equivalent of JFK banging Marilyn Monroe would've been Bill Clinton banging Pamela Anderson. And if that had been happening, the media would've been all over it, and you damn well know it. Further, had Pamela died shortly thereafter under at least somewhat mysterious circumstances . . .

As for banging the hired help, that's not a crime. In fact, it goes on with some degree of commonality in corporate America. Under certain circumstances, it may rise to the level of sexual harassment. But that's unlikely in the Clinton/Lewinsky imbroglio, given that she was the initial aggressor by her own admission. And even where it does rise to the level of sexual harassment, that's a civil -- not a criminal -- matter.

You can't square the media's non-reporting of JFK's affairs with the media's breathless reporting of Clinton's affairs. It's a complete 180, plain and simple. And at least on this particular point, I think the media had it right in the old days, although I'm sure some (most?) on this board will disagree with me.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by smackaholic »

terry, I don't claim for one second that the media wouldn't be all over clinton tapping pam anderson. Of course they would. It's how they roll these days.

What I am saying is that he'd get a hearty fukking rack from me and I think most other dudes for doing so, especially considering the bitch he had to come home to.

As for banging the hired help, yes, it goes on a fair bit. It will also get your ass fired in a new york minute in many of those places. You were a navy officer. How long would your sorry ass have been around had you been banging a cute little YN2, especially if you were in her chain of command. And the grumpy old dudes sitting on your court martial wouldn't have given two shits if she liked it or started it. And if you were busted perjuring yourself, you just might have even gotten yourself a short stint in the klink.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by smackaholic »

Tom In VA wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:
Tom In VA wrote: mvscal's objectivity is always most appreciated.
If you look past the fact that he is a self-loathing klan member he is a really swell guy.
Bed down with Racists and you get worse than fleas. Have a nice night you fucking POS.
Don't get mad at me. It's not my fault you're a piss poor attorney. There is reasonable doubt at to mvscal's racism.

Cultural bigot, perhaps, but racist ? I have my doubts and you haven't proven your case. In fact if mvscal perceived a black man being unjustifiably beaten, I got money that says he's about the only one on these boards with the balls to step up and do something about it. Pretend Reginald Denny - ruthlessly beaten by racist scum (that you'd probably defend in court) was a black guy in a working class white hood. mvscal respects hardworkers. Just as the black man, with balls, that stepped into stop the racists in the black hood, mvscal would do the same. That's because he has character, honor, integrity, values and guts.

Don't pout counselor, prove your case.
I don't know that I'd go so far as to say that mv is the fukking board sir galahad, but, you do make a good point. MVS is a cultural bigot. So am I. So, I suspect are most to some degree or another. He just brags about it a bit more than others.

Here's a little test for you non biggot types. If you own a bicycle, ride that fukker to your nearest ghetto if you dare. Stop at a convenience store and walk in and buy yoself a fohty. Can you even buy a 12 pack in the ghetto? Don't bother locking up your bike.

How many here will do it? I sure as fukk won't. I won't even ride through such shitholes, never mind leave anything unattended there. I do, however ride elsewhere without a single worry. And cockblock leaves his bike sitting in the driveway unattended for days at a time and it hasn't disappeared yet. It is getting rusty though. I should kick his ass for that.

Why is this so? Because in my hood, our culture says you don't take shit that ain't yours. Does this make my culture better than the culture down the road that says take whatever ain't nailed down. If it is nailed down, go get a pry bar. Yiou are goddamn right my culture is better. Way fukking better as a matter of fact. I know this partly because as a kid, I lived in that other culture.

So, I'd say we have two types of folks. Cultural bigots and fukkin' morons.

Ohhh, and vapid fukk holes too.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by smackaholic »

Moving Sale wrote:Here she is. Her name is Maria Belen Chapur.

I'd give her a 6.5 based on this pic.

You have the liberal media to thank.
Thanks, lib media.

I'd have to give her a solid 8 though, based on that pic.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Mikey »

smackaholic wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Bullshit. It was all about getting his dick sucked and you know it and everybody else knows it. The perjury thing was just the only technicality your assholes could find to try and get him out of office with. I never defended Clinton's behaviour. But you seem to think that because Clinton was the first one burned for extrmarital sex that it's OK for Repugnitans to do it any time without consequence. And that it's somehow the Democrats' fault when the press jumps on it.
No, it wasn't. It was about perjury during an investigation of workplace sexual harassment and about the president of the US banging a dumb 20 year old kid who just so happened to work for him.
I won't defend Clinton for what he did. He's a full on sleaze bag no doubt about it.

But if it wasn't all about the sex, then why is Clinton the first thing you knuckledraggers bring up every time a Republican pol gets caught with his dick hanging out? As if that somehow makes it less unacceptable.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by smackaholic »

The reason bubba get's drug back out is as an example of how there is a double standard regarding such matters.

Think back to the Clarence Thomas debacle and how the lefties attempted to lynch him over really silly and most likely completely ficticious shit. Then think about how these same fukks looked the other way with bubba's sleaziness even after it was proven without a doubt.

Are there hypocrites on both sides of the isle? Sure. But the fukking dems have elevated it to an art form.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Mikey »

smackaholic wrote:The reason bubba get's drug back out is as an example of how there is a double standard regarding such matters.

Think back to the Clarence Thomas debacle and how the lefties attempted to lynch him over really silly and most likely completely ficticious shit. Then think about how these same fukks looked the other way with bubba's sleaziness even after it was proven without a doubt.

Are there hypocrites on both sides of the isle? Sure. But the fukking dems have elevated it to an art form.
Are you that blind? Do you really think the Dems lay it on any thicker than the Repbulicans do?

All these Repbulicans getting caught are the same ones going around spouting family values. They're also the ones supposedly "defending marriage" by fighting tooth and nail against any legislation that would allow gay marriage (an issue that I really don't GARA about one way or another). How hypocritical is it to be a "marriage defender" and then go out and break your own vows?

Fuck 'em all.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Diogenes »

Mikey wrote:It was all about getting his dick sucked and you know it and everybody else knows it. The perjury thing was just the only technicality your assholes could find to try and get him out of office with.
There was also subortnation of perjury and obstruction of justice.

And that doesn't even speak to him giving the PRC restricted missile technology while accepting illegal campaign contributions.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by socal »

Diogenes wrote:There was also subortnation of perjury and obstruction of justice.
Not to mention the abortion of the English language.
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Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
I merely noted
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by JMak »

mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency, such as I dunno, georgia invading or something.
Which part of disappear is not clear? That was the problem. His flunkies didn't know how to get a hold of him. Nobody did.

Kinda demonstrates the, uh, lack of importance of the Governor's position, don't it. Guy didappears and nothing happens.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Diogenes »

socal wrote:
Diogenes wrote: subortnation
And yet, I still don't give a flying fuck about typos.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by smackaholic »

Sudden Sam wrote:
War Wagon wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote: I've had 3 wifes (sic). Why? What does that suggest to you?
It suggests you're an idiot who made some horridly bad decisions.

You married the wrong woman, twice.

You took vows and then broke them.
I can't disagree that at times I am an idiot. And I have made some bad decisions on occasion. But I can't see how you arrived at those decisions based on my having been married three times.

I would say you are a lucky man to have found THE woman and married her. But I would suggest that I have enjoyed a far more varied and entertaining life because of the many ladies I have had the joy to share time and out of marriages.

Married the "wrong woman"? Hmmmmm.....I don't look at life that way. I never planned to marry three times, but I'm glad I did. I have two fantastic sons from the first girl. I had five years of playing between her and the second Mrs. Sam, who practically forced me to tie the knot.. Mrs. Sam II was a sex machine. Big mistake, but I had some fun. About 5 1/2 years after we divorced, the eventual Mrs. Sam III came back to me. She is a lady who I had dated many years ago. She called, we reconnected, and voila! We are now one. And shall remain so 'til they haul my carcass to Knoxville and toss it into a field.

I know people who dated a girl in high school, married her, and lived happily ever after. That may be you. And I respect that. It's darn cool. But I can't imagine doing it. I have thoroughly enjoyed my life. Even through the bad and rough spells. Wouldn't change too many things.

I sincerely wish you and Mrs. War Wagon nothing but the best. May the rest of your lives together remain peaceful and happy.

But doing it my way doesn't necessarily indicate idiocy. Variety is the spice of life, ya' know?
Gotta rack sam on this one.

wags, Apparently you got lucky and found THE one first time around. Not saying that picking well doesn't involve some smarts. It does. It also involves having a degree of character and stubbornness to get through the rocky sections. I've been lucky/smart/stubborn as well. It's worked for me so far (18 years). I suspect it will for the rest of the trip.

Calling sam out for being an idiot though, is kind of presumptuous seeing as your knowledge of him is through a stupid interweb BB, same as mine. Maybe he is a dumb ass. Maybe he's just had really shitty luck. Who knows? I don't.

There are folks here that certainly do deserve the dumbass tag.

And rack sam for being the only fukk in 'bama willing to make his last game an away one in knoxville of all places.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Meanwhile the repenting Guv is moving forward:

Sanford spent much of Thursday secluded at his family's home in Sullivan's Island near Charleston trying to repair his relationship with his wife, Jenny, and their four sons. The governor said he also spent time trying to salvage his political career by placing personal calls to lawmakers and other leaders.

"Okay, honey, it's called a "butterfly kiss" and you do do it right there on the "taint"---and when I'm fucking you, you actually move and make loud moaning sounds, like "aye, aye, ayyyye!!".....and we need to talk about your "culo"--you know, your "kitten's nose"?...your "pink tea rose"? Look, I---hey where are you going?" :x

Also, as FOX News has diligently reported, Sanford has joined the Democratic Party :lol:
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Moving Sale

Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Katy offered a sensible suggestion.
You are such a fucking pussy. Own up to your earlier lie you potato peeling fuckhole.

Memo to stupid redneck: He has admitted he is a racist. It's called a confession you dumbass and when coupled with his comments here it constitutes the corpus delicti needed to prove he is a racist. I'm a shitty atty eh? I just buried you in two sentences. What does that make you besides a stupid fuckhole?

BTW- It's no concession being a bigot instead of a racist.
Moving Sale

Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Moving Sale »

Tom In VA wrote: That's because he has character, honor, integrity, values and guts.
BTW2- He doesn't have any honor he just lied to you about the conduct of the U.S. Military's Justice system in order to smear a past POTUS. He's a fucking a-hole and you are too if you have his back, which is how your last post made you sound.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Tom In VA »

Wrong counselor.

His confession would get thrown out of court like other confessions "beaten" out of suspects.

The only corpus delectible I see in this thread are that of Spitzers ho and the one you posted of Sanford's.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Mikey »

Who would ever step out on this beauty?


Of course the homewrecker is an international beauty:

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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Tom In VA »

Well, she's skinny, might not have what the Gubner wants - apparently he's a breast man:
In the e-mail, dated July 10, 2008, at 12:24 a.m., he wrote, "You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that so fitting with your beauty. I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curve of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of the night's light - but hey, that would be going into sexual details ..."
I'm assuming he means her tatas, unless of course she reached down and pretended she was a bowling bowl.

Chris Rock once said, a man is only as faithful as his options. :lol:
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Diogenes »

Mikey wrote:Who would ever step out on this beauty?

Good point. She's definitely no Hillary Clinton or Mike Obama.

In that case, you would be better off just skipping straight to suicide.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by War Wagon »

Sudden Sam wrote: I would say you are a lucky man to have found THE woman and married her.
Very lucky, Sam... though I prefer to call it blessed.

We went thru some rocky times at first, were separated and on the verge of divorce. Then I talked to this preacher man down at work, who also happened to be the plant manager, and he convinced me that my marriage, and my soul, needed saving. While I know you despise religion of any flavor, the bottom line is that saved my marriage. The jury's out on my soul. But 25 years later, we've got this wonderful daughter who would've never existed without that intervention.

I love my wife more and more every day for having put up with my dumbass for so long. And I think she feels the same way. I can't imagine losing her. One and done, that's me. That was my parents, that was her parents... it's the way a marriage is supposed to work.

On the other hand, whatever works for you is cool too. At least you're not in a gay marriage.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

smackaholic wrote:As for banging the hired help, yes, it goes on a fair bit. It will also get your ass fired in a new york minute in many of those places. You were a navy officer. How long would your sorry ass have been around had you been banging a cute little YN2, especially if you were in her chain of command. And the grumpy old dudes sitting on your court martial wouldn't have given two shits if she liked it or started it. And if you were busted perjuring yourself, you just might have even gotten yourself a short stint in the klink.
Coupla points here.

First, as you well know, the military is different from the civilian world in a number of regards. There are plenty of things that'll get your ass thrown in the klink in the military that would never get any kind of treatment like that in the civilian world. For example, being late for quarters in the Navy, often enough anyway, could (not necessarily will, but certainly could) get your ass thrown in the brig. In the civilian world, being late for work at worst will get you fired, but you certainly won't do any jail time for that.

Second, even against that backdrop, though, I don't seem to recall a lot of court-martials emerging from the Tailhook scandal, which was pretty much a similar type of scenario to the one you mention above. Then again, you're talking about senior officers (in most of the cases, anyway) vs. junior officers, and airedales vs. SWOs, so that might account for the disparate treatment.
Cuda wrote:What, doesn't NC have a Lt. Governor? Wat the fuck was he doing those 4 days, jerking off?
Enlighten me here. What does North Carolina's Lieutenant Governor have to do with the fact that South Carolina's Governor went missing for 4 or 5 days?
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by smackaholic »

Terry in Crapchester wrote: Coupla points here.

First, as you well know, the military is different from the civilian world in a number of regards. There are plenty of things that'll get your ass thrown in the klink in the military that would never get any kind of treatment like that in the civilian world. For example, being late for quarters in the Navy, often enough anyway, could (not necessarily will, but certainly could) get your ass thrown in the brig. In the civilian world, being late for work at worst will get you fired, but you certainly won't do any jail time for that.
yup. they just fire you. that would have been plenty good enough.
Second, even against that backdrop, though, I don't seem to recall a lot of court-martials emerging from the Tailhook scandal, which was pretty much a similar type of scenario to the one you mention above. Then again, you're talking about senior officers (in most of the cases, anyway) vs. junior officers, and airedales vs. SWOs, so that might account for the disparate treatment.
Actually, I believe it was mostly among officers of more or less equal ranks. And I do believe there were quite a few careers that went down in flames as a result. What it basically was, was a bunch of drunken aviators whooping it up. There wasn't a single female there that didn't want to be there. And I don't believe there was any evidence of juniors being mauled by their direct chain of command. If there were, you can damn well bet the offendnig parties are selling insurance somewhere now, not commanding a squadron.

Cuda wrote:What, doesn't NC have a Lt. Governor? Wat the fuck was he doing those 4 days, jerking off?
Enlighten me here. What does North Carolina's Lieutenant Governor have to do with the fact that South Carolina's Governor went missing for 4 or 5 days?
NC found out that SC was governorless and therefore, vulnerable to attack. The NC Lt. governor was in charge of the invasion planning. NC national guard troops and vehicles were staged along I-95 preparing for a landing at South of the Border when sanford showed up.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

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War Wagon wrote:At least you're not in a gay marriage.
Vapid homophobe fuckstick.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

smackaholic wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:Here she is. Her name is Maria Belen Chapur.

I'd give her a 6.5 based on this pic.

You have the liberal media to thank.
Thanks, lib media.

I'd have to give her a solid 8 though, based on that pic.

You'd give her an 800 if you had any idea just how hot she is under the sheets...and in the shower...on the floor...bent over a chair...oh, Maria...and she speaks perfect English..and when she does this thing with her hand--putting one finger up my ass while I'm tonguing her glossy black bush...Oh wow!
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Tell it to the STRAIGHT Christian GOP cunt struck former hopeful for the big stage. Tell him he's weird because Maria can make him jump like a roo and squeal like a wild boar. Oh, sure, he's the one who's weird. :lol:
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by socal »

Why hasn't Sanford resigned yet?
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well, like squirrel head in Chicago, he knows he's toast. Done. And..he's saying fuck it, or in the paraphrased words of Keith Richards, "I'll hunker down and bleat before they make me run." And there's the matter of feeling that what he "did" was sooooo right...oh...Maria...that he just can't dishonor that's what it was--and it won't be defiled by the pack of jackals (his wife and kids) as well as the media and fellow legislatures and, well, all the people of South Carolina, and...everyone in the world....oh shit..

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