Mikey's Kitchen Remodel PET in the cooking forum inspired me to go ahead and make a PET out of our ditch remodel project. So here goes...
I got this ditch, about 400 foot of it. The 135 foot from my driveway to my woodline I have to maintain. As you will see in these pictures, the shit ain't maintainable. I cleared it in October and stepped on about 10 snakes causing me to nearly Shrub myself. Needless to say, the unfinished basement is going to have to wait a couple years. That project got bumped back.
Day 1 - Before work begins
Now, before I show you my abortion of a ditch, let me show you my neighbor's. Had the lezbo couple who I bought the house from maintained their ditch like they were supposed to, mine would look like this. Not too fun to mow but maintainable. Fuck them. Not only were they toobusy munching each other's carpet, their little pissfuck of a dog was munching up the carpet upstairs. We had to replace that right away. Anyhow, my neighbor's ditch...

The bitch-ditch from my yard:

Side views:

From the road. This is the eyesore of the hood.

The big dog who plans to do all the work.

His little brother.

Day two coming up...