Soviet Amerika

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Re: Soviet Amerika

Post by PSUFAN »

Obama is well-liked by the American Commie that what they say at that site?
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Re: Soviet Amerika

Post by poptart »

Scott, you follow the Constitution.

It IS the law, no?

It outlines the role the fed gov is ALLOWED to have.

Fed gov is not allowed in public education.

I give Bush credit for trying to privatize SS.
It's where it clearly belongs.

Medicare, Medicaid -- don't believe their Constitutional.

You can't overhaul things immediately and put the fed gov in it's place.
This garbage has been built up over many decades.

But B.O. & Co. are taking a fed gov that is already WAY over-reaching it's Constitutional authority and just going APE FUCKING SHIT WITH IT.

The Constitution has set our country up so that the people own the government.

It's been reversed, and this administration is taking it to levels never seen before.

It's disturbing, VERY.

Why do you hate freedom and liberty?
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Re: Soviet Amerika

Post by Truman »

KC Scott wrote:* note to self - don't get into quote war with Tim - quoting quoted quotes not a productive use of keystrokes

…Beloved old friend and Board Comrade-in-Arms…

You started it. :hfal:
KC Scott wrote:First and foremost a reality check for dave.1 & 2 and my old friend Tru. I get you don't like BO. He's a dem and a nog and he doesn't play for the Raiders or Chiefs. I also get that no one wants to pay taxes or support anything that doesn't directly benefit them. Furthermore, there's a great deal of anger about the mess the country is in and of course that anger needs a specific target. It doesn't really matter if it's the right target. It does matter your angry as hell and your not going to take it anymore.

Rush, Michael Savage, O'Reilly, Coulter and Glenn Beck, to name a few, have done the job of getting you to close your eyes to why we're where we are today. You've managed to blame every single issue in Tim's original post to the current administration, completely ignoring that in 2000 you had a GOP in the White house till January and full control of both houses till 2004. Prior to that Republicans had control of both houses in Clinton's last term.

Sorry, but I'm just not angry. I didn't vote for BO - but support what he's trying to do even if don't fully agree with the methods. More to the point, bitching about the methods becomes tedious and doesn't really accomplish anything. But I suppose if you're going to waste time it may as well be worth the effort. I'll leave it to you to convince me that BO is the devil and we're headed towards the Armageddon Road Warrior society. Except of course that all the road warriors will be nubian and have taken all the white womens as concubines.
You're rant falls somewhat short, Br'er. Dome much? Sorry, pal, but the synapses here fire just fine without anyone telling me what to think. Not only does your take fall short of the mark, it sucks out loud.

Personally, I could give a bucket of warm piss as to what the talkers say. And I would defend Bush about as far as I could throw him. You wanna give Obamarxist the benefit of the doubt? Fine. Half the electorate is riding in the same cart as you. Thinking people out there, however, seriously doubt the benefit of this presidency…

Barrack Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool Red. To suggest less is ignorant at best, and flaming retarded at least. If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck…

You still don't get it. What poppy said:
Government out of control is nothing new.
Ignoring the Constitution is nothing new.

But B.O. has taken that and put it on steroids.
Scotty, we've been rattling around these Boards since Christ was a Fuckin' Noob. But since you're bent on seeing who can pee further…
KC Scott wrote:And then we get to main event -
…And I would hope that YOU are simply trolling.

Bush did it first?

Seriously, Scott? That's all you got?

Since when do brain-dead no-accountability, no-strings-attached loans make for an unprecedented Official Federal Government Takeover?
This is where you totally disregard what really happened - The first loan to the Banks - made by Bush & Paulson was given with no strings attached: ... Study.html

But you've assigned that to BO? Why?
Well done. You've managed to step on your crank straight outta the chute. Link me up to part where I suggested that Bush followed up on his no-strings-attached loans by seizing Federal control of troubled banks and financial institutions. I'll wait while you ferret-up the results.
KC Scott wrote:You did the same thing with the Automakers bailout - but again here's the reality:

Now if you said BO continued a stupid policy initiated by Bush - I'd have said yea....
Strike two. Never was much on hitting a good over-hand deuce, were you Scott?

Bush's handout to the automakers was cremated into ashes. The reality is, however, that Obama seized control of two American automobile manufacturers that shoulda been left to the penury of Chapter 11 like any other bloated, poorly managed American business.
KC Scott wrote:So now let's look at this:
So a small business owner that realizes a modest profit of $300K pays himself a living wage of $80 thousand and looks to expand his operation by plowing the remainder of his profits back into his business can now look forward to paying the highest corporate tax in the industrialized world? How many jobs will THAT scenario stimulate? Better yet… How many jobs will Mr. Small Business Taxpayer have to cut to meet President Oblamabush's tax bill?
You've taken two different things and made them into a single argument. In your example Mr. small business owner won't pay anymore on the 80K he paid himself. End of story.

The $230K profit? yes, he'll pay 35% on that if he doesn't reinvest it into the business. If however he uses that $230K to buy new equipment / facilities / pay for his own and employees benefits / etc.

Here's a nice list for small business owners of all the possible deductions: ... 1/277/235/

Seriously - to not include that in your take is Joe the Plummerish at best
Strike three. Called looking. And for you to post that shit is Joe-the-Vice-President at worst.

We're talking profits here, Gordon Gecko. You know, after all that business expense junk you troubled yourself to link. We're talkin' jack in the bank readily available for business expansion. Guess how that's taxed? Twice.

Given my experience in a Previous Life, did it ever occur to you that I might just have a modicum of insight as to how sub-S's are currently taxed?

C'mon, Scott, you're better than that.
KC Scott wrote:
We have readily un-tapped energy reserves in the ground and off our coasts that would ensure our energy independence, and the technical expertise to build energy-efficient nukes that would heat our cities for pennies on the Green dollar, and you wanna do things the hard way. Free markets dictate themselves. Green energy and bioscience will flourish – or fail – on their own merits – without the help of a ruinous and suicidal legislation levied upon the backs of the American taxpayer.
And I've always said drill the fuck out of everything. That said, if you're going to throw our tax dollars at R&D (which I disagree with) it may as well be something US companies can market around the globe. Whether it is cheaper solar panels, hydrogen or whatever - we need to be the country that develops it, builds it and sells it.
That wasn't the impression you gave in your previous take. We're in agreement here, as long as we allow the Free Market to dictate the terms. You wanna simper, spread your cheeks and allow the Fed to line the field on the backs of American taxpayers, then we got an issue….
KC Scott wrote:
I'll see your Florida, and raise you an ACORN.
ACORN is bullshit - and yea, they need to kill any PAC funding for them. But yet you can't dispute that Bush (who I voted for) would have lost the election to Gore had FL not gone GOP. BO on the other hand won 365 electoral votes: ... t/map.html

Do you still want to fight that point?
…And if your Aunt had a package, she'd be your Uncle. Fight what point? Stupid 'tards in Florida that can't operate a punch-out ballot, or the fact that Osocialist won 2008 in a nine million vote landslide? Was there a point here or did that just feel good to post?
KC Scott wrote:About closing Gitmo you wrote:
And provide a ready springboard for recruiting Domestic Terrorists? Cost less than what? Las Vegas? Los Angeles?
Dude - are you thinking the Muzzies can "recruit" domestic terrorists in a US Prison? - You must be thinking of OZ

Furthermore, they're likely destination is Super Max and since you're obviously not familiar with how SM works - watch this vid: ... on-of-hell
And here you are a Salesman.

And clearly good one.

Yet you still manage to violate the First Law of Sales on a tard-laden Message Board.

You DO know what they say about assumptions don'tcha, Pal?

Gotta ask a question-or seven to know your prospect. Gotta know that something as sundry as a clambake called Super Max isn't about to discourage the Message to the Faithful. Guess you missed the story about the Arkansas soldier slaughtered by the prison-converted al-Quaida.
KC Scott wrote:And yea, I think it would also cost less to lock em there than Gitmo - but if you can dig up some figures to compare go for it
You care – I don't. Garner your own figures. Care to hazard a cost on the 3,000 lives and two skyscrapers lost in downtown Manhattan? All I know is that those fuckers live relatively well for lockup - considering that they threatened and/or killed American soldiers and civilians - on an inescapable island far away… And not 45 minutes up the road in some Federal barracks. Fail again, Bro....
KC Scott wrote:About the stock market / Jobs you wrote:
…And 56 million American households that do not own stock could give flying rat's ass. Tell that to the nearly 15 million American workers currently out of a job.
And what do you reasonably expect those people to do?
Um, well, now here's a thought: Live their lives. Collect a pay check. Not hafta worry that the Fed is about to change everything they know in life. You know, the usualm…

Scotty, I work with these kind of people. Not everybody is smart enough or talented enough to work for International corporations. These people rise off the mat every-freaking-day to scratch out a living as best they know how… They're not bad people, and they're not dumb people. They're simply playing the cards as Life has dealt. Believe it or not, America is populated with millions-upon-millions of hard-working souls that live this way.
KC Scott wrote:Earlier you espoused cutting corp taxes. The major coporations that would truly benefit the most from that tax cut have been outsourcing white collar jobs to India for the last 10 years. Of course all the major manufacturing has gone to the far east.
Marcus much, Scotty? What I espouse is that Obama scale back the Corporate Tax Rate on the 90% of American businesses that currently make up our economy – say, to something as reasonable as the 25% that the fucking ChiComs currently wage on their businesses….
KC Scott wrote:Let's also remember that America hasn't done a good job of educating itself. Lynn sees the US recruits day in and day out in the accounting and finance field that have lower GPA's and single majors vs. the Asian kids who Double Majored with 3.5s while working a job to pay for school themselves. It's another whole discussion but it's sickening to see how lazy this country has become.
Non-sequiter to the discussion at hand. BTW, sat in a college classroom lately?

I have.

We do not disagree.
KC Scott wrote:And finally......
Well, there's that… And few hearty souls out there who might just actually give a shit about their country.
Don't try and confuse anger and rhetoric, or the lack thereof, with caring.
But do understand that divisevness and hate are doing far more damage to getting this country back to where it should be.
I don't. Nor do I confuse passiveness and platitudes with patriotism. You might wanna pay homage to the education that you escaped with from Belton: Divisiveness – as protected by the First Amendment - has ALWAYS been part-and-parcel of the political discourse that we have enjoyed in this country. Might wanna keep that one close to the vest the very next time you decide to dog Wags about his Kansas City education.

KC Scott

Re: Soviet Amerika

Post by KC Scott »

Timmy - you should have been in politics. You've written a ton without saying much of anything, well Done!
Link me up to part where I suggested that Bush followed up on his no-strings-attached loans by seizing Federal control of troubled banks and financial institutions. I'll wait while you ferret-up the results.
So what you're saying is we should have just handed them the money then and not seized the collatoral?
Hmmmm..... not what I remember from Business School - of course it was the Belton School of Business......
Bush's handout to the automakers was cremated into ashes. The reality is, however, that Obama seized control of two American automobile manufacturers that shoulda been left to the penury of Chapter 11 like any other bloated, poorly managed American business.
Then later...
Collect a pay check. Not hafta worry that the Fed is about to change everything they know in life. You know, the usualm…
BO opted to not shutter them right away (which I strongly thought should be done also), saving the plant workers, suppliers, drivers, etc.
You can't have it both ways Bro - Which is more important to you?
We're talking profits here, Gordon Gecko. You know, after all that business expense junk you troubled yourself to link. We're talkin' jack in the bank readily available for business expansion. Guess how that's taxed? Twice.

Given my experience in a Previous Life, did it ever occur to you that I might just have a modicum of insight as to how sub-S's are currently taxed?
And given your experience and my experience and all the folks we know experience - why in the world would anybody with half a brain show that much profit if they are Small Business?

Dude....... seriously........

*Paging Derron to this Thread - Derron Please Pick Up the White Courtesy Phone*

Now if they are really banking more than $250K, and don't understand the basic principal I just laid out, then you're fighting for a dude that could really give a flying shit that you're fighting for him. You're talking about someone that should be paying the fucking corporate tax rate or better yet a business adviser.
Gotta know that something as sundry as a clambake called Super Max isn't about to discourage the Message to the Faithful.
Huh? Did you watch the Vid on Super Max? or if your trying to make an ethreal point, then how exactly is them setting in Gitmo NOT more inflamatory than a Fed Facility the media can't even get in to see. Watch the Vid and try telling me any concerns about security, communication to the outside or any other Boogiemen doesn't disipate.
What I espouse is that Obama scale back the Corporate Tax Rate on the 90% of American businesses that currently make up our economy –
Agree - if there are provisions in place that they increase hiring / growth and don't rat hole the profits we previously discussed. But that's the problem I've already addressed -
Divisiveness – as protected by the First Amendment - has ALWAYS been part-and-parcel of the political discourse that we have enjoyed in this country
As it should be - but huge difference between civil discourse and;
your freely-elected tree-swinging, banana-eating, nits-out-of-his-ass-eating Central Committee Chairman
Barrack Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool Red
Then this......
Oh, you'll call names…


Here this will make you, v.1 and v.2 feel much, much better...... or at least not so alone

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Re: Soviet Amerika

Post by Cuda »

poptart wrote:Scott, you follow the Constitution.

It IS the law, no?

It outlines the role the fed gov is ALLOWED to have... etc, etc, etc...
no use trying to tell Scott anything, Pops- he already knows it all, being a former college student and all
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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