ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
I answered your stupid question only to point out that the scenario you laid out is a false dichotomy, you dumbfuck.
How? Oh that’s right you are just talking out of your ass.
Did you make that post from KC, or were you flying over the city onto your next carnie-lesbian misadventure?
Bostonfuckhole say what?
Asking the same fucking question on a message board so many times that it becomes noticeably visible, only makes the person posing the question look weaker.
How? Oh that’s right because you say so.
Board lexicon for this practice of board bitches everywhere is called melting. Ask anyone here.
How? Oh that’s right because you say everybody else says so.
I merely pointed out how futile your efforts are, and will continue to be.
Futile as in mvskkkal is too much of a fuckstain to come correct? Mmmmm, I already knew that.
Furthermore, I categorically "do not care that you care", so don't waste anymore brain cells pondering that one. I am just calling a board bitch a board bitch.
No you're calling ‘bode’ when you just got your ass handed to you.
Go ahead and link me up with a site that backs your ‘false dichotomy’ definition.
Yea, I thought so.