Farmers' Market

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Farmers' Market

Post by Mikey »

Today's haul from the Farmers' Market...


l to r (back) - peaches, nectarines, chard, white carnations, Country French loaf, salad greens
l to r (front) - shiitake shroomers, white corn, radishes, figs, tomatoes, zucchini

Peaches, tomatoes and figs are incredible right now.
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Re: Farmers' Market

Post by ppanther »

Oh! Figs!!!

We were just considering a trip to tomorrow's LB Farmers Market... you just made my mind up for me. I could eat a whole basket of figs right now, pretty sure.
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Re: Farmers' Market

Post by ppanther »

So we went to the Farmers Market yesterday. I don't have photos, but we bought some white peaches and white nectarines, DELICIOUS figs, corn, grape tomatoes, eggplant, various summer squash, red and yellow bell peppers, onions, and basil. Last night we had a delicious dinner of corn and caprese salad (using the tomatoes and some of the basil), with a side of like-butter ribeye and some fresh bread. Tonight we'll have more of that amazing ribeye with a roasted vegetable torte and more bread (though it will be less fresh). I GUARANTEE the figs will not last until tomorrow. I am also planning to make basil ice cream. Yes, basil ice cream. I've made fresh mint ice cream and it's AMAZING, and my ice cream book has this recipe for basil so I figured... why not? Huge bunch of basil for $1, this is the time to try it!

Thanks for the inspiration, Mikey!
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Re: Farmers' Market

Post by Mikey »

Yes, figs are a delicious but ethereal fruit. When ripe they last no more than a couple of days even if refrigerated, but well worth the effort to eat fresh when you have the chance. The vendor that I usually buy them from sells several varieties - the dark skinned ones (mission I think), one that's sort of a greenish yellow (calmyrna?) and one that's yellow with sort of darker green stripes. The light skinned ones are better tasking to me but also more delecate.

The people in my house won't eat fruit, for some reason, unless I cut it up and put it in front of them. Then they seem to love it.

The vendor that I buy peaches and nectarines from comes down here every week from Littlerock, an area off of SR138 just southwest of Palmdale. I've driven through there several times on work-related business and seen a lot of fruit stands, but never thought to stop and check it out.

Anyway, after after last summer and this summer of buying fruit from there, I just don't know how anybody could grow something that is so delicious. When they are picked and sold at the perfection of ripeness the flavors just explode in your mouth (no sick jokes, please). They grow four or five varieties of both peaches and nectarines at this farm in Littlerock, which ripen on different schedules. The guy told me that he expects to have outstanding fruit through early November. The peaches this week and the next couple of weeks are called O'Henry, a large yellow freestone variety that he says are the best of all. Based on his product this week I'm in no position to argue. Like figs, though, when ripe they will only last a few days. Left on the counter they will go bad in a couple of days. They can be refrigerated but that tends to sort of wrinkle the skin.
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Re: Farmers' Market

Post by ppanther »

You're right, figs go bad quickly. But that is not why the ones in my fridge won't last there much longer.

I'll be eating them. :)
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Re: Farmers' Market

Post by smackaholic »

Fresh fruit right off the tree is pretty damn hard to beat. There are some orchards down the road from me. I suspect it will be a good year for apples as we've had cool temps and plenty of water. A nice fresh macintosh right off the branch is almost as good as sex. Take it home, slice it up and slather it wif good real peanut butter and it is better than sex. Tree ripened peaches are also pretty fuggin awesome.

My grandma had fig trees in her yard. She told me that they grew a lot better back in sicily though. She would have my grandpa dig them up and bring them in in the winter. I 'spose they do pretty well out there in the desert.
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Re: Farmers' Market

Post by indyfrisco »

I have two apple trees. Last year, they were both LOADED. Not one apple this year. Cool and wet summer. Some branches look like they are dying. Looks like some kind of fungus may have killed my trees... :(
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Re: Farmers' Market

Post by Dinsdale »

Stuff I've eaten off the tree/vine that was free so far this year --

Apples (several types)

Plums (couple kinds, a friend's tree is just ripening now, which is late for plums around here, with some truly wonderful fruit)

Cherries (the black super-sweet ones that grow in my front yard by the buhzillions)

Blueberries by the bucketload (also from the front yard)

Blackberries (we've been through this before -- shit is literally a weed here, and it was a bumper crop of said weed. Made plenty of jam)



All kinds of peppers

I'm sure I'm leaving something out, beyond the few zinfandel grapes I've had from the backyard vineyard (two whole clusters... but that vine produced fruit a year ahead of schedule -- should be rockin and rollin within three years, producing a few cases of wine, assuming Mother Nature cooperates with growing zin in a marginal climate for it, although it's been perfect this year, and with such a small vineyard, micromanagement is possible, which wouldn't be the case in any sort of commercial vineyard. Planted Cab, too... from cuttings from just about the biggest name in American wines... SHHHHH!)
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Re: Farmers' Market

Post by smackaholic »

IndyFrisco wrote:I have two apple trees. Last year, they were both LOADED. Not one apple this year. Cool and wet summer. Some branches look like they are dying. Looks like some kind of fungus may have killed my trees... :(
What kinda apples you got? Do they get plenty of direct sun? You have had a similar summer to ours and the orchard down the road looks pretty good.

Maybe indiana apples are just weather pussies like socals.
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