Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

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Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by poptart »

I don't really want to discuss politics in this fourm, but I DO want to point out (and leave it at that) that the woman whiffed badly right off the bat by insisting that our liberties are not given by God, but are given by other people.

In point of fact, the Constitution does not grant any right to a citzen at all.

BEFORE the Constitution (Declaration of Independence) we find Who grants individual rights.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The Constitution does not grant rights.
It assumes people have those rights from the Creator and establishes that government shall not take them away.

Or at least that is how it's supposed to be.

Moving the hair out of her face might make her presentation appear less sophomoric, also.
She's pretty unwatchable.
But maybe that's just me. haha

I can comment more about the ... theology ... going on here, and I might, later.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by indyfrisco »

I don't care how whacky that bitch was, I'd like to see her naked.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by indyfrisco »

Eh, my bad. Never read the rules here. Wasn't an attempt to hijack.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by indyfrisco »

Ah gotcha. Well, I watched a couple more of her youtube videos on mute. Some good cleavage and a look up the skirt barely. She's kinda a twig and those cans are size B. Petite little whore she is. Only way I could stand her is if she never let my cack out of her throat.

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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by indyfrisco »

Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by indyfrisco »

found one screwball

Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Tom In VA »

God has certainly blessed her.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Mikey »

Tom In VA wrote:Evolution has certainly blessed her.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by poptart »

I've seen some of Kirk Cameron, and he has a heart for evangelism.

Why evangelize?

From the very beginning of the Bible, satan is revealed.
The work of satan is shown throughout the Bible, and his activity is shown at every important part of the Bible.

Without exception, people are all caught within the work of satan.
People are taken to failure -- and eternally so.

Evangelism is shining the only Light which can take people out of the darkness that brings them to their failure.

The Bible surely shows that there are, within the world, disciples which God has PREPARED, who will hear the Word and respond to it.
Acts 13:48
Romans 11:4,5
Just two quick Scriptures which show us this.
And of course Jesus told believers to go to all the world and find the prepared disciples - Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 1:8.

Seeing that there are "hidden" disciples which God has surely prepared, evangelism is simple.
VERY simple.

Be led by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) and give the Word of Truth.
Prepared disciples will hear and accept.

I'd prefer to hear Cameron, who has a heart for evangelism, speak just the Word, just the Gospel.
I'd like to hear a lot less about criticisms of evolution.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Johnny Bold »

A few things:

1 - This Felix = Poptarts Alter Ego Thang is getting old.

2 -This works for me:
According to Cameron, their version "gives the history of evolution, a timeline of Darwin's life, Adolph Hitler's undeniable connection with the theory, Darwin's racism, his disdain for women, and Darwin's thoughts on the existence of God..."

And: "It also lists the theory's many hoaxes; it exposes the unscientific belief that nothing created everything; it points to the incredible structure of DNA, and the absence of any species-to-species transitional forms actually found in the fossil record. It then presents a balanced view of creationism, with information from scientists who actually believe that God created the universe!—such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Copernicus, Bacon, Faraday, Louis Pasteur, and Johannes Kepler. And most importantly, this introduction presents a very clear Gospel message."
3 - This is Just a thought:
When Christ first made his appearance known upon this earth, there were those in accordance to their scriptural understanding who fully expected things to go much differently then they had.
Their minds were already made up - and that was the foundation of their disappointment.
For all we know - The return of Christ and just how he goes about establishing - G-ds Will Being Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven - just may send a world of "Christians" for a major loop as well.

This is a Bonus - Things may appear to be as f-ed up as they surely are - but that is only because mankind is simply to dumb to follow the guideline for living in peace and security which G-d so graciously laid down within his 10 commandments.
Only a fool would believe that G-ds 10 were given to us for His benefit.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by poptart »

Johnny Bold wrote:This is a Bonus - Things may appear to be as f-ed up as they surely are - but that is only because mankind is simply to dumb to follow the guideline for living in peace and security which G-d so graciously laid down within his 10 commandments.
Only a fool would believe that G-ds 10 were given to us for His benefit.
When you read Matthew 17:1-9, Peter wanted to elevate Moses (Law, Ten Commandments) and Elias (Mysticism, Experience) to the same plateau as Jesus Christ, by offering to build a tabernacle for them both -- that is, to worship them.

God then removed Moses and Elias.
He left ... ONLY Christ, and said to look and listen to Him.

Because ONLY Christ is the seed of the woman -- promised in Genesis 3:15, to break the head of satan.

Only Christ can solve the spiritual problems which plague man.

Following the Ten Commandments never will.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Johnny Bold »

I wasn't trying to take anything away from Christ...
...As if such a thing were possible.

Mark 12:28-31
28. One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"
29. "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
30. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'
31. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

War Christ for recognizing the simplicity of it all.

When Christ last visited in the flesh - the well versed in scripture Jewish Religious Mafia had "G-ds" people burdened down with over 360 scriptural rules and regs which needed to be compensated for if/when broken - And of coarse, the required compensation came via paying a sin fine to the likes of The Jewish Religious Mafia.

War Christ for narrowing his message for mankind down to 2 simple commandments (rules of rightful living as a creator son, if you will) for those who rather not clutter up their works with an array of unnecessary scripture.

Christ knows his gift and how it sets us free.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

You just got rolled by the 'Tart Man, toughlove.

Don't fuck with his powers.

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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

poptart wrote: BEFORE the Constitution (Declaration of Independence) we find Who grants individual rights.
so WHO grants muslims their rights, because they believe in a different "creator" than you do....and who grants atheists, who don't believe in a "creator" their rights?
Johnny Bold wrote:A few things:

1 - This Felix = Poptarts Alter Ego Thang is getting old.
then don't read it-see, problem solved
2 -This works for me:
According to Cameron, their version "gives the history of evolution, a timeline of Darwin's life, Adolph Hitler's undeniable connection with the theory, Darwin's racism, his disdain for women, and Darwin's thoughts on the existence of God..."
so if you're good with this, then I assume you'd have no problem with somebody like Christopher Hitchens writing a 50 page introduction to the bible, which points out the fallacies of the bible and handing those out.....actually, that would be kind of interesting-I'm sure that many loving "christians" would be calling for his head on a platter, but that's pure speculation on my part.....
And: "It also lists the theory's many hoaxes; it exposes the unscientific belief that nothing created everything; it points to the incredible structure of DNA, and the absence of any species-to-species transitional forms actually found in the fossil record. It then presents a balanced view of creationism, with information from scientists who actually believe that God created the universe!—such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Copernicus, Bacon, Faraday, Louis Pasteur, and Johannes Kepler. And most importantly, this introduction presents a very clear Gospel message."
okay, we'll look at this on a lie line by line basis
first, there aren't "many hoaxes" associated with evolution, there have been a few, but all were discovered to be hoaxes by guess who? Scientists....why is it that honks like Cameron perpetuate the myth of "many" evolutionary hoaxes, but fail to acknowledge that the few hoaxes that have been perpetrated were all exposed by scientists using scientific methods? That's what science does. Why is it that slubs like Kirk ALWAYS fails to mention that fact. The notion of "something coming from nothing" has nothing at all to do with's a red-herring commonly employed by creationist mouthbreathers like Cameron....btw, creationists are the ones that believe something came from nothing (e.g. god poofed everything into existence)...the "incredible" structure of DNA fits perfectly with evolutionary theory (cue the "probabability" arguments)....insofar as "transitional fossils" goes, Kirk once again is lying in the name of religion....the fossil record is abundant with transitional fossils, but for some reason, Kirk just doesn't want to admit it....every living thing is "transitional"...and speciation has been observed both in labratory settings and in the wild...why is it that creationist zealots like Kirk must lie in the name of his god....there is no such thing as a "balanced view of creationism"-there's nothing to view-it's based entirely, on pure unadulterated faith and is solely supported by a questionably translated and much edited collection of 2,000 year old scribblings....from that, transition into the logical fallacy of "argument from authority" tossing around names like Isaac Newton (who also believed in the philosophers stone, alchemy, communicating with angels, and magic)-see what Cameron either fails to recognize or willfully ignores is that it's not the scientists that are right or wrong, it's their ideas that are either right or wrong....Newton's belief in a god is no more valid than poptarts, but honks like Cameron will continue to employ this type of "if it's good enough for Isaac Newton, it should be good enough for you" ploy....I'd propose that if Isaac Newton were alive today, I seriously doubt he'd still believe in "god" given the advances that have been made in scientific discovery.....

but, if believing in some magical deity that watches over you night and day, 24-hours a day, 365 days a year from the moment you're conceived makes you feel better about the world, then that's what you should believe....frankly, the whole idea of such an entity kind of gives me the creeps.....
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:so WHO grants muslims their rights, because they believe in a different "creator" than you do....and who grants atheists, who don't believe in a "creator" their rights?
I'm telling you what the founding document says.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Recognized by the founders, rights come from the Creator.

I didn't say this, the founders did.

Take it up with them?
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by battery chucka' one »

slubs like Kirk
Felix, what's a 'slub'? According to

–verb (used with object)

1. to extend (slivers of fiber) and twist slightly in carding.


2. the fibers produced by slubbing.
3. a slight irregularity in yarn produced either accidentally or purposely by knotting or twisting or by including uneven lengths of fiber in spinning.

Felix, why would you call Kirk an irregularity in yarn?
Yadda, yadda, yadda.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:Feelsdix meant to say schlub which is Yiddish for 'pinheaded jerkoff.' He just isn't very smart.
actually it was supposed to be slug, and just for the record hoss, I don't speak're a pretty bright guy, nobody denies that, but a when it comes to this particular matter, I think my background makes me a little more knowledgeable about it than you
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by ppanther »

Felix wrote:I think my background makes me a little more knowledgeable about it than you
I laughed.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

ppanther wrote: I laughed.
I'd expect nothing less from you
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by ppanther »

Felix wrote:
ppanther wrote: I laughed.
I'd expect nothing less from you
Well, at least you're clear on where you stand.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Stop lying, you pussy.
so are you going to be ankling me continuously, or should I anticipate a lull sometime in the future
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Oh, Felix.

Another day, another pummeling.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

Martyred wrote:
Another day, another pummeling.
yeah, keep telling yourself that shortstuff
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

poptart wrote:

Take it up with them?

I would, but they're all dead
(but looking over us from their heavenly vantage point no doubt)
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Johnny Bold »

Plan A
As long as satan rules this roost, there will be the likes of the Christopher Hitchens and the Richard Dawkins to write their books with plenty of fools to read them.
Same goes for what the Kirk Cameron's, and the Pat Robertson's of this world have to say.
In truth - my spiritual side couldn't care less what anyone of them have to say about anything cuz their accumulated understanding plus my own wouldn't fit on a head of a pin when it comes to the workings of G-d.

As for you, Felix, if you are not just trolling - with respect and for what it is worth - your stumbling point appears to be that you expect others to supply you with that which requires a personal stake on your part to achieve.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"

It's your call to make, Bro - If others could do it for you they prolly would of done it for you already.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

Johnny Bold wrote:As long as satan rules this roost, there will be the likes of the Christopher Hitchens and the Richard Dawkins to write their books with plenty of fools to read them.
yeah that's it...I'm surprised that neither of them give satan co-writing credit....
Same goes for what the Kirk Cameron's, and the Pat Robertson's of this world have to say.
In truth - my spiritual side couldn't care less what anyone of them have to say about anything cuz their accumulated understanding plus my own wouldn't fit on a head of a pin when it comes to the workings of G-d.
seriously good for you....but the whole "I'm not smart enough to understand the majesty of god" thing is straight out of Bible School 101, Lesson 1.
As for you, Felix, if you are not just trolling - with respect and for what it is worth - your stumbling point appears to be that you expect others to supply you with that which requires a personal stake on your part to achieve.
of course I'm always trolling to a certain degree when I post in this Dinsdale noted, it's my want to kick the beehive and see if any of the bees come out to attack....actually I was kind of expecting panther to immediately change the subject and start telling me what a dumb fuck I am for not believing....but to be perfectly honest here bud, I'm not "stumbling" in any sense of the word....I resolved the entire issue of religion and religious beliefs years ago
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"

It's your call to make, Bro - If others could do it for you they prolly would of done it for you already.
I don't want anyone wasting their time "praying" for my "soul" because I know there is nothing more....I understand that you take comfort in believing that after you die, all of your friends and family will be waiting in this mystical place where you'll spend the rest of eternity in love and warmth and for you that works....for me, I understand that the reality is that once this life is over, it's done-that's why I try to live as full a life as I can while I can....when the time comes and my life is at an end, I don't want to look back and have to say to myself "man I wish I'd done that"....

have fun
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Tom In VA »

Felix wrote: that's why I try to live as full a life as I can while I can....
Wasting time on an internet messageboard set aside for people to discuss theologicial issue and topics ... i.e. things you don't believe. :lol: :lol:

Okay Don Felixote if fighting windmills is your thing, have at it.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Felix »

Tom In VA wrote: Wasting time on an internet messageboard set aside for people to discuss theologicial issue and topics ... i.e. things you don't believe.

Okay Don Felixote if fighting windmills is your thing, have at it.
I'm not fighting anybody bud, I'm just opining random thoughts and killing some time...not every moment can be filled with thrills and spills..

my opinions are worth about what you paid for them

but I'll tell you say the word and I'll never post in this forum again.....
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Tom In VA »

Nah, many of your presumptions are LOL funny. I enjoy your trolling of late.
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Johnny Bold »

Like how he blames the automaker when some drunken fool driving one of their cars takes out a family of six. :wink:
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Re: Kirk Cameron Christian gets bitch slapped

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Someone is riding someone else's jock
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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