That said my wife has decided to use her company's sponsorship dollars in support of healthy events. As such they were the title sponsor for this event and I decided this was the event for me to try. Here are a few photos, not many as I was participating and my wife was working.
300M swim, 10 Mile Bike, 3 Mile run. I was in the top 15 out of the water, top 30 after the bike and finished near the bottom of my age group. Swim to bike transition was top 30, while bike to run transition was top 10. Granted I didn't change shoes on the second transition so that really helped me, as many others had to change shoes. Thanks to Rack Fu for the help and suggestions. I wouldn't have done as well without his coaching. All in all a great experience and I will do another.
First time I ever wore one of these, prolly last.
Exiting Water.
Some chick passing me on the run.
People visiting my wife's company's tent to make signs for family and friends.
Finish line with C-different athlete winning the event. Dude is blind.
Shot of me approaching finish and some kid passing me.
Me getting my first time Tri Finisher Medal. Yes, kinda Special Olympics ish.
My Wife, Her Sign, my medal, and me resting.
My wife and her crew.
My wife in her Regional VP role handing out the awards to the winners.
My wife giving her assistant a fuck off look during the awards.