Ah yes, October 28th, 1983... amember it like it was yesterday. Well, not so much since I had that seizure, but I'll never forget her dragging me to the Justice of the Peace, parents in tow, and the vague threat of a shot-gun nuzzled between my shoulder blades.
Took her out to dinner after work today, boys and girls, and did I ever go all out!
Golden Corral buffet, baby.... all you can eat!
Now, before your mouth drops in utter stupefication at the enormous means and romantic chivalry required of such a magnanimous gesture of my undying love and fealty... realize that I did indeed have a coupon for "buy one buffet dinner, get the second at 1/2 price" strategically stashed in my overly fat wallet.
Not that I let her know that, of course. But wait, it get's better....
I ordinarily just tell the wait staff we'll have ice water, but since today was such a special day I told 'em what the hell, we'll have coffee (that comes with free re-fills, right?).
Yes, it's been a good day.

Oct. 29th is my daughters B-day and I've got big plans for her as well.
She gets to come home for Thanksgiving!
Wow! I'm such an amazing husband and father, it's really hard to stay humble up in this bitch.