Obviously Tiger is better

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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Van »

Mace, read your own article. She didn't get half.

Now, if you would be so kind, please direct me to any instance where a billionaire in the U.S. who was only married for a few years lost half in a divorce.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Mace wrote:Tiger is toast.....not to mention stupid. Why would the moron be fucking around with a slut like Rachel Uchitel when he has Elin waiting for him at home? It will be interesting to watch the spin on this one as the story developes and all of the suits try to protect their interests/Tiger's marketable image. Elin now has the threat of divorce hanging over Tiger's head and I'm guessing that half of Tiger's assets would make a pretty comfortable lifestyle for his hottie wife.
They're residents of Florida correct? If yes, she isn't entitled to half his assets before marriage yet in that case. Florida has an awesome law that prevents blood sucking whores from being able to touch shit from before marriage or your monetary earnings during marriage until you have been married for at least seven years and even then she has to unequivocally prove that it was his income that provided a certain lifestyle expectation due to joint debt... She is entitled to half the assets provided she can prove an ability afford their debt in those assets or if they the courts order them to be sold or allow a settlement where he can pay her the difference... if they have kids he is royally fucked though.
Last edited by SunCoastSooner on Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Mace wrote:I'm not an attorney and am not familiar with Florida's divorce laws, but it's not unreasonable to think she would get half of his wealth, depending on their laws....or maybe a prenuptial agreement where she's agreed to a certain amount. If Tiger is guilty of adultery, she might be able to go after even more. Iowa has no fault divorces, so infidelity wouldn't matter, but I don't know about Florida. With two kids, she'd get a healthy amount of child support and a good deal more. I said "at least half" because, in every case I know, the husband gets totally fucked in the settlement. Of course, half of Tiger's net worth would be more than enough to support an ex-wife and two kids for an eternity. The lawyers would make out like bandits as well. She might settle for less than what she is entitled to by law......that's at least possible...but it might also depend on how vindictive she wants to be. Should Tiger's situation end up in divorce court, it won't be good for him. Funny how we've gone from a traffic accident to divorce court with no official record of any wrongdoing by Tiger.....but there has to be much more to the story than what's being reported. We'll probably never know the whole story.
Adultery no longer exists in Florida... it's not a crime... it's not grounds for divorce... it's not even admissible in child custody hearings. I repeat there is no such thing as adultery in the State of Florida... it does not exist here.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Mace wrote:
Van wrote:Mace, read your own article. She didn't get half.

Now, if you would be so kind, please direct me to any instance where a billionaire in the U.S. who was only married for a few years lost half in a divorce.
I did read it, Van, and I read that Nantz lost half of his assets (house and condo) and has to pay nearly a million dollars a year to his ex-wife...even had to pay $70000 for her to join the country club of her choosing. Nantz also has to pay for his daughter's college education until age 23, which are not computed into the $900,000 plus per year that was awarded. Nantz also only had to pay child support for two years because his daughter was 15 at the time of the dissolution. That was in Connecticut, not Florida, and I don't know how their laws may differ. Tiger's two kids are quite young. Also, unlike Nantz, Tiger's divorce would be directly caused from an extramarital affair (if that is true), which could mean a Judge could find fault and award more to Elin. Get a clue, Van. If Tiger were to divorce, she will take him to the fucking cleaners, and your little game of semantics won't keep him from taking it up the ass. Would he lose half or more? Of his assets.....probably so. Nantz did. Will he have to give up half of his yearly income? Probably not directly to her, but he will be paying child support and college costs for many years to come, and it will be much more than ordered in the Nantz divorce simply because Tiger makes more and is worth more.
Read my previous two posts... Tiger is pretty well in the clear as far as alimony or money in a settlement for the divorce... he'll get raped in child support based on his income though.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Dinsdale »

Hmmm... dude's got a billion dollars...

Hmmm... wonder if he consulted an attorney before getting hitched?

Gee, wonder if she signed a prenup before he married her... YATHINK?

But thanks... y'alls' complete fucking idiocy has amused the fuck out me, yet again.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Van »

If Tiger didn't have a prenup I'd be about as surprised as anything I've ever heard from the world of sport.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Van wrote:If Tiger didn't have a prenup I'd be about as surprised as anything I've ever heard from the world of sport.

It's not the money from his earnings I would be worried about in Florida... it's having two kids and the child support with the sort of income he makes. Florida child support is based on income.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Van »

Tiger isn't going to sweat child support. No dad worth a viscous fuck should ever sweat child support, if they can at all afford to pay it. I'm sure he'll gladly lavish his children.

It's that concept of half to the spouse which so irks me.

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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Dan Vogel »

Tiger Woods doesn't need to speak with investigators because no crime was involved in this situation. I know this is the age of Twitter and 24 hour news and the internet but people have a right to their private lives regardless if they are a celbrity or not. Leave the guy alone and let him handle is own family. That's my opinion.

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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Van wrote:Tiger isn't going to sweat child support. No dad worth a viscous fuck should ever sweat child support, if they can at all afford to pay it. I'm sure he'll gladly lavish his children.

It's that concept of half to the spouse which so irks me.

Supporting the child shouldn't ever be the issue... that being said some of the rulings in Florida concerning the monetary arrangements can pretty absurd. Gladly lavishing your children with your dough is one thing but being forced to write checks every months of an absurd nature to their mother based on them is a little far in my book. A friend of mine out here who was one of my doctors while I was ill pays his wife $21,000 a month for two teenage children who he has custody of half of the month at any rate. I know teenagers are expensive but there's no way they cost $21k a month when he is the one who carries their insurance and also pays for their education at a local private school. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the mother isn't spending $21k a month on the two boys...
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Mace wrote:I don't know where you got your information, Suncoast, but a google search of Florida divorce law revealed that adultery is considered by the court and can be a determining factor for the amount of alimony to be paid. Also talks about equitable distribution of property, not necessarily equal distribution but that the court will begin with equal distribution and adjust according to what they feel is fair and equitable, depending on the specific circumstances. At any rate, should this thing come to a divorce and Tiger is, in fact, guilty of having an extramarital affair, he could be literally fucked. His agent/lawyers/PR folks will also have to work lots of overtime, in the event of a divorce and all of the sordid details being played out by the media, to save his marketability and cut their losses on that front. Depending on the existence of a prenup, and what might be contained in said prenup, Tiger could be toast. And, yes, he would be paying a large amount of child support for a good many years and the cost of college educations for both kids. It's also possible that they would come to a mutual agreement, barring the existence of a prenuptial agreement, and avoid having the court make the decision for property settlement and alimony. Like I said earlier, it might depend on how vindictive his wife would be. A divorce would not be in Tiger's best financial interest (obviously) but he might take an even bigger hit in lost endorsements if there are, in fact, domestic abuse issues that eventually hit the media and/or there is credible evidence of an affair that he is currently lying about and trying to cover up.
Mine came from an attorney in the Florida Bar and a judge. I also saw a friend of mine go through it. I don't know where your link got it's information or how old the information is but adultery no longer exists in Florida and hasn't since 2004. It's not grounds for divorce any longer in this state. The seven year law was enacted in 2002 along with the state getting rid of common law marriage. I've been through a divorce out here; I don't have to pay any alimony (despite my income and her lack there of for over a decade) to my ex-wife and was allowed to keep both the house and the townhouse because they were purchased by myself before we married and we had not been married legally for seven years. She also couldn't claim common law marriage because it no longer exists in the state despite the fact we had lived together since 1999 and in three different states together. I've since sold the townhouse and she didn't get to touch a dime of the sale though she attempted to do so.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by MuchoBulls »

BSmack wrote:The point is, Tiger is a married man with two kids. If he is indeed fucking around behind Elin's back, he's a first class douche.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by fix »

But if you're not cheating... you're not trying
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by MuchoBulls »

Dan Vogel wrote:Tiger Woods doesn't need to speak with investigators because no crime was involved in this situation.
Guess the FHP thinks otherwise. If they're going to obtain a search warrant, then they are presuming a domestic incident may have been the cause for the accident. Judging by the crash photo I'd say the FHP has a pretty good suspicion that the back winshield didn't need to be broken with a golf club in order to get Tiger out of the vehicle.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by MuchoBulls »

Tiger gets a careless driving citation and FHP considers the case closed.

I wonder how much of a check he cut to the FHP.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Dinsdale »

If I see Mace type any more stupid shit like "IF Tiger has a prenup," I might pee myself laughing.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Dinsdale »

Mace --

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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Mace wrote:I think it's likely that Tiger has a prenup but I don't know that for a fact.
Tiger has kids. Put that pre-nup back on the shelf.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Martyred wrote:
Mace wrote:I think it's likely that Tiger has a prenup but I don't know that for a fact.
Tiger has kids. Put that pre-nup back on the shelf.

And lives in Florida... as I stated earlier, he's fukked.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Dinsdale »

Toddowen wrote:His game has been suffering the past few years
Yeah, it's not like he's won every FedEx Cup that he's been physically able to play in...

oh, wait. I guess he has.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Smackie Chan »

Dinsdale wrote:
Toddowen wrote:His game has been suffering the past few years
Yeah, it's not like he's won every FedEx Cup that he's been physically able to play in...

oh, wait. I guess he has.
No doubt he's still the best, but the gap between him & second best isn't as wide as it used to be. Tough to characterize that as "suffering," but he's not quite as dominant as he once was. Probably never will be.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by fix »

Smackie Chan wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
Toddowen wrote:His game has been suffering the past few years
Yeah, it's not like he's won every FedEx Cup that he's been physically able to play in...

oh, wait. I guess he has.
No doubt he's still the best, but the gap between him & second best isn't as wide as it used to be. Tough to characterize that as "suffering," but he's not quite as dominant as he once was. Probably never will be.
Especially now that he's apparently dragging a rescue club around with him...
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Smackie Chan »

Otis wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:No doubt he's still the best, but the gap between him & second best isn't as wide as it used to be. Tough to characterize that as "suffering," but he's not quite as dominant as he once was. Probably never will be.
Especially now that he's apparently dragging a rescue club around with him...
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Trampis »

Toddowen wrote:On a different matter, I'd say that Woods is off a lot of peoples list as the top golfer of all time. His game has been suffering the past few years, which seems to coincide with his marriage....for some strange reason. :wink:

Without a doubt in my mind The Golden Bear was the superior golfer.
Not sure when I saw it, but I think it was maybe 5 years ago. It was an interview with Jack Nicholas and of course the question came up whether Tiger would surpase Jack in Majors. The only part of Jacks answer I remember was the part about how it would be harder for Tiger to concentrate on his golf when he got older and had a family. Jack was drawing on his own experiences being a father. It was an interesting answer and I never forgot it.

Who knew, that running into a tree will get you outted as a philanderer?
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Q, West Coast Style »

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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Van »

WGARA, about any of this crap?
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Van »

This ain't about golf, is the point. I care about Tiger the golfer, not Tiger the private individual.

This crap really is none of our business.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by MuchoBulls »

SunCoastSooner wrote:And lives in Florida... as I stated earlier, he's fukked.
Guess Elin will end up with the private Island that he owns.

Somewhere Jim Nantz is fondling himself at the thought that he will get the first exclusive interview with Tiger.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Trampis »

MuchoBulls wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote:And lives in Florida... as I stated earlier, he's fukked.
Guess Elin will end up with the private Island that he owns.

Somewhere Jim Nantz is fondling himself at the thought that he will get the first exclusive interview with Tiger.
Yea, they can knock back a few and compare allimony payments.

Lets see, a half black/asian American professional golfer marries a blond Norwegen swimsuit model...thats a relationship that should last :meds:
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by jiminphilly »

Mace wrote:
Van wrote:WGARA, about any of this crap?
Who cares? Oh, probably Nike and all of the other corporate folks who pay him big money to endorse their products. Tiger's public image is taking a huge hit and it will soon hit his bank account.

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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by BSmack »

Mace wrote:Tiger's public image is taking a huge hit and it will soon hit his bank account.
Unless there's some kind of criminal activity as of yet unknown, I don't think this is going to have much in the way of legs. People don't buy Tiger Woods products because Tiger is a good guy. People buy Tiger Woods products because Tiger is the biggest ass kicker the game of golf has ever known and they wish they could kick one tenth the ass Tiger kicks. By the time this all blows over, Tiger will either have the same sponsors, or will have replaced what few defectors there are with one of the gaggle of companies that have been begging Tiger for years to sign on.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by DallasFanatic »

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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by BSmack »

Now that's new media for you. We just spent 3 pages debating what was just confirmed on page 3. Rack us.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by fix »

"Hey, it's, uh, it's Tiger. I need you to do me a huge favour. Um, can you please, uh, take your name off your phone. My wife went through my phone. And, uh, may be calling you. If you can, please take your name off that and, um, and what do you call it just have it as a number on the voicemail, just have it as your telephone number. That's it, OK. You gotta do this for me. Huge. Quickly. All right. Bye."
:doh: :lol:

Well the boy's been driving it well, fucking around on it well and doing everything it takes to win a date in divorce court.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by WolverineSteve »

Some of you married saps don't get it. Tiger and Elin never had a regular relationship. She wasn't his High School sweetheart nor was she a cute college coed that he met at a frat party. Tiger's childhood was closer to Michael Jackson's than to any of yours. He was driven to be nothing but a money producing golfing machine. He meets this hot swede bikini model who's hanging around the tour via her sister and the two hit it off and get married. Not Kansas, Iowa, Texas, or Michigan married. This is more a business relationship. Prime breeding and earning stock coming together.

Now the whores are coming out of the woodwork. Three broads at the time of this post. There are more, a lot more you'll see. That is what happens in the perfect storm of fame, wealth, lost youth, boring wife, and the chance to fuck the most beautiful broads in the world come together. Fuck all you hypocrites, you have no idea the circumstances. Can you honestly say that if the most amazing women in the world were constantly at your disposal, throwing themselves at you, you wouldn't take a taste? I cannot say that I would have that much will power. I'm glad that you douches with your marginal lives and wives know how other people should handle their affairs.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Trampis »

Screw_Michigan wrote:Why not? He's only the most famous "athlete" on the planet and one of the richest 30-somethings ever.
And didnt his dad at one point proclaim that Tiger was the chosen one to heal all racial wounds and end world hunger through his superior golf skills and charisma?

Personally I think we're underestimating the negative effect Mike Douglas had on a young Tiger Woods.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Tom In VA »

RACK WolverineSteve, spot on.

Then get him a tissue. :lol:
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by BSmack »

WolverineSteve wrote:Fuck all you hypocrites, you have no idea the circumstances.
And you do? YOU know about the circumstances Tiger Woods lives in?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Give me a fucking break. He's a fucking douchebag plain and simple. Now, does that mean I will stop buying products he endorses? No. Then again, it's not like I ever played Nike balls or equipment before. I play Tommy Armour clubs and Top Flite balls and I haven't bought a pair of Nike shoes since the pair of waffle trainers I had in 10th grade disintegrated after 1 month of cross country practice. But, when I find the occasional Nike ball on the course, I won't hesitate to consign it to scud duty just because Tiger fucked some Vegas cocktail waitress or 20.

People, the problem is not that Tiger is a douchebag. His douchebaggery impacts me not a wit. In fact it hardly surprises me, as the PGA in general is loaded with a bunch of douchebags who are so into themselves that they have started to accumulate posses of personal assistants, swing coaches, short game coaches, sports psychologists, hangers on and all around starfuckers of all sorts that would put some rappers to shame.

I'll still watch golf. And I'll still pull for Tiger. But not because I think he's somebody he's not. I'll pull for Tiger because he plays a game I love better than anybody else who has ever walked the face of this earth. And I respect not only the the talent he possesses but the never ending work that he puts in that has forced everybody around him to step their games up and has made the last 12 years the best in the history of the game.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by Tom In VA »

BSmack wrote:In fact it hardly surprises me, as the PGA in general is loaded with a bunch of douchebags who are so into themselves that they have started to accumulate posses of personal assistants, swing coaches, short game coaches, sports psychologists, hangers on and all around starfuckers of all sorts that would put some rappers to shame.
Good. Helps the economy.
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Re: Obviously Tiger is better

Post by MuchoBulls »

WolverineSteve wrote:Can you honestly say that if the most amazing women in the world were constantly at your disposal, throwing themselves at you, you wouldn't take a taste?
That's why you don't get married.

Derek Jeter
Dreams......Temporary Madness
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