I'm baaaaaaack!
Not that anybody gives a sh*t, since I've still been firing off the occasional drive-by, but I'm going to start trying to frequent this place a bit more. I'd have come back around more often, but, honestly, the past few years were pretty hectic, personally, and, even though this year slowed down for me a little bit, I haven't really had anything worth a sh*t to say. I'd rather Hungus myself for a while than rattle off a couple dozen posts per week that suck. Then, seeing that I made a list - after all these years - made me realize that I needed to come back home for a while. I just wanted to wait until the end of the season to do it. (That whole, "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything," bit, don't ya know?)
So, I saw that Tejas lost. Sad.
Anyway, today starts the new season... How's your team look for next year?