mvscal wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:How does this sort of nonsense exist? Apparently on Planet Limpdick, 23% of the federal budget--plus an additional ten percent from the "discretionary spending"--totaling around $800 billion or so, is small change?
In a 13 trillion dollar economy, yes. That is 6.1% of our economic output. When Eisenhower gave his speech, defense spending was 9.4% which would mean 1.2 trillion dollars.
The welfare entitlement industrial complex is the one we need to be concerned about now and yes that includes corporate welfare.
Typical caca from the Limpdick society of lisping closet (total) homos.
The $13 trillion "economy" to which you refer is really just the shell game of transnational corporations listed as American companies, most of whom, thanks to criminals like Reagan and Phil Gramm, pay minimal tax at best. In fact, the entire $800 billion per anum for the "defense" budget is sucked directly from tax payers and delivered to the defense industries. Yes, some of these companies actually employ American workers--whose taxes go right back to the corp, etc.
It's perverse and utterly unproductive. Or
what? And even a total corporate whore like Petraeus knows it. Oh sure, he was
dehydrated. :wink:
What you're not appreciating in your nervous binded head space is the perfect black humor of the ultimate company man, Petraeus, feinting away while being grilled by the ultimate fraud, McCain. Unlike the Maverick

, Petraeus isn't insane, just corrupted. His feinting was a forced moment of awareness--just how much he's helped fuck this once great nation, and how he's now helpless to stop it. The raping, that is.