Smartphones - who's got 'em?

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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Mikey »

I prefer to use my phone as a phone.

If I ever get to the point where I need a "smart" phone I'll either jam red hot knitting needles into both eyes, or just retire.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by PSUFAN »

If Cuda saves up enough foodstamps for a smartphone, when he gets it won't it instantly become a dumbfuck phone?
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

PSUFAN wrote:If Cuda saves up enough foodstamps for a smartphone, when he gets it won't it instantly become a dumbfuck phone?
It'll be a refundphone if he finds out we're installed.

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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by PSUFAN »

I HUNGER for Cuda ASSmeat.

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Mikey »

KC Scott wrote:
Mikey wrote:I prefer to use my phone as a phone.

If I ever get to the point where I need a "smart" phone I'll either jam red hot knitting needles into both eyes, or just retire.

Your sage wisdom makes a lot of sense.

I'd much rather carry a cell phone, a camera, a video camera, a GPS and of course my laptop to plop open whenever I need to browse for info while traveling than just whipping out one of those darn newfangled "all in one" devices.
That's my whole point. If I needed all that shit (or a newfangled "all in one" device) to travel with, I'd rather stay home.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Jizz-mopper checking in. I'm on Verizon. I currently have one of these (heh, I love how the date on the phone says 4/20):


It's kind of a piece of shit. It randomly turns off and that sucks. My warranty has expired and since I don't have the insurance, I have to buy a new phone. Of course, my contract is until next May and I can't qualify for a "free phone" until January. :brad: It's a good phone for utility, but I'd like to have web and email access.

I was thinking about getting a Blackberry with Verizon, but you have to buy a data plan and the minimum cost for that is $100/month, which I certainly don't want to pay. You can get a Blackberry through Boost Mobile for $250 for the phone and $60/month for unlimited data, which is what I'm paying for my monthly Verizon bill. I've been thinking about going with that. I've also been thinking about saying fuck the data plan and just trying to cut my phone bill down to around $40/month.

Any thoughts?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Mikey »

KC Scott wrote:What job exactly do you do that requires absolutely no technology other than a phone?

Of course the countdown to 20 "Jizz Mopper" replies has already begun.

For those of us that do have these "unique" needs for information transfer the question remains open

Not Jizz Mopper. Prolly one step above.

Hence, I rarely if ever have to travel by plane thank god and G0D. I do drive a a fair amount (every couple of weeks) around SoCal, though. I have a blue tooth for my phone but hate wearing it. That's a good thing because I don't feel the need to be in constant contact with anybody by phone, text or email. They can damnn well wait until I'm off the road.

Garmin in the glove box. Using it doesn't drain my phone's battery.

Don't need video, but I do need a camera in my job. That means a camera that takes good hi-res pics and works all the time. From what I've heard, that would exclude the iphone.

Occasionally need to take my laptop. When I do, I need a keyboard I can type on and a usable screen - for stuff like Word and Excel. In my office I use multiple screens. A 3" "HD" screen, or whatever those things have, would be absolutely useless to me for anything but pacman.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Dinsdale »

I use... a phone.

Hell, I don't even text. My theory on texting... do you need to communicate with me? Is it important? If so, then wouldn't the whole process of texting mean that we both had a cell phone in our hands? If it's important -- call. If it's not -- tell me whatever it is the next time we talk. Save your LOL-laden shit texts for someone who doesn't have a social life.

And BTW -- I'm not a jizz-mopper, either... although I have put several applications in **crosses fingers**.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Go Coogs' »

I have a Droid. I work 7 graveyards a month, so having an all-in-one device is essential to killing time.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Just upgraded plans from this:


to this:


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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Mikey »

KC Scott wrote:
Mikey - you have a bluetooth and yet you play the "I don't need a smart phone" card? If you're walking around looking like a fucking Spock you're already aboard the douchebag train headed straight for trekkie techie hipster hell.
Are you kidding me? I have never worn, and never will wear that thing in public. I won't even wear a phone "holster" on my belt. I see people wearing those things in the grocery store, at church, whatever. WTF. If I "need" to carry my phone it goes in my pocket. If I absolutely need to take a call while in the car I'll put the blue tooth on. And absolutely means just that. An already scheduled meeting or something. I usually ignore my phone ringing while I'm driving unless it's the OL's personal ringtone.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Dinsdale »

Mikey wrote:If I absolutely need to take a call while in the car I'll put the blue tooth on.

You're dorkier than me.

I just put it on speaker long enough to say "I'll call you back when I stop." If it's a big emergency, I'll freaking pull over (or brave the gendarmes and talk while driving, but I don't really like to do that, since I owe it to my Fellow Man to not be a douchebag and kill them).
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

When the holsters were first coming out, they were mostly used by people to show off their phone. "Look at me, I have a cell phone." Now, I think they have some utility as studies show that the heat from keeping a phone in your pocket reduces battery life and time and can cause the battery to expand (as what happened to me). I still choose not to wear one though, as my former boss with the Redskins wore on and the dude was an absolute douche.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I still choose not to wear one though, as my former boss with the Redskins wore on and the dude was an absolute douche.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Shoalzie »

Mikey wrote:I prefer to use my phone as a phone.


Dinsdale wrote:I use... a phone.

Hell, I don't even text. My theory on texting... do you need to communicate with me? Is it important? If so, then wouldn't the whole process of texting mean that we both had a cell phone in our hands? If it's important -- call. If it's not -- tell me whatever it is the next time we talk. Save your LOL-laden shit texts for someone who doesn't have a social life.


I've got limited web-browsing capability with my new work's handy for checking a score if I'm out and about. My favorite thing with phones is the hands-free that I can use in my car. That's as hi-tech as I go with phones. I'm glad that the phone can go almost a week without charging as well. Like Dins, I don't text...write me an e-mail or call me or save what you have to say for later.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by missjo »

Pretty much all the mobile phones available in Australia are the so called Smartphones
Iphone being the most popular & are available with any carrier
I've got a Nokia 6760 which slides out to a full keyboard the thing
With camera, email, ussless apps & internet access, the stupid thing also has windows office on it
who needs window office on a phone :|
It is a bitch to make calls on though which is the primary function of a phone
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by joe6pac »

Get the EVO it's the best phone available at this time and KC has 4G.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Screw_Michigan wrote:Jizz-mopper checking in. I'm on Verizon. I currently have one of these (heh, I love how the date on the phone says 4/20):


It's kind of a piece of shit. It randomly turns off and that sucks. My warranty has expired and since I don't have the insurance, I have to buy a new phone. Of course, my contract is until next May and I can't qualify for a "free phone" until January. :brad: It's a good phone for utility, but I'd like to have web and email access.

I was thinking about getting a Blackberry with Verizon, but you have to buy a data plan and the minimum cost for that is $100/month, which I certainly don't want to pay. You can get a Blackberry through Boost Mobile for $250 for the phone and $60/month for unlimited data, which is what I'm paying for my monthly Verizon bill. I've been thinking about going with that. I've also been thinking about saying fuck the data plan and just trying to cut my phone bill down to around $40/month.

Any thoughts?
I have the same phone and thought it was weird mine would randomly turn off. I have the insurance plan, so I guess I can go to the local corporate office and trade it in, but for what? I'm with Verizon, and I like the service, just not the phone.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Yes, exactly AP. I'm in for the service, even if it's a bit more expensive. I'm just trying to explore my options right now.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by OCmike »

KC Scott wrote:For those of us that do have these "unique" needs...
RACK all helmet and drool cup references.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Screw_Michigan wrote:Yes, exactly AP. I'm in for the service, even if it's a bit more expensive. I'm just trying to explore my options right now.
The front pad of that flip phone is "touchy." :rollfuckingeyes: The "OK" button doesn't work anymore, which means I have to open it up to use it. Since you're with Verizon, have you heard anything about new products? I'm wary of the front touch screens. I know a few too many that have i-phones that have drop them and that's $200 to replace the screen from what I'm told. Verizon doesn't support iphones at this time and I'm not down with front touchy screens.

I've subscribed to AT&T in the past and did not like their service whether it was wireless or customer service... from call centers in India? I'll stay with Verizon but I want a reliable phone.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

AP, I've been pretty lucky when it comes to phones. When I had Nextel, the phones were fine, but the coverage and service blew. When I got Verizon, the service became great, and when I had my Razr from 06-09, that had the least amount of problems for me (except for expanding battery). I can't really recommend you a phone, but what I certainly will be doing is buying the insurance next time around, as long as it is no more than $5 a month. I too will not be going with the touch screens. I just don't want one yet.

If you want reviews, I'd suggest going to your library and checking out a few Consumers Reports or try, those reviews seem to be pretty accurate.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by kcdave »

EVO best phone currently on the market. Droid X right there with it though.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by smackaholic »

Mikey wrote:I prefer to use my phone as a phone.

If I ever get to the point where I need a "smart" phone I'll either jam red hot knitting needles into both eyes, or just retire.

must be an old fat bald dude thing. i find that my computer works pretty well as a computer and my cheapo pay as you go trac phone seems to work fairly well on those few occasions that a phone call can't wait for one of those phones that is actually connected to my house. Anyone remember them?
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Goober McTuber »

Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Tom In VA »

I was in Mikey's camp until about a year ago. A cell phone - is a phone.

I was already with AT&T and the upgrade time came for my wife and me and the IPhone had the appeal of being able to take pictures of our son. A lot of cool moments were captured that otherwise wouldn't have been.

Being able to get on the internet when needed, gps when needed, and emails have proven valuable. I get alerts from work when jobs fail, servers fail, etc.. and I even downloaded an app that allows me to remote into machines :)

So, I understand the reluctance to go "smart phone", I had it. But I'm glad I have my IPhone for now.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by smackaholic »

Tom In VA wrote:I was in Mikey's camp until about a year ago. A cell phone - is a phone.

I was already with AT&T and the upgrade time came for my wife and me and the IPhone had the appeal of being able to take pictures of our son. A lot of cool moments were captured that otherwise wouldn't have been.

Being able to get on the internet when needed, gps when needed, and emails have proven valuable. I get alerts from work when jobs fail, servers fail, etc.. and I even downloaded an app that allows me to remote into machines :)

So, I understand the reluctance to go "smart phone", I had it. But I'm glad I have my IPhone for now.
you're a geek Tom. it makes sense for you to carry a smartphone as it apparently helps you do your yob.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Usually your yob pays for the phone, too, unless you're in Section 8 housing where the gubmint also pays for it. Dumbass.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Tom In VA »

My job doesn't pay for mine. This is strictly a matter of convenience for me, either that or on weekends when I'm assigned "Daily Job Check" I'm tethered to my machine all day instead of just between 0600-1000AM.
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Re: Smartphones - who's got 'em?

Post by Atomic Punk »

I thought this thread looked old and of course kcdave had to bump it...

SM and I had this messed up phone model that would randomly shut down. I knew I was in for an upgrade with Verizon and I need something that is reliable since I'm "on call" on a few off days as a nurse and am also a supervisor.

I went into the local Verizon corporate office a week ago or so and looked at a few phones and the sales dude showed me a "Droid" which would take a month to get on back order or the LG Ally Android. The LG Android had a slide out keypad and the "Droid" does not. Also I don't really use most of the features because if I want to talk to someone I'll call. Other than that leave me alone. I'm sure it does a lot of neat things but I needed a phone that works and I don't want to waste time learning a touch screen.

I'm paid well enough to where I don't care what a phone does, but when emergencies happen, and they do... I have to have a phone that is reliable. $20 upgrade and I'll read about all the shit this phone can do at a later date when I have a lot of free time... which I don't have, or even care to learn about.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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