mvscal wrote:
Back on point:
The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.
True or false.
I don't know what's in the water, but Avi has apparently gone all the way around the bend
I mean...the seething racist is calling out
lil' Dennis--my personal hero in the house--as a
racist? okay, sure, that's an attempt at bitter humor.
But in condemning Barry for dropping the hammer on an actual demented sociopathic mass-murdering drag queen
camel jockey because it appears some violation of the Founding Fathers' clear intent...?
Where was this vitriolic gut-busting laff riot when we rolled in on Iraq with nothing more than a two-year campaign of steady lies, omissions, and gross distortions of faked intelligence?
What were those
actual or imminent threats to America? Firing at drones? Starving in public?
Basically, it appears that the Tea Bagger--and that's Avi up and down--is programmed to be anti-Barry
no matter what, period. Okay, yer a pissy little robot. Noted.