Tonight on Leno...

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by indyfrisco »

Atomic Punk wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote: T1B will be a better place without you.
Squirt... squirt... you can do it! Momma's boy is about to break down and cry. Make the Great Santini proud!

I'll bet you are in the private forum begging to have me banned. You've invested in Extended Service Plans from Home Depot? The people that steal shopping carts to collect cans are laughing at you. Give me a fucking break.

You've avoided the direct jab on how you've actually collected wealth. You are braggadocios, arrogant, and for you to show that you've married wealth is a slap to anybody here that knows your story. If I get banned, then I win.

You are a pussydashian.
I have avoided a direct jab or a swing and a miss? Sounds like the latter. By the way just google ESPP. Your extended service plan from home depot bit was amusing. Rack you and your ignorance of investment opportunities.

If you get banned, we all win. But you ain't got shit. I'm tired of being nice to you.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by Atomic Punk »

IndyFrisco wrote: ~sniffles~

If you get banned, we all win. But you ain't got shit. I'm tired of being nice to you.
You're tired of being nice to me? So how did you accumulate that wealth? Since you are an arrogant asshole, tell everyone where the money that you've accumulated originated from. You brag and show pics of the spent profits and don't pony up.

THEN... you have stated several times you want me banned. Can you fight you fucking pussy?

Let's get something straight. This last true smackboard is all but dead. Somehow a true homosexual like yourself is an admin here? Who did you drop to your knees to knob gobble?

Squirt those tears as you are losing this game. Santini is still laughing at you.

Hey, post more pictures of your mansion that you didn't pay for.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by poptart »

AP wrote:Somehow a true homosexual like yourself is an admin here?

What level of homosexual would Indy be if a pic of him posing in women's undies showed up here?

A super true homosexual?
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by R-Jack »

You AP,

Just go ahead and throw up the personal info.

You yourself keep yapping on about it and talking about how if you get banned, that is somehow a win for you. You already spend you waking hours getting Sheened into oblivion, so I don't see why you wouldn't want to be "winning" too.

Just do it already, because I'm fucking tired of your "wah, wah, mean old admins wanna ban me" bullshit. It ain't the first time, and it won't be the last time either because you are too much of a chickenshit to actually do what it takes to get that elusive IP ban and achieve your definition of Bode. But we all know that actually getting yourself banned is not what you want. All you want to do is tease some off the board info because you are too fucking stupid to get by any other way. Then you can spin that in your vodka infused cranium that people are getting together in the super secret forum to call a vote on your future. Seriously, get over yourself. Harvesting "backstage secrets" to be used for later and delusions of conspiracy is a little much for a board designed to telling people to jerk off to cheese graters and finding funny ways to say "At least I'm not AP".

In short, you are acting like a bitter little pussy. Save me your gay little "I don't want you to think I'm some kind of infowhore" response. The fact that you have the info to tease already proves you are an infowhore. The rest of this act just proves you are a whiney attention whore. As far as I'm concerned, you have two options.

1-Stop acting like a little bitch and throw the info up here
2-Shut the fuck up about it
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by indyfrisco »

Atomic Punk wrote:You're tired of being nice to me? So how did you accumulate that wealth?
Pretty sure I already did that. Apparently, the company I worked for in Texas offered Employee Stock Purchase Plans while Home Depot only offered Extended Service Plans, you dumbass motherfucker.
Since you are an arrogant asshole, tell everyone where the money that you've accumulated originated from. You brag and show pics of the spent profits and don't pony up.
See above. Once again, put up or shut up. Go ahead, prove what an infowhore you are.
THEN... you have stated several times you want me banned.
If I wanted you banned, it would have already been done. I’m enjoying watching you flop on the ground like a fish out of water.
Can you fight you fucking pussy?
Can I fight? What the fuck does this mean? This is keyboards, screens, and high speed internet connections (maybe dial-up for you, I don’t know.)
Somehow a true homosexual like yourself is an admin here? Who did you drop to your knees to knob gobble?
Again with the mod and admin obsession…you’re a fucking mess, but we all already know that, right?
Hey, post more pictures of your mansion that you didn't pay for.
Finally…you got something right. I haven’t paid for it all just yet. It was hard to pass up a line of credit at prime rate after putting 75% down. My investments are netting me much more than the 3.25% interest is costing me. Soon as prime spikes, I'll liquidate some assets and pay the bitch off. Until then...well, where’s Get Fucked when you need him?
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by mvscal »

Atomic Punk wrote: (assuming a pussy Admin doesn't try to ban me)
Never happen. You're a wellspring of inadvertent hilarity.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Moving Sale

Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by Moving Sale »

IndyFrisco wrote: You do realize the KitchenAid Metal Meat Grinder is vintage, right? They do not make them anymore.
You are a fucking idiot.

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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by Atomic Punk »

IndyFrisco wrote: Finally…you got something right. I haven’t paid for it all just yet. It was hard to pass up a line of credit at prime rate after putting 75% down. My investments are netting me much more than the 3.25% interest is costing me. Soon as prime spikes, I'll liquidate some assets and pay the bitch off. Until then...well, where’s Get Fucked when you need him?
Let me discredit you and R-Joke right now. I've never posted any personal info on this board or anywhere else. Using a 1st name VALVENIS himself called R-Joke back in the day is supposed to be board fodder, and how would I know it when it doesn't fucking matter?... kinda like pics I've never posted publicly that you let flow on this board.

Secondly, I've never once been on "chat" or any "come be my friend" in whatever that music live thing B-Smacked bumps. I have no need, desire, etc. to get personal info on you losers that take yourselves too seriously. Everything I know is from what YOU self-aggrandizing closet homos put out there from over the years.

Look at your last post to me Indyfool... look at all of that personal info you put up about yourself. Am I supposed to read it and then never comment nor remember it? Arrogant people like yourself forget that when you brag about yourselves that smart people like myself have a pretty good memory from waaaaay back. I can call you a homosexual or faggot like Kobe can to a ref.

Yeah, so you are now calling yourself self-made with what you've provided. Donald Trump called me up and told me to ask you to show your birth certificate... bitch.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by OCmike »

Damn dude, you're on a roll. Go fetch MGO from the pantry and light his ass up too!

Moving Sale wrote: I could easily have an IQ of 40
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by Get fucked »

(extended service plan)

Well AP, I don't think I have ever addressed you properly, but after that brilliant statement, this looks like a great time. You have certainly outted yourself appropriately.

Get fucked
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by Atomic Punk »

KC Scott wrote:Only AP could manage to get piled on in a thread about JtR
I've been piled upon by whom?


and--> R-Joke

What is the common theme with the above listed women?

Anyway, I'll await a response from an entitled poster that you have hot tub sessions with. He won't win, but I will.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by Atomic Punk »

Where oh where did IndyFrisco go?
Why did he leave me with a KC tard all alone?

I've searched the board over and thought I've found true love
You've sucked another and poof you be gone...

Where's my sammich?
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Tonight on Leno...

Post by Mace »

Atomic Punk wrote:Where oh where did IndyFrisco go?
Why did he leave me with a KC tard all alone?

I've searched the board over and thought I've found true love
You've sucked another and poof you be gone...

Where's my sammich?
Hee Haw smack? Ya gotta love it. :popcorn:
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