And they openly wonder why circulation has dropped…
Why, just yesterday, they called for an increase of the tobacco tax in Missouri to “fund state programs”. This periodic harangue is used interchangeably with their call to raise the booze taxes on us working slobs too. Fat chance. We brew too much beer and roll too many cigarettes in this state for this plea to ever grow legs in the General Assembly. But that doesn’t keep them from spilling the ink.
So why bother with the Star? Like I said, I’m old school. There’s something comforting about starting you day with a real live newspaper. Besides, laptops don’t balance so well or fold nearly as conveniently when you’re sitting on the shitter.
But I gotta give props where props are due.
With the sesquicentennial of the Civil War upon us, The Star is about mid-way through a monthly series on the war in these parts – or, as some have been raised to call it, the War of Northern Aggression. Yeah, most of you could give a rat’s ass, and the Get Fucked troll is surely lurking, but there is some great stuff that can be found here for Civil War buffs.
I probably wouldn’t have even bothered with this post if it hadn’t been for the raised-and-lifted, rusted-out F-150 proudly flying a regulation-size rebel battle flag from the end of its left rear quarter panel as it raced up 58 Highway a couple of hours ago, and as I was heading up to the Price Chopper to pick up supper.
“Only in Missouri,” was my first thought.
One of the more amusing passages I read today was the 1860’s circa smack thrown down by a Lt. Colonel Elias Caulkins of the 3rd Wisconsin on Missouri’s “insurgents”:
Goober couldn’t have posted a better smack on the residents of these parts on his best day. Still, it’s easy to understand the colonel’s bitterness – about a hundred of his countrymen (and most probably a couple of Goober’s grandnephews) are planted in a Confederate cemetery up in Higginsville….”Not one in a hundred could write. They are usually of a yellow sandy complexion… and they had uniformly bad teeth. …They were ignorant, uncombed, unwashed.”
As I’ve posted before: Your folks all went home after the war. Our folks were still here when it ended - and had to learn to live with one another. There’s some good stuff here that might bring you all a bit of perspective as to why this junk still matters some of us born 'n raised in these parts.
Of an interest was the published result of a Pew poll on the major causation of the war: 48% said states rights; 38% said slavery. And the states rights metric soared to well over 60% with the under-30 crowd. Good Lord. 'The hell they teachin' our kids? mvscal and I have gone a round-or-seven on this very topic, but even this result left me speechless…