Caught this in the Red Star this morning.
"If you want to live in a Republican state with very conservative right-wing laws, then there's a place called Arizona," Brown spokesman Gil Duran said.
Not bad smack, but I think Duran misses the point. Stone is tired of living in a Democrat state with very liberal left-wing laws, and sees secession as the only means of changing things.
Interesting stuff. Two demographically similar states with divergent political philosophies. No longer will Sacramento be reigned by meddling right-wingers looking to defund its entitlement programs or harangued by their unenlightened social propositions.
Conversely, a new South California would most likely do away with the high taxes and regulatory restrictions signatory of Sacramento’s statist legislators that they see as crippling the region’s economy.
Hmmm. Wonder which state would be the first to emerge from the economic doldrums that plague that region? And given the animosity of folks as to what this country should really be, could this be a precursor of a Red States of America/Blue States of America two-state solution?
Calis, your thoughts?