Queen of Fabulous

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Queen of Fabulous

Post by War Wagon »


Say it ain't so, sweetie. :? :? :?

GOProud says conservative columnist Ann Coulter will carry the title of "Honorary Chair and Gay Icon" of its Advisory Council. Saying Coulter "helped put our organization on the map," GOProud chairman Christopher Barron boasts: "Politics is full of the meek, the compromising, and the apologists -- Ann, like GOProud, is the exact opposite of all of those things."

Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action tells OneNewsNow that he has had a good deal of respect for Coulter in the past. "[But] unfortunately I think she really is putting herself in a position here where she could marginalize herself and do damage to her conservative credentials, if you will," he offers.

Coulter joining forces even in an advisory capacity surprises Barber because of the nature of the organization.

"GOProud, of course, is a radical, pro-homosexual, activist organization, a socio-liberal organization that is libertarian in some of their policies in support of some conservative and libertarian policies," he explains, "but certainly they are socio-liberal."

Barber also comments on the spiritually, physically, and emotionally destructive homosexual lifestyle. "There is nothing conservative about the radical homosexual activist agenda which seeks to impose, under penalty of law, sexual anarchy," he states.

Coulter, who has been known to make disparaging remarks about the homosexual-rights movement, says she "looks forward to being the queen of fabulous" in her relationship with GOProud. Grover Norquist (Americans for Tax Reform) and Andrew Breitbart (BigGovernment.com) are among other notables named the GOProud Advisory Council.
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Re: Queen of Fabulous

Post by Bucmonkey »

Well, she used to be a he right ? :wink:
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Re: Queen of Fabulous

Post by Goober McTuber »

Bucmonkey wrote:Well, she used to be a he right ? :wink:
Used to be? He's straight up pre-op.

Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Queen of Fabulous

Post by Cuda »

Looks like Goober suffers fom Penis Envy
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Re: Queen of Fabulous

Post by smackaholic »

Cuda wrote:Looks like Goober suffers fom Penis Envy
no shit.

dan coulter has meat hooks the size of shaqs.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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