5 greatest bands in Rock History!

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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by War Wagon »

I have no problem with the Skynyrd choice. Certainly in the top 5 of greatest American bands.

True story - I won a karoke contest about 30 years ago at some dive bar doing "Gimme 3 Steps" - of course, I had a lot of friends there.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Mikey »

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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

88 wrote:5 greatest bands in Rock History! What a loaded question, which is subject to many interpretations. Fuck it. Here is mine:

1. The Beatles. I absolutely hate The Beatles. I hate them as a group. I hate them individually. I fucking hate The Beatles. But I must confess that in the history of rock and roll, no band had a more profound influence on the then current state of music than they did. So as much as I hate them, I have to put them at the top of my list.

2. Lynyrd Skynyrd. Fuck you. Why? Because you drew a pretentious breath upon reading that I ranked Lynyrd Skynyrd second behind your goddamned beloved Beatles. Truth is, that Lynyrd Skynyrd either invented/legitimized/mainstreamed southern rock during its run, and that is worthy of a ranking all by itself. I grew up with this stuff, and I will defend it until Curtis Loew gets a job.

3. The Rolling Stones. I'm throwing this one on the list due to longevity. And, because there was a period (Mick Taylor era) when they really cranked out some excellent music (Let it Bleed is my all-time favorite album, and Gimme Shelter is my all-time favorite song). When Ron Wood replaced Mick Taylor, Wood and Richards occasionally found some sort of weird place where they could make music better than any two musicians at their time. Unfortunatley, drugs and ego kept them from that place for more than 15 minutes at a time. But a lot of it was captured on audiotape, and we are better for it.

4. Pink Floyd. I have no real good justification for this, except that I used to get stoned a lot and chill out to their albums. They were musically talented, at least after their first few albums. And The Dark Side of the Moon might be the best studio album of all time. But I don't know. I think the weed is mostly voting here.

5. Some people expect The Who here. Others, Led Zeppelin. Maybe Nirvana or U2. Rush, even. This slot could be filled by any number of bands. I'm going to go with AC/DC, only because I like their music, they transcended several music genres, and they made it possible for skinny fucking white boys like bradhusker to get out on the dance floor for 15 second without looking like a fucking tard. It was that 16th second that kicked his ass every time.

88, first, the stones are great, but, next to zeppelin? sorry pal, not on your life,

second, skinny white boy? you got the white part right, BUT, I am 6'2, 280, and built like a nebraska defensive lineman.
My shoulders are as wide as a three car garage, and my hands are large enough to cover most of your adult body.'
In my younger days, I could tear a Phone book apart, both the yellow and white pages.

third, Lynyrd skynyrd??? sure they were great, but, again, next to zeppelin? sorry pal, not on your families life.

ACDC?? fuckin awesome band for sure, BUT, again, they are a zeppelin wannabe at their very best.

OH, and THEY themselves will tell you that. dont take my word for it, go ask the members of ACDC themselves, and they will tell you to your face, that they cant hold a candle to zeppelin.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

Mikey wrote:

steely dan is nice, BUT, next to zeppelin? you must be on crack.

steely dan was always just a few notes away from being elevator music, not a bad band by any means, but, not anywhere near the wizardry of the mighty zepp.

I dont want to come across as arrogant here, BUT, zeppelin is so far ahead of everyone else, that its a joke to try and put other bands anywhere near them.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Mikey »

You don't come across as arrogant. Just ignorant.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Mikey »

Papa Willie wrote:
Mikey - I love Joe B's playing. He gets a bit too hypered at times - certainly for blues. I'd love to see him go into more of a progressive/jazz mode.
Yeah his posing and bending over backward and shit can get kind of annoying but some of his playing is just transcendent, IMO.

Papa Willie wrote:
As far as Derek Trucks goes (and this will probably shock a few), I'm not very crazy about his playing at all. I realize that he's definitely creating his own thing, but he has a god-awful habit of raking the strings between notes sometimes that drives me fucking crazy.
Yeah, I can see that too. But again, some of the stuff that he plays just blows me away. And his new band puts on a great show.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by poptart »

tardhusker wrote:I think society is currently in a period of overall decline, isnt that what happens? we reach a pinnacle or zenith, THEN, we slowly start to go downhill into decay.

If a person requires further evidence of the decline and decay, opening this board should do it.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

bradhusker wrote:there is a HUGE difference between like and dis-like, opinions and tastes, AND, critical acclaim.

FOR instance, the movie schindler's List is a masterpiece of filmaking, you may not like the film, in fact, you might even hate it, HOWEVER, that doesnt change the fact that the movie is a cinematic masterpiece.

Same thing in music, like any other art form, you may not like Led zeppelin, BUT, wether you like them or not, they have created critically acclaimed essential music. SEE MY POINT?

For example, I am not a fan of Prince, HOWEVER, because I am educated in music, I know that he is a bad ass genius.

I wonder what is so hard to understand about music or movies that are critically acclaimed? No one says that you must like it or die, ALL we are merely pointing out is that if you are indeed an educated person in the arts, you will realize who the greats are, and you will realize who the pieces of shit are.
Who has argued any of these points? I know who's "critically acclaimed." My point is I don't give two shits, and neither should you.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Goober McTuber »

Kids love fireworks, I guess.
And JPJ couldn't hold Marcus Miller's jockstrap.
JPJ couldn't hold Jaco Pastorius' jock strap either.
How far do you want to go with this?
bradhusker ubb genius wrote:guys? you mean that jimmy page couldnt hold their jock straps in a technical playing sense? BECAUSE, as for creativity? or critically acclaimed body of work, THEY couldnt sniff pages strap.

seee, for a fact, who cares if they can technically play guitar better? page plays great enough for it to ever matter, when you are at that level of guitar playing, who cares if you are better technically?

What should be of the utmost importance here, is who has the better "body of work" who created better more timeless classics?

when it comes to creating art in music, Led zepp takes a back seat to no one.
Hey Mr. I've Studied Rock For 30 Years And Sucked Led Zeppelin's Dick The Entire Time, did you actually think that "JPJ" was Jimmy Page? Fucking tard.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by King Crimson »

well, i guess the eternal question must be:

who would win?

LZ or the 95 Huskers?
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by King Crimson »

personally, i think the Kinks are pretty underrated. the body of work, not just hearing "you really got me" or "lola" from time to time. who really listens to Arthur? that's a great LP. Muswell? Village Green?

i would probably include the Velvets in my personal top 5, along with the Who. but, pretty solid Beatles, Stones, Zep or Cream (lifespan issues) guy here at the end of the day....if the issue is "all-time" and thereby "classic rock", jean short cutoffs and t-top camero driving prereqs....OK.

Jimi Hendrix Experience?
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

King Crimson wrote:well, i guess the eternal question must be:

who would win?

LZ or the 95 Huskers?
well..Thats a tough one to ponder, and I'll tell you why, nebraska 95 was cock n balls swagger and smashmouth, Led zepp was also cock n balls smashmouth music, HOWEVER, zepp made a pact with Satan, beeelzebubb, Lucifer, the beastmaster, SO, that would be hard to do battle against, ALTHOUGH, Charlie Daniels' band showed us that when the Devil went down to georgia, HE GOT HIS ASS BEAT by Johnny, the devil and his band of demons got their teeth kicked in that night,
ALSO, nebraska has Dr. TOM, a devout christian, and the devil always loses to Christ.

I guess 95 nebraska in OT.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

Mikey wrote:You don't come across as arrogant. Just ignorant.
hey mikey boy, if Im ignorant, that must make you a turd on the sidewalk, now, only 3 things can happen to a turd on the sidewalk, it can dry up and be blown away in the wind, or, it can be stepped on and smushed, or it can be scraped up and thrown in to the fire.
SO, my advice to you? be careful where the dog shits ya. punk

dirty harry, sudden impact, 1984
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

Papa Willie wrote:Y'all say what you want to about Rush, but remember these things:

1. Geddy Lee can wipe the floor up with MOST bass players. Let's see the bass players that are better than he is try to sing over the top of playing. No. It won't happen.

2. Alex Lifeson can wipe the floor with most guitarists you hear. Sorry.

3. We all know how Peart could wipe the floor with almost all drummers.

No - you might not like them, but they pretty much fuck up everything that's out there now with musical skills.

papa, thats as close to a perfect post as could ever be, its impossible to argue with anything you said there.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

bradhusker wrote:
dirty harry, sudden impact, 1994
I never realised there was a re-make.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by smackaholic »

Papa Willie wrote:Y'all say what you want to about Rush, but remember these things:

1. Geddy Lee can wipe the floor up with MOST bass players. Let's see the bass players that are better than he is try to sing over the top of playing. No. It won't happen.

2. Alex Lifeson can wipe the floor with most guitarists you hear. Sorry.

3. We all know how Peart could wipe the floor with almost all drummers.

No - you might not like them, but they pretty much fuck up everything that's out there now with musical skills.
g0ddamn, that's more floor mopping than screwey does in a week at work.

anyhoo, rack it.

geddy, alex and neil are as talented musically as any other band. zep was better at song writing but, i think alex and geddy top jimmy and jpj on a purely technical basis. neil is awesome, but, sorry, he's still not bonzo. he can do flawless fills, but, he just can't get his grove on. bonham, OTOH wrote the fukkin' book on rock drummer groove. his groove is the fukking grand canyon of rock grooves.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Bizzarofelice »

88 wrote: I hate them as a individually.
You hate George Harrison? We will fight.

Lynyrd Skynyrd
kinda sucks

I'm throwing this one on the list due to longevity.
Barry Manilow has been playing a long time. He must be awesome.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Bizzarofelice »

King Crimson wrote:personally, i think the Kinks are pretty underrated. the body of work, not just hearing "you really got me" or "lola" from time to time. who really listens to Arthur? that's a great LP. Muswell? Village Green?
Powerman... all on my ipod and get listened to while I clean. they might have written better pop songs than the beatles.

yeah, I listen to public image ltd while I clean, too.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Bizzarofelice wrote: yeah, I listen to public image ltd while I clean, too.
I listen to PiL to make things dirty.

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by The Seer »

What some of you have done to my stomach by posting noise makers as top music groups is criminal.

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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

Martyred wrote:
bradhusker wrote:
dirty harry, sudden impact, 1994
I never realised there was a re-make.
no re makes, just sequels,

Dirty harry 1971
Magnum force 1973
The enforcer 1976
sudden Impact 1984
The dead pool 1988
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by smackaholic »

Papa Willie wrote: Okay - here's the deal. Yeah - I've always liked Rush a lot. See - they're a lot more talented than most bands. Since I play guitar, bass, some drums & keys, and a little of a lot of other shit, I can fucking promise you that it's MUCH easier for me to play something like Priest, Jagger & Bowie, than it is for me to play Rush. When you've been playing music for 30 years professionally, then perhaps your theories will mean a fuck. Until then, I just chalk you up as somebody who thinks he knows something about music, but really doesn't know fuck, mkay?
that's crazy talk.

anyone not a quadriplegic could pick up a guitar and have la villa strangiato nailed in a weekend. a masterpiece like satisfaction however, takes even the best axemen years to master.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by smackaholic »

Toddowen wrote: Ah well. I still listen to Priest, Jagger, and Bowie....even though I strongly oppose their occasional sojourns into the butthole.
preemptively pointing out the irony of calling rush fan gax, while admitting being a fan of this lot, does not diminish this KYOA clinic.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Papa Willie wrote:I speak from playing professionally now for 30 years.
Papa Willie wrote:When you've been playing music for 30 years professionally...

Wait a sec, how many years have you been playing professionally? Did you know that Screw lives in DC?
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Rush's newer releases prove that all the talent in the world does not always = good music. All that experience and talent and they've regressed in songwriting, though, that was never their forte by any strech. Sure, you can be awestruck with a Peart drum fill or 14 minute solo, but is the actual music something you can really groove to and enjoy? And I like Rush...I own all their albums up to Vapor Trails. Sometimes it's more impressive when you can take simple melodies and sparse instrumentation and turn it into an awesome song.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I used to listen to a ton of prog rock. Bores me to tears now. Though I can still get down with some King Crimson.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Sudden Sam wrote:Nada Surf
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Are you fukkin' stalking me or something?

If not, Nada Surf is one great fukkin' band. They need to play 9:30 again...soon. And play Hyperspace, for christ's sake.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Papa Willie wrote:Okay - here's the deal. Yeah - I've always liked Rush a lot. See - they're a lot more talented than most bands. Since I play guitar, bass, some drums & keys, and a little of a lot of other shit, I can fucking promise you that it's MUCH easier for me to play something like Priest, Jagger & Bowie, than it is for me to play Rush. When you've been playing music for 30 years professionally, then perhaps your theories will mean a fuck. Until then, I just chalk you up as somebody who thinks he knows something about music, but really doesn't know fuck, mkay?
You should play The Enemy Within live. That would be fucking EPOCH.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Screw_Michigan »

The Weight is a Gift is my favorite album of theirs. Followed by Let Go.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Dinsdale »

Bizzarofelice wrote:yeah, I listen to public image ltd while I clean, too.

Bout time Steve Vai gets some love up in this beyotch.

Not that Johnny turns him loose, but what a hire.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Dinsdale »

Papa Willie wrote:They're probably the most "normal" celebrities you'd ever see...

Yeah, because "normal" people always play the "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?!?!?" card when they get busted by the cops.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Goober McTuber »

Papa Willie wrote:Honestly - the deal with me - is that the words are by FAR (with me) the last fucking thing I would ever pay attention to. I'm always paying more attention to things like (obviously) the instruments - little things like how the bass guitar is locked up with the kick drum - things some of y'all have probably never even thought about. It's kind of like watching football and only paying attention to the guy with the ball - never mind the OL.
So when you watch football, you prefer focusing on the big fat guys. Not exactly stop the presses kind of news here.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by indyfrisco »

I've always wondered why people get soworked up over other people's taste in music.

No matter...this thread is about "Enough-worthy".
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Dinsdale wrote:Yeah, because "normal" people always play the "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?!?!?" card when they get busted by the cops.
He said celebrity normal, not normal people normal.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Go Coogs' »

1. Pink Floyd
2. Pink Floyd
3. Pink Floyd
4. Pink Floyd
5. Pink Floyd

And yes, I live in DC.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

Papa Willie wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:
Papa Willie wrote: The biggest thing I like about Rush, is the fact that they just don't give a fuck what anybody thinks of them. They aren't at all afraid to try new things, new directions - hell - even new genres of music. It takes huge gonads to do that.
Yeah, but they're Canadians and Geddy's funny looking.
Ya - definitely one ugly SOB. You should watch that documentary they put out last year. I guarantee you that you'll like them more as people & musicians. They're probably the most "normal" celebrities you'd ever see...
Hey papa, that documentary is freakin Aweesome!!!! I learned things about them I never knew, and it was great to see their normal quote un quote everyday regular people side of them. Where they grew up and how they came into being, AWESOME STUFF INDEED!!
in fact, I will go on record as saying, its a must watch for anyone remotely interested in rock n roll !!!!!!

By the way papa, I am glad to hear you are a professional musician, I have always noticed that real musicians have a real appreciation for elvis presley, they realize what he did in the studio, in fact, elvis' session players, the musicians in the studio with him for all those years, often talk about how elvis was the reason for all those countless hits and critical acclaim.

Elvis himself personally arranged many of his own recording sessions, which went on to garner much critical acclaim.
PLUS, I own several recordings where elvis is at the piano himself, and these recordings are nothing short of excellent.
My theory on why some musicians dis-respect elvis is really quite simple, THOSE who di=respect the KING, and talk about how elvis didnt write his own lyrics? THEY do this due to the fact that they have really low self esteem.
Its a real simple FACT of psychology, when you feel inadequate, bring down others.

Papa, after reading your various posts over the past months, I feel that you sir have a true and honest appreciation of music in general, which is why I hold your posts in very very high esteem.

You are a gentleman and a scholar sir.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

One of the reasons I started this thread was to foster an appreciation for music in general, expecially rock n roll and classic rock, which, by the way, for me, has been THE genre of music I most love.

The 5 bands I listed arent necessarily the best, BUT, that being said, ALl 5 have SWAGGER and critical acclaim. and, I thought it would be a nice choice, plus, the mere fact that all 5 hail from england, and all 5 were influenced by american rock n roll.

Music is a deep part of all of our lives, in fact, without music, the suicide rate would go up ten fold all around the world.

Music is the very fabric of our day to day living, I might add, that a man without music, isnt really a man at all, just a soulless zombie with nothing to live for, except eating the flesh of others.

SO, go on and proudly blast your music on your way to work, let the music play on play on, LISTEN like today is your last day on earth!!!!
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Mikey »

Do you enjoy sucking dick?
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

What's this about 'Spray fucking 30 fat guy's in DC?
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: 5 greatest bands in Rock History!

Post by bradhusker »

Mikey wrote:Do you enjoy sucking dick?
sorry I didnt get back to you sooner, I was enjoying a mouthfull of pussy, you sissy cocksucker. That being said, sure, there are other bands which could be included on any list of the all time greatest bands. BUT, in all honesty, the five bands I listed? They take a backseat to nobody. I mean, look at the bands today? next to zeppelin? JOKE.

Its time for the gloves to come off, and lets get down to brass tacks, no more bullshit, Led zepp kicks the shit outta any band today, I know, Ive heard them all. I dont need to be nice or politically correct. Your favorite band is a gay sissy band next to zeppelin, THERE, I said it, the gloves are off, no need to play nice here, this is a hard dose of reality for you guys who think that todays' shit compares to the mighty Led.

LOOK, you can continue to kid yourselves, BUT, when the dust settles, I'm right, and my list is absolutely correct.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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