awesome rant kid

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awesome rant kid

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Ron ‎ - Oct 16, 2009
Reviewing Schools is like Reviewing Prison--it don't matter what you think--you goin' In my opinion, these reviews are worthless, because, in my opinion, opinions are worthless, they're not like facts which contain actual data about the real world, which, in my opinion, would be better to use to make decisions about the worthiness of a school than say, opinions, but that's just my opinion In my opinion it is meaningless for a student to claim that their high school is good because they are forced to go there by law regardless if it was good or bad. In my opinion a student who claims that the teaching at weed high school "is at a very high level" and then as evidence of this claim says "some of my teachers taught my dad!)" probably doesn't understand what tenure is and, due to this incredible ignorance, will likely live, die, decompose and leave this world without having made any noticeable impact on it or leaving behind any proof of their existence that will last more than a few hundred years. Thus rendering their very existence, from the perspective of humanity, history, or the universe, completely and indisputably worthless ... CC8Q8gEwAQ
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Re: awesome rant kid

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