Of course this is just a trifle tardy as these CFB posers lose two in a row..Bwahahaaahaaa.. Losing is a full time job to these softies from Potville. Is this the first time a team loses to a conference opponent without offically being a conference game? Of course it is!..Bwahahaaaa.. only these losers can boost of that accomplishment.. Bwahahaaaa....Hey PAC 12ers, if you need a hook-up for sum shit...you know where to go now...Bwahahaaaa...they can't beat you one the field, but they'll get you high...and then you must die!!..Bwahahaaaa..
Wake up kitty kitty..oh you're not napping?..Bwahahaaaaa...well I give you credit for taking on a foe that has some moxie..at least you died an honorable death..but you dead just the same..Bwahahaaa...
That Hawkeye is closed for another long season and it's still 80 degress in Crapville Iowa. Thanks for not wasting our time losers...Bwahahaaaa...being dealt the death blow from lil' brother across the state should be the embarrassment of the year..Bwahahaaaa...how can these losers get out of bed tomorrow? They won't!..Bwahhaaaahaaa...
Welly well, I take great pride in these Bible thumpers getting thumped. They are a weird lot that keeps it all in the family, if you know what I mean...if only they knew the final reward..Bwahahaaa...
Well I remember assisting in reaping the herd that beautiful July afternoon in Montana when the Sioux had a little surprise for G.A. Custer and his boys. Maybe he'd have fared better slaughtering the peaceful Utes as they are now in the Happy Hunting Grounds along with Georgie..Bwahahaaaaa...Lets see, these guys and the losers above will make the Pacific 12 proud, nothing like adding even more losers to a conference. Bwahaaaaaa..
Welly welly well...even though more of you decomposers are still out there, this is all I have time for, you see, I need to get to my full time job and glean the geriatric ward... (check my list for tonight...ummm.. Mabel, Junior, Ethel, and Norman...check!) borrrringgg...I need another tsunami..Bwahahaaaa...or that big time earthquake that's been promised to all you believers..Bwahhaaaaa...it's coming worm meal! oh yeah, it is... Bwahhahaaaaa...Bwahaaaaahhaaa..Think atomic holocaust losers..Bwahahaaaa...You all play a hand in the end, so keep up the good work you greedy sinful bastards! Bwahahaaaa...Bwahahaaaa, see you soon! Oh yeah, I mean SOON!.. Bwahahaaahaaaa...
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