Tipping the dealer(s)...

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Tipping the dealer(s)...

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

I started a spreadsheet earlier this year after I started playing live poker on a somewhat regular basis. Pretty simple three-column spreadsheet with a column for how much I spent on buy-ins, one for how much (if anything) I won, and then the third column is just the difference. Just wondering how you guys account for dealer tips when tracking wins/losses. I started off by adding it to the "spent" column, but after a while, I figured it was probably better to just subtract it from the "won" column. Now I'm wondering if I should even track tips at all. What do you guys do? Or am I just a huge dork for having a spreadsheet in the first place?
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Re: Tipping the dealer(s)...

Post by buckeye_in_sc »

having this is key to bank roll mgmt...

I would add a column where you can track your hourly rate (Net Won/Hrs Played)...so you can see if you are really hitting the BB/Hr target for what level you are playing at...

I would maybe keep a column for misc (where you can put tips, etc)...or just assume it is part of your normal winning, etc and just say Buy In - What you cash out = net profit or loss...
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