Diego in Seattle wrote:bradhusker wrote:Martyred wrote:
marty, instead of posting pics of guys, why dont you post pics of hot chicks?
are you a closet queen or sissy? no problem if you are, just come out.
Any guy who openly admits to walking around & checking out other guys' packages shouldn't go around accusing others of being gay.
Just sayin.
so, let me get this straight, you're sayin, that if you are out and about downtown san fransicko on a saturday night, enjoying the culture and sights and sounds of one of america's great cities, that must mean you are checking out guys packages?
cause, according to you, thats what it means/
I remember pointing out that gay men were openly flaunting their gayness for anyone and everyone who happens to be out and downtown on a typical saturday night.
so, anyone walking downtown on a typical weekend evening, would be subjegated to the same things I was.
Is that so hard for you to swallow? cause diego, you and I both know that you have swallowed some pretty BIG things in your lifetime, just sayin.........
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.