Anyways, here are some pics...

Let the chaos begin.

Tiger bait.

LSU Program. Very gay pose.

Sportin' the UofH gear. People came up to me and thought I took the wrong bus.

Love the Cajun cuisine.


I was impressed LSU fan could spell.

Geaux Tigers


Let the dominance begin.
All in all, a very shitty game. 21 penalties and Florida's 3rd string QB couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat. He was fucking terrible. Chris Rainey played his ass off for the Gators, but it was all for not. LSU's offense looks good with Lee throwing very accurate passes albeit against a young and inexperienced Florida secondary. LSU's D is very good I suppose. Again, I couldn't very well draw many conclusions of how good their D really is considering the QB they faced. Did I mention Florida's 3rd stringer was fucking terrible. November 5th will be interesting to say the least.
A football trip into another conference will become a yearly thing for me from here on out. Next season is Bama/Michigan in Dallas Cowboys Stadium. Should be fun.