Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Martyred wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:...will corporations continue to hold their huge cash reserves to try to sway voters at the midterms to bring in a republican/tea bagger super-majority.

Why would corporations withhold contributions to the Dems?
Do you work really hard at being that stupid, or does it just come naturally?

Most corporations favor the repugnantcans because the repugs are the party of not paying their own way for government services & not holding businesses responsible for their actions.

So let's take this real slow. Which party would be hurt due to the economy tanking? Dems. And if people aren't working, they aren't spending...thus tanking the economy. So by not hiring people, which party would benefit in 2012? Repugs.

Class dismissed. You can now return to clubbing pinnipeds & drinking yourself to death with that piss-water Molson beer.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by poptart »

Barry has lost his base for a few reasons.

1) As a candidate, he sold himself as the anti-war guy. But we're still in Iraq, he upped the ante in Afghanistan, he started an unconstitutional war in Libya, he's increased drone-bombing the shit out of everybody, he kept Gitmo open, he continued with the Patriot Act...

How'd all that taste, lefties?

I think Ron Paul is the guy you were looking for, idiots.

2. He hasn't done enough for the fairies.

3. He ruined the economy. 90% of the young dipshits gathered in NY to scream at the walls VOTED FOR THIS.
:lol: :lol:

Scream at yourselves, m0rons.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by War Wagon »

Diego in Seattle wrote: Do you work really hard at being that stupid, or does it just come naturally?
And then:
Most corporations favor the repugnantcans because the repugs are the party of not paying their own way for government services & not holding businesses responsible for their actions.
What? :lol:
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

War Wagon wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote: And fwiw, Obama has lost his base, not because he's gone off the far left deep end, but because he's bent over backward to appease the teabaggers. When push comes to shove, though, I think his base will turn out for him, only because they know the alternative is far worse.
fwiw = jackshit.

Bent over backwards to appease the Tea party is why he lost his base? :meds:

He's lost his base due to chronic unemployment and the $14 trillion in debt he wants to run up even further.

STFU you mouthbreathing idiot. You are his base, dumbfuck.
Nice try at historical revisionism. The chronic unemployment started due to the policies of your boy, W.

Obama tried to fix it, but he has been opposed by the Party of No at every turn. That is the reason why it continues.

Obama is the guy who volunteered to captain the Titanic after it struck the iceberg, and it hasn't sunk yet. Not that the Republicans haven't been trying.

Obama's biggest fault is that he hasn't been tough enough in dealing with the other side.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by poptart »

The chronic unemployment started due to the policies of your boy, W.

Obama tried to fix it, but he has been opposed by the Party of No at every turn. That is the reason why it continues
You're delusional.

Barry had two full years with COMPLETE democratic control to put policies in place to deal with the economy.

The republicans COULD NOT stop his agenda, so you're just pulling complete bullshit out of your ass.

His agenda is a big fat FAIL, dude.

Did I mention that you are delusional?
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by mvscal »

Diego in Seattle wrote:Most corporations favor the repugnantcans

Corporations favor the party in power, you brainless, kiddy diddling fucktard.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:
Felix wrote:if the rep nominee gets on the tea party bandwagon and espouses the idea of cutting social security
Name one candidate who espouses "cutting" social security. Just one, you fucking idiot. Oh, wait...the only one who is talking about cutting medicare and social security is Bambi Odowngrade.
Rick Perry has called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme." ... 03544.html What do you think he'll do to Social Security if he gets his hands on it?
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by War Wagon »

Terry in Crapchester wrote: Nice try at historical revisionism.
Oh really?

Obama is the guy who volunteered to captain the Titanic after it struck the iceberg.
Obama was a candidate in 2007, the economy started tanking in mid 2008 and hit the iceberg in October, 2008, exactly one month before the election that swept Obumble into office.

Care to revise that bit of history some?
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by mvscal »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:Rick Perry has called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme."
It is by definition a Ponzi scheme and, as such, destined to fail. There is no way around it. The question is...what do you do with it. Even the stupid, cymbal clacking affirmative action monkey in the White Crib understands that SS is broken.
What do you think he'll do to Social Security if he gets his hands on it?
Hopefully he and Congress will gradually phase it out. Gen X is already fucked and we will never get back what we paid in to it.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by atomicdad »

So the problem is:
Rising Health Care Costs
Dependence on foreign oil/energy
Decaying Infrastructure
Hugh unemployment rates
Huge deficit

Were fucked. So stop the huge bailout/payouts to private corporations. From what i've seen Barry has slowly shifted the bailouts to local states DOT's for roadway infrastructure work, that is good but only provides short term jobs and at least we get something from it.

A problem that never seems to be brought up is that of the some 50+ (actually I think there are more) nuclear plants in this country that are all approaching or passed their serviceable lifespan under their NRC license, and there hasn't been a major new plant built and brought on line in a long time. Where will our power come from when these plants are shut down due to regulatory issues?

Instead of massive bailouts, give out loans to the big utilities to build new plants. It is probably 5-8 billion to build a plant, construction, engineering, services, etc. will keep many people employed and create many more jobs for 20 years. The initial funding is a loan that will be payed back with interest.

If you don't like nuclear, than you are a dipshit. The new generation of plant design is way more advanced and safer than anything already in operation now. If you don't like nuclear than shut the fuck up about being in the Middle East fighting sand-mvscals for their oil, you can't have it both ways. Unless you ride a bike for 90% of you travels you are currently dependent on foreign oil.

As for health care, fuck - Emergency Rooms are for Emergencies. Not that hospitals will do this, but to save a shit load of money they all could hire a fully competent RN to staff the ER waiting room to assess fucknuts in the lobby and turn away everybody that is not dying. For example:

1) You got a broken bone on a Saturday afternoon playing football with your buddies, what is the ER gonna do? Charge you and your insurance a shit load of money to tell you it is broke, give you a flimsy splint and tell you to see a orthopedist at your earliest convienience the next week.

2) Sick and non-documented personages i.e. illegal beaner, tell them to go home and sleep it off, your TB is not welcome here.

3) Drug addicts feigning bullshit because they are in withdrawl, fuck them.

Only admittance to an ER should be if you arrive in an Ambulance, or if by private transportation you are bleeding profusely out of a non-normal bodily oriface, you are unconscious and being carried in, or you are puking up blood, bile or other non-natural gastrointestinal fluid.

So fuck that is my rant.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Dinsdale »

Every now and then, the denizens of this board are treated to a truly great example of a KYOA. Not the minor versions, but a full-on broke-his-knee-swinging-it-so-hard-at-his-posterior.

And we've just had one:

Terry in Crapchester wrote:Nice try at historical revisionism. The chronic unemployment started due to the policies of your boy, W.

Yup -- first, he goes to the "historical revisionism" card...

and follows it with an absolute, complete rewrite of history.

Uhm, Terry -- care to remind us all whose signature (after screaming from the mountaintops to push it through, despite the vast majority of Americans being strongly opposed) appears on the NAFTA and WTO acts of treason?

There's a "W" on there alright, but it's the first initial, not the middle initial.

W The Buttlicker certainly had his chance to fix it, and didn't. It's been a true bipatisan effort to kill American jobs...

But you might wanna crack a history book, since your memory seems to fail you (even though it's been within the last 15 years).

"Historical revisionism," indeed... aka "bald-faced lying."
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Cuda »

Terry in Crapchester wrote: Rick Perry has called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme."
What would you call it?
What do you think he'll do to Social Security if he gets his hands on it?
He wouldn't do anything even slightly meaningful, you hysterical Hausfrau [/Martyred]
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »


:| ...imo
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Dinsdale wrote:Every now and then, the denizens of this board are treated to a truly great example of a KYOA. Not the minor versions, but a full-on broke-his-knee-swinging-it-so-hard-at-his-posterior.

And we've just had one:

Terry in Crapchester wrote:Nice try at historical revisionism. The chronic unemployment started due to the policies of your boy, W.

Yup -- first, he goes to the "historical revisionism" card...

and follows it with an absolute, complete rewrite of history.

Uhm, Terry -- care to remind us all whose signature (after screaming from the mountaintops to push it through, despite the vast majority of Americans being strongly opposed) appears on the NAFTA and WTO acts of treason?

There's a "W" on there alright, but it's the first initial, not the middle initial.

W The Buttlicker certainly had his chance to fix it, and didn't. It's been a true bipatisan effort to kill American jobs...

But you might wanna crack a history book, since your memory seems to fail you (even though it's been within the last 15 years).

"Historical revisionism," indeed... aka "bald-faced lying."
Uhhh, Dins, you do know that there was a side agreement to protect labor attached to NAFTA, don't you? And that it was subsequently weakened by a Republican Congress? Remember that?
The 105th Congress reported two bills to extend this authority, which also would have limited somewhat the authority of the President to include worker rights (and environmental) provisions in future trade agreements.

And since you're railing about NAFTA, you do know that it wasn't Clinton who started the negotiations on NAFTA, don't you? It was W's father, and he mentioned NAFTA rather prominently during the 1992 campaign (Clinton, by contrast, tread rather lightly on that subject).

Now, if you want to argue that NAALC didn't go far enough in protecting worker rights (since compliance was mostly voluntary), you'll get no argument from me in that regard. But subsequently weakening the President's authority to protect those rights certainly was not the right way to correct that particular problem.

As for the 2008 financial meltdown, NAFTA was hardly the only culprit. Of course, Clinton had a hand in some of the other factors as well, but those factors, by and large, were more heavily supported by Republicans than by members of Clinton's own party (e.g., repeal of Glass-Steagall). Clinton's Presidency was largely driven by the Republican agenda, to which his response was too often, "me too, but not as much."
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Name one candidate who espouses "cutting" social security. Just one, you fucking idiot.
Rick "Ponzi scheme" Perry.....what do i win
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Name one candidate who espouses "cutting" social security. Just one, you fucking idiot.
Rick "Ponzi scheme" Perry.....what do i win
You win a heaping bowl of failure.
"People who are on Social Security today, men and women who are receiving those benefits today, are individuals at my age that are in line pretty quick to get them, they don't need to worry about anything. But I think the Republican candidates are talking about ways to transition this program, and it is a monstrous lie. It is a Ponzi scheme to tell our kids that are 25 or 30 years old today, you're paying into a program that's going to be there. Anybody that's for the status quo with Social Security today is involved with a monstrous lie to our kids, and it's not right."

"Our elected leaders must have the strength to speak frankly about entitlement reform if we are to right our nation's financial course and get the USA working again," he said, adding, "We must have the guts to talk about its financial condition if we are to fix Social Security and make it financially viable for generations to come."

"Well, first off, the people who are on Social Security today need to understand something," he said. "Slam-dunk guaranteed, that program is going to be there in place for those. Those individuals that are moving towards being on Social Security, that program's going to be there for them when they arrive there.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
You win a heaping bowl of failure.
"Well, first off, the people who are on Social Security today need to understand something," he said. "Slam-dunk guaranteed, that program is going to be there in place for those. Those individuals that are moving towards being on Social Security, that program's going to be there for them when they arrive there.
well there you have it....if he says he's not going to significantly alter or cut social security that's good enough for me...he certainly wouldn't mislead anybody....

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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Dinsdale »

Felix wrote:he certainly wouldn't mislead anybody....

I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Cuda »

Dinsdale wrote:
Felix wrote:he certainly wouldn't mislead anybody....

Guns and Dope Party wrote:
May we Suggest
Well, at least everybody who feels ready for the responsibility of self-goverment. Those who still need a Big Daddy or a Big Momma to discipline and dominate them should vote for whatever furhrer or saviour they like best. If you want self-government don't vote for the Two Lying Bastards of the Democan and Republicrat parties..... or for any minority party that also wants to govern you....

I'm convinced
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

88 wrote: I hear lefties say this all the time.
I doubt you've ever heard a real "lefty" in your entire life, you corpulent, cul-de-sac cowboy.

Go organise a neighbourhood watch, or whatever the fuck you shit-scared suburbanites do to ward off the "bread-line boogeyman".
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

88 wrote:
Martyred wrote: I doubt you've ever heard a real "lefty" in your entire life

...Ed Schultz, Thom Hartmann and Mike Malloy...


rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Screw_Michigan »

88 wrote:Thom Hartmann
Thought he used to call Reds games?
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I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
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You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

88 wrote:while we sit around in nylon
Amen, brother. Amen.

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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Felix »

Dinsdale wrote:
Felix wrote:he certainly wouldn't mislead anybody....

whatever gave you the impression that I support obama-hope and change went out the window when I realized obama was nothing more than bush lite....the only difference between the republicans and democrats is which special interest they're beholding to....every fucking politician is more interested in getting elected/reelected than doing anything to help this country...
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Sirfindafold »

Felix wrote: when I realized obama was nothing more than bush lite....
Realize you're a fuckin jerkoff.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Felix »

Sirfindafold wrote:
Felix wrote: when I realized obama was nothing more than bush lite....
Realize you're a fuckin jerkoff.
ow, it's gonna be tough for me to pick myself up after that......
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Smackie Chan »

Felix wrote: I realized obama was nothing more than bush lite
Bush dark, maybe.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by PSUFAN »

Mace wrote:I would agree that Obama won't gain reelection IF the Republicans can march out an electable candidate, but Romney is the ONLY Republican out of the frontrunners who would beat him.....unless they nominate some other moderate. None of the right wing teabaggers have a prayer, so all of you right wingers will still be bitching a year after the election, and undoubtedly still blaming Obama.
I recently heard Huntsman on an extended radio interview, and I was very impressed. Of course, he and Romney are both Cultists...a no-no for the party that is apparently so enamored of the Christian Right.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by MadRussian »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
War Wagon wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote: And fwiw, Obama has lost his base, not because he's gone off the far left deep end, but because he's bent over backward to appease the teabaggers. When push comes to shove, though, I think his base will turn out for him, only because they know the alternative is far worse.
fwiw = jackshit.

Bent over backwards to appease the Tea party is why he lost his base? :meds:

He's lost his base due to chronic unemployment and the $14 trillion in debt he wants to run up even further.

STFU you mouthbreathing idiot. You are his base, dumbfuck.
Nice try at historical revisionism. The chronic unemployment started due to the policies of your boy, W.

Obama tried to fix it, but he has been opposed by the Party of No at every turn. That is the reason why it continues.

Obama is the guy who volunteered to captain the Titanic after it struck the iceberg, and it hasn't sunk yet. Not that the Republicans haven't been trying.

Obama's biggest fault is that he hasn't been tough enough in dealing with the other side.
Pull obamas dick out of your mouth so you can get SOME oxygen, you laughably brain crippled retard.
If by now you can't see that your patron god obama is nothing but an empty suit, then YOU are the problem along with the other clueless, blind libtards that were/are stupid enough to believe any of his slick car salesman snake oil.

Obama IS the iceberg, imbecile :meds:
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Invictus »

I'm casting a ballot for Clownfart as soon as I'm able to do so.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by mvscal »

Invictus wrote:I'm casting a ballot for Clownfart as soon as I'm able to do so.
Is that an alias for Platelip Odowngrade?

Don't try to kid anybody. You'll vote for the niggger because you are a niggger. That's just how you shitflinging monkeys roll.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by MadRussian »

mvscal wrote:
Invictus wrote:I'm casting a ballot for Clownfart as soon as I'm able to do so.
Is that an alias for Platelip Odowngrade?

Don't try to kid anybody. You'll vote for the niggger because you are a niggger. That's just how you shitflinging monkeys roll.

RACK mvscal :lol: :lol:
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:
Invictus wrote:I'm casting a ballot for Clownfart as soon as I'm able to do so.
Is that an alias for Platelip Odowngrade?

Don't try to kid anybody. You'll vote for the niggger because you are a niggger. That's just how you shitflinging monkeys roll.

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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by poptart »

mvscal wrote:Don't try to kid anybody. You'll vote for the niggger because you are a niggger. That's just how you shitflinging monkeys roll.


WOAH!! :shock:

Good Lordy!
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Pass this Jobs Bill. Pass it Right Away!!

Post by White Cock »

Be fucking nice.
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