(!) Sean Penn? (!)

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(!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

So, cnn has sean penn on Piers Morgan? What the fuck could a guy who plays "dress up" for a living, tell me?
So, sean penn has fed and cared for 1000 Hatian orphans? But, he has battered women before, in the mid eighties, when married to madonna, he hit her in the mouth with a closed fist. SO, all the good work he has done with Hatians, is dis-counted by his violence torward women.

Sean Penn has shown great admiration and respect for Saddam Hussein and Hugo Chavez. Both these men have either directly or in-directly been responsible for the rape and murder of women and children.
SO, according to logic, sean penn has serious mental issues. Which leads me back to the great Dr. Michael Savage PhD. He came to the intellectual conclusion, "Liberalism is a mental dis-order"

This past weekend, Sean Penn came on cnn, which is supposed to be a "serious" news network, and said that the Tea Party is pure hate and racism, and they want to LYNCH Barack Obama.
AGAIN, logic would dictate that sean penn is emotionally disturbed.
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Re: Sean Penn?

Post by bradhusker »

KC Scott wrote:Rulz Sammy

she sure has some nice tits!! and they are natural too!!!!
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Bizzarofelice »

bradhusker wrote:So, cnn has sean penn on Piers Morgan? What the fuck could a guy who plays "dress up" for a living, tell me?

what do you do for a living?
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by R-Jack »

Bizzarofelice wrote:
bradhusker wrote:So, cnn has sean penn on Piers Morgan? What the fuck could a guy who plays "dress up" for a living, tell me?

what do you do for a living?
Jerks off to Ronald Regan, Elvis and some guy in a jeans ad.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Is it a suprise to anyone that Iriehusker is an avid reader of People magazine?

There's simply no questioning that Iriehusker is a log cabin republican.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Bizzarofelice wrote:
bradhusker wrote:So, cnn has sean penn on Piers Morgan? What the fuck could a guy who plays "dress up" for a living, tell me?

what do you do for a living?
whatsamatter bizzaro? Did I touch a nerve making fun of your boyfriend sean penn?
THE FACT is that "little man" sean penn is a stupid shitforbrains, he always has been, and he always will be.

deal with it.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Diego in Seattle wrote:Is it a suprise to anyone that Iriehusker is an avid reader of People magazine?

There's simply no questioning that Iriehusker is a log cabin republican.
hey diego? YOU read people magazine, stop tryin to pawn your inadequecies off on others.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

R-Jack wrote:
Bizzarofelice wrote:
bradhusker wrote:So, cnn has sean penn on Piers Morgan? What the fuck could a guy who plays "dress up" for a living, tell me?

what do you do for a living?
Jerks off to Ronald Regan, Elvis and some guy in a jeans ad.
Hey Jack?

Ronald reagan, Elvis presley, and Brett Favre are ALL accomplished americans. Who do you look up to?
If I were to guess, I'd have to say that Jack looks up to, Truman Capote, Andy Warhol, and Tom Selleck. AM I far off? or, right on the fuckin money!
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Diego in Seattle »

bradhusker wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:Is it a suprise to anyone that Iriehusker is an avid reader of People magazine?

There's simply no questioning that Iriehusker is a log cabin republican.
hey diego? YOU read people magazine, stop tryin to pawn your inadequecies off on others.
Nice IKYABWAI response.

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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by R-Jack »

bradhusker wrote: Who do you look up to?
No one. I'm a goddamn grownup.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Diego in Seattle wrote:
bradhusker wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:Is it a suprise to anyone that Iriehusker is an avid reader of People magazine?

There's simply no questioning that Iriehusker is a log cabin republican.
hey diego? YOU read people magazine, stop tryin to pawn your inadequecies off on others.
Nice IKYABWAI response.

:meds: X infinity
but seriously, where'd ya get "people" magazine from, I dont read that shit.
Im more of a "guns and ammo' kinda guy.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Iriehusker wrote:but seriously, where'd ya get "people" magazine from, I dont read that shit.
Im more of a "guns and ammo' kinda guy.
Yeah, I'm sure Guns & Ammo has wall-to-wall coverage of Sean Penn/Madonna's love live. :doh: :lol:
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

R-Jack wrote:
bradhusker wrote: Who do you look up to?
No one. I'm a goddamn grownup.
Jack, you are NEVER too old or grown up, to look up to and admire others. No MAN alive does not admire the way Elvis Presley lived life. THE WAY he fucked thousands of adoring women. The way he commanded the atttention of an entire world.

THE WAY some 35 years since his untimely death, he is still loved and adored around the entire GLOBE!! BY millions!!

IF you as a grownup MALE, say that you dont admire Elvis Presley, you are either lying, or just gay.
REMEMBER, gay men cant stand elvis presley, they hate him, everything he stood for, ELVIS was the opposite of them, the antithesis of gaydom.

In 42 short years, Elvis packed more living, and more pussy into his life, than you and everyone on this message board will even dream of, should we ALL live to 100 plus years or more.

That being said, ANY grown up MAN who does not admire ELVIS, is either lying, or a fag.

which is it?
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Diego in Seattle wrote:
Iriehusker wrote:but seriously, where'd ya get "people" magazine from, I dont read that shit.
Im more of a "guns and ammo' kinda guy.
Yeah, I'm sure Guns & Ammo has wall-to-wall coverage of Sean Penn/Madonna's love live. :doh: :lol:
diego, sean penn and madonna were married some 25 years ago!! you didnt need people magazine to learn about this lil' man hitting a woman in the mouth, knocking her teeth in, it was all over the news, I think "saturday night live" even did a parody of it.

Sean Penn is a tiny lil guy, he suffers from "little mans complex" not only is he short in stature, but he has a lil dick as well, so he takes out his anger and frustration on girls and cameramen.

I myself am a fairly large man, Im strong as an ox, and if I met sean penn in person, and he got in my face? I could literally tear him apart with my bare hands.

SEE, I dont tolerate men who hit women. So, since he punched madonna in the face, I feel its my civic duty to return the favor one day.

The only halfway decent role the guy ever had was "spiccolli", the doper surfer from, "fast times at ridgemont high", and thats it.

Other than that brief moment of glory? his life has been a total waste.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

bradhusker wrote:THE WAY some 35 years since his untimely death, he is still loved and adored around the entire GLOBE!! BY millions!!

. . .

In 42 short years, Elvis packed more living, and more pussy into his life, than you and everyone on this message board will even dream of, should we ALL live to 100 plus years or more.
At least you're not one of those poor souls laboring under the delusion that Elvis is still alive (surprise to me), so I guess you've got that going for you.
bradhusker wrote:IF you as a grownup MALE, say that you dont admire Elvis Presley, you are either lying, or just gay.
REMEMBER, gay men cant stand elvis presley, they hate him, everything he stood for, ELVIS was the opposite of them, the antithesis of gaydom.
You're absolutely right. Nothing screams out "I'm 100% heterosexual!" quite like a skin-tight, rhinestone-studded white polyester jumpsuit, now does it?
bradhusker wrote:The only halfway decent role the guy ever had was "spiccolli",
What we didn't learn from that movie . . .

As it turns out, Spicoli's family had money and political connections. Years later, Spicoli grew up to become the 43rd President of the United States.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
bradhusker wrote:THE WAY some 35 years since his untimely death, he is still loved and adored around the entire GLOBE!! BY millions!!

. . .

In 42 short years, Elvis packed more living, and more pussy into his life, than you and everyone on this message board will even dream of, should we ALL live to 100 plus years or more.
At least you're not one of those poor souls laboring under the delusion that Elvis is still alive (surprise to me), so I guess you've got that going for you.
bradhusker wrote:IF you as a grownup MALE, say that you dont admire Elvis Presley, you are either lying, or just gay.
REMEMBER, gay men cant stand elvis presley, they hate him, everything he stood for, ELVIS was the opposite of them, the antithesis of gaydom.
You're absolutely right. Nothing screams out "I'm 100% heterosexual!" quite like a skin-tight, rhinestone-studded white polyester jumpsuit, now does it?
bradhusker wrote:The only halfway decent role the guy ever had was "spiccolli",
What we didn't learn from that movie . . .

As it turns out, Spicoli's family had money and political connections. Years later, Spicoli grew up to become the 43rd President of the United States.
terry, FIRST of all, what I meant to say was, FAGS dont like elvis, its a common FACT. Have you ever beeen to a FAGS house? I havent, BUT, ive been told that you wont find anything to do with elvis there.

Its commonplace to find elton john posters, Liza minnelli, Judy Garland, Mary J blige, the village people, MOST LIKELY, you'll probably find a shrine to barbara striesand, although why this is, beats the hell outta me.

But elvis presley? Thats the only thing you wont find in a faggotts home. I suspect that the reason for this is simple, elvis was the antithesis of gay, elvis was a pussy magnet, totally the opposite of them in every way shape or form.

I hope that clears things up for you, anything else I can clarify for you, let me know.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Smackie Chan »

bradhusker wrote:REMEMBER, gay men cant stand elvis presley, they hate him, everything he stood for...FAGS dont like elvis, its a common FACT. Have you ever beeen to a FAGS house? you wont find anything to do with elvis there.

Its commonplace to find elton john posters, Liza minnelli, Judy Garland, Mary J blige, the village people, MOST LIKELY, you'll probably find a shrine to barbara striesand. But elvis presley? Thats the only thing you wont find in a faggotts home.

I hope that clears things up for you, anything else I can clarify for you, let me know.
I'll certainly do that. Now I know where to turn for expert advice on the whole gay lifestyle. You have all the answers!
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Smackie Chan wrote:
bradhusker wrote:REMEMBER, gay men cant stand elvis presley, they hate him, everything he stood for...FAGS dont like elvis, its a common FACT. Have you ever beeen to a FAGS house? you wont find anything to do with elvis there.

Its commonplace to find elton john posters, Liza minnelli, Judy Garland, Mary J blige, the village people, MOST LIKELY, you'll probably find a shrine to barbara striesand. But elvis presley? Thats the only thing you wont find in a faggotts home.

I hope that clears things up for you, anything else I can clarify for you, let me know.
I'll certainly do that. Now I know where to turn for expert advice on the whole gay lifestyle. You have all the answers!
WOW! smackie boy, Now I know where to look for trolls who take things out of context, who cut and paste things to their own desire.

You left out the part where I said "I havent" been to a fags house.
You left out the part about elvis being a "pussy magnet", Did that offend you?

Look, next time, dont leave out important parts of a comment, it makes you look like a cheap whore.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant shit to me, you see. Straight-up racist that sucker was, simple and plain. Motherfuck him and John Wayne...
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by mvscal »

MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote: Straight-up racist that sucker was, simple and plain.
Fuck off, idiot. Jesus Christ...

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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

mvscal wrote:
MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote: Straight-up racist that sucker was, simple and plain.
Fuck off, idiot. Jesus Christ...


Google it, dipshit.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Bace...how low can you go?
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Goober McTuber »

MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote:
mvscal wrote:
MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote: Straight-up racist that sucker was, simple and plain.
Fuck off, idiot. Jesus Christ...


Google it, dipshit.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

bradhusker wrote:FAGS dont like elvis, its a common FACT. Have you ever beeen to a FAGS house? I havent, BUT, ive been told that you wont find anything to do with elvis there.

Its commonplace to find elton john posters, Liza minnelli, Judy Garland, Mary J blige, the village people, MOST LIKELY, you'll probably find a shrine to barbara striesand, although why this is, beats the hell outta me.

But elvis presley? Thats the only thing you wont find in a faggotts home. I suspect that the reason for this is simple, elvis was the antithesis of gay, elvis was a pussy magnet, totally the opposite of them in every way shape or form.
Lessee, I don't have any posters of Elton John, Liza Minnelli, Judy Garland, Mary J. Blige, The Village People, OR Elvis in my house. So what does that make me? Somewhat normal, is the first thing that comes to mind.

If I ever get my mancave, I might put up a poster of Rush or Genesis or Van Halen, but I don't think the wife would go for that in a common area of the house.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Van »

A full-grown man with a poster of...Genesis?

Dude, unless you're a religious fanatic and you mean something like this...



For the life of me, I simply cannot imagine an adult male with a blown-up image of this hanging (by choice) on the wall of his favorite sanctuary...


Dude, seriously...you're scaring me here.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Christ, you too? At least Marty got it...
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

I think me and B-Smacked 'got it' as well. Not too many PE fans up in here. Mostly classic rock douchebags who haven't liked a "new artist" since the 19 fucking 80s.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Goober McTuber »

OK, now I see what happened here. Yeah, I’ll confess to not being a fan of hip hop. Not in any way, shape or form.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote:Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant shit to me, you see. Straight-up racist that sucker was, simple and plain. Motherfuck him and John Wayne...
thank you for posting some lyrics from chuck D. of public enemy. NOW, whats interesting about this mixed up racist chuckie D is this,
When his album, "Fear of a black planet" came out some 20 or so years ago? He was hailed as something of a great new artist with tremendous insight. His album was praised and he was sittin on top of the rap world, so to speak.
BUT, history and the forward movement of ALL THINGS, has a way of showing us the good and the not so good, and the bad.
TODAY, chuck D and his album are looked upon as pure hate and ignorance. pure sick racism at its finest.
TODAY, elvis, john wayneTHE DUKE, the beatles, Led zeppelin, pink floyd, etc... etc... are ALL looked at with the HIGHEST of esteem and praise.
While chuck D is looked at like a steaming pile of dogshit.

isnt it funny how history sheds clarity and light on things?
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Do I really think Elvis was racist? Of course not, at least not any moreso than other white people of his generation. But he certainly made a shit-ton of money performing black people's songs.

Putting him on a level with the Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd is fucking absurd. Name the three best songs Elvis wrote. Go ahead, take your time.

At least PE wrote their own shit. Elvis was an extremely popular singer who performed other people's songs, kinda like Brittany Spears or Justin Bieber.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

plentyfucked.com wrote:Hi, my name is bradhusker. I enjoy long walks on the beach and not being gay. I enjoy Meatloaf, Sarah McLachlan and Elvis Presley.

Please, call me. Email. IM. Anything.

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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote:Do I really think Elvis was racist? Of course not, at least not any moreso than other white people of his generation. But he certainly made a shit-ton of money performing black people's songs.

Putting him on a level with the Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd is fucking absurd. Name the three best songs Elvis wrote. Go ahead, take your time.

At least PE wrote their own shit. Elvis was an extremely popular singer who performed other people's songs, kinda like Brittany Spears or Justin Bieber.
This is a prime example of a STUPID person, MIKE, your post here is a JOKE, which qualifies you as really ignorant.

Let me make a fool out of you one point at a time, OK?

You said elvis got rich performing black peoples' songs? WRONG, try again.
The vast majority of elvis' songs were written by two jewish white boys from New York.
Second, You said elvis is like Britney and Justin? Wrong again, at this point, you look retarded.
Elvis presley walked into a recording studio in 1953, and then again in the summer of 54, and one of the major progressions of music was happenning!
Blacks wont admit it, due to their sick racism and hate of a white man actually "progressing music".
When elvis took old blues numbers, in his artistry in the studio, "ROCKABILLY" became the progression into what would soon be called rock n' roll.
And of course, rockabilly is a combination of what? black blues, white country, and gospel music.
Racist blacks singin blues in the 30's and 40's claim elvis stole from them??
FALSE. All the pioneers of rock n roll , little richard, buddy holly, johnny cash, elvis presley, gene vincent, jerry lee lewis, chuck berry, etc.. etc.. ALL were part of this rockabilly movement.
The main reason why elvis gets called the KING of rock n roll is quite simple, even for an idiot like you.
His "critically acclaimed body of work" in the recording studio, is unequaled.
You said that elvis is a joke compared with the beatles and led zeppelin? Thats funny, when robert plant and paul mccartney DIS agree with you!!
You heard me, the actual members of the bands you cited, would laugh at what you said about elvis.
Elvis in the studio was an artist of the highest calibur possible. His band made such an assertation.
The members of elvis' band all claimed that elvis was as much responsible for the classic recordings as they were, even more so.
Without elvis' artistry in the studio, you'd have pedestrian records, nothing special at all.
Elvis himself arranged many of his own recording sessions in the 1960's, which went on to produce essential critically acclaimed recordings.

SO, in a nutshell, it turns out that mike from colorado is a dumb clueless piece of shit.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

You just said, give me 3 songs elvis wrote? Is that a trick question? elvis wasnt a lyricist, meaning he didnt write lyrics, HOWEVER, in your idiot mind, you think that means something?

Ella Fitzgerald wasnt a song songwriter either, YET, to anyone who knows a thing about music, she is one of the greatest artists of all time. EVER.
I dont expect a moron like you to even know who she was.

Do us a huge favor mikey, go to youtube, and type in Big Joe turner doing his own song that he wrote, "shake rattle and roll", THEN, type in elvis presley doing "shake rattle and roll", port both over here if you want.
NOW, after viewing BOTH, it becomes crystal clear why elvis is the KING of rock n roll.
Big Joe's version of his own song he wrote is lame and very pedestrian, Elvis doing the exact same song is pure electric, pure dynamite, elvis sounds PUNKISH, edgy, and dangerous for the time.
Big joe is very vanilla and lame, like barry manilow. FUNNY HUH?
This is a prime example of why you dont put the writer of the lyrics above all others in the creative process. To do so is foolish and short sighted.
As you can clearly see here, Big Joe wrote the lyrics, yet, his version of his own song comes across as nothing special.
Elvis' version, on the other hand explodes with pure energy soul and punk! Elvis is edgy sexy and dangerous, which is why he caused such a sensation at the time, NOBODY rocked like that back then,
It shouldnt surprise anyone why elvis presley was the force of nature that he was. And why John Lennon famously said, "before elvis, there was nothing".
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Goober McTuber »

bradhusker wrote:And why John Lennon famously said, "before elvis, there was nothing".
And Johnny Rotten, upon Elvis' death, said, "Goodbye to bad rubbish."
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Screw_Michigan »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
plentyfucked.com wrote:Hi, my name is bradhusker. I enjoy long walks on the beach and not being gay. I enjoy Meatloaf, Sarah McLachlan and Elvis Presley.

Please, call me. Email. IM. Anything.

Fucking rack.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
plentyfucked.com wrote:Hi, my name is bradhusker. I enjoy long walks on the beach and not being gay. I enjoy Meatloaf, Sarah McLachlan and Elvis Presley.

Please, call me. Email. IM. Anything.

Fucking rack.
Hey screw, hows that gonna taste when michigan st. goes into Lincoln next saturday, and gets sodomized? BUWAHAHAHHA.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Goober McTuber wrote:
bradhusker wrote:And why John Lennon famously said, "before elvis, there was nothing".
And Johnny Rotten, upon Elvis' death, said, "Goodbye to bad rubbish."
hey goobs, no one gives a shit about johnny rotten, he's like chuck D. no one gives a shit about him either. OH, I almost forgot?
Hows that taste to lose to the spartans? And I hope you know, that Nebraska is gonna dry fuck sparty to death on saturday in Lincoln.
You guys are over-rated, and, when Nebraska gets ya again in the innagural big ten title game?
its payback time fag!!!
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Screw_Michigan »

bradhusker wrote:Hey screw, hows that gonna taste when michigan st. goes into Lincoln next saturday, and gets sodomized? BUWAHAHAHHA.
I couldn't care less.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by bradhusker »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Hey screw, hows that gonna taste when michigan st. goes into Lincoln next saturday, and gets sodomized? BUWAHAHAHHA.
I couldn't care less.
well, your moniker is "screw michigan", which means that you are either a spartan or buckeye.
so if your not a spartan, then u must be a buckeye! you guys suck.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Angry Snowflake
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Re: (!) Sean Penn? (!)

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Die already.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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