Not necessarily true...I'm the proud owner of a .45 cal. Kimber CDP 1911 semi automatic hand cannon that fits snugly against my right hip with a cozy concealed handgun permit in my ass pocket. Funny how you can march around knowing if badass gangsta wannabe attempts to accost me and mine he'll be introduced to "my lil' friend". I gotta tell ya, no fear here...[/quote]
I'd like your opinion on the ruger 380, the S +W 40 or the S+W .38 snub nose, are ALL 3 good for concealed carry? And do they ALL pack about the same wallop? Cause if a thug wants to accost me while Im enjoying a nice meal, lets say at either a subway or Dunkin Donuts, I'd like to know which gun has the power to fuckin send him to hell.
Lets take back our cities, towns and streets, and make the neighborhood eatery and ice cream parlor safe again!!![/quote]
The three above weapons you mention are very popular for C.C. The .380 is of course a smaller caliber, thus the punch is very much diminished compared to a .45. Lightweight and carry's easily. Problem is, you better hit your target 2 or 3 times on vitals if you want to slow a 220 lb. man quickly. A .45 hollow point means real business on impact most anywhere. It'll remove an arm or shatter a leg easily if you're a bad shot. Most guys don't carry a .45 for everyday, but the CDP is a 3.5" barrel and not as cumbersome nor heavy as most 1911s. I sometimes get so comfortable with it, I forget I'm carrying. Sitting requires some adjustment. The car is a pain. I don't carry over shoulder as the summer months don't allow the clothing you need. I'm not a 3 piece business suit guy.
I'd like to get a S&W .38 special as my next carry weapon. The special has more pop than a standard .38. Revolvers are more reliable than automatics for the obvious reasons, but if you keep an auto clean as a whistle it's more than likely not going to fail you.
I can respect a guy carrying if he's licensed, the pukes that don't are looking for trouble, not defending themselves. If you have a history with the MAN, you ain't gonna get approved. Only good guys carry legal....besides, aren't the meaty cornfed man crushing hands what they used to be?[/quote]
Thanks for the advice, due to your valuable imput, I think im gonna go with the special!!!! And yes, my hands are large, but, the problem with jigs is they tend to gang up on ya, Now, I can handle two or maybe three, BUT, lets face reality here, Im no Steven Segall!! Ive seen that guy take on ten to fifteen punks!!
I think the 38 by S+W is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks husker!!!
p s. BIG game saturday, we gotta beat the spartans, and not just beat em', send a message, and knock out their QB. GO BIG RED FOOTBALL!!!

I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.