Lori Fine

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Lori Fine

Post by bradhusker »

OK, I cant seem to port this over to the big time basketball forum, so, since its still collegiate athletics, is it ok for it to stay here?

According to the audio tape released today, Lori FIne is heard saying that she was indeed a "mother" to the boy for all those years. She admits to having sexually seduced him during his senior year of high school, so, technically that would be incest. Thats so fuckin HOT!!!
PLUS, she admits that she and her husband Bernie, were no longer into each other sexually, so she told her husband to go to the "gay bars" and find a nice young gay boy, a twink to hook up with and get his rocks off, so to speak.
Last edited by bradhusker on Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Bernie Fine!!!

Post by R-Jack »

You lost?
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Re: Bernie Fine!!!

Post by Screw_Michigan »

You should move this to the college bball forum, where it belongs, or at the very least shitcan it.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by bradhusker »

Breaking News.............Bernie Fine fired!!!!!! "How ya doin Bernie....OY VAY OY VAY...."

I wonder why they waited so long to fire him, oh well, he's just an assistant coach anyway.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by M2 »

bradhusker wrote:Breaking News.............Bernie Fine fired!!!!!! "How ya doin Bernie....OY VAY OY VAY...."

I wonder why they waited so long to fire him, oh well, he's just an assistant coach anyway.

Thanks for the update... 88.

Just got this from the Chancellor...

Dear SU Community:

Tonight, in the wake of troubling new allegations that emerged in the media today, I am writing to let you know that Bernie Fine’s employment at the University has been terminated effective immediately.

Frankly, the events of the past week have shaken us all. The taped phone call that ESPN revealed today was not provided to the university by Mr. Davis during the 2005 investigation by our legal counsel. Like the media review of the case a few years earlier, no other witnesses came forward during the university investigation, and those who felt they knew Bernie best could not imagine what has unfolded.

Since I last wrote to you, we have been cooperating fully with the authorities. On Friday, November 18th, as the District Attorney has noted, we turned over to his office the results of our 2005 months-long investigation. Also on November 18, our Board of Trustees retained an independent law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, to review our procedures in responding to the initial allegations when they first came to the University’s attention. I fully supported that decision and it is vital that we examine our protocols and actions in dealing with such serious allegations. We need to learn all we can from this terrible lesson.

All of us have the responsibility, individually and collectively, to ensure that Syracuse University remains a safe place for every campus community member and everyone with whom we interact on a daily basis on campus or in the community as part of our learning, scholarship, or work. We do not tolerate abuse. If anything good comes out of this tragedy, it will be that this basic principle is reinforced.


Nancy Cantor

... a much better response than those freaks at Penn State.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by bradhusker »

Sudden Sam wrote:http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/ ... pts_f.html

Bobby: What about the money, like he said I owe him for ... I went to Hawaii with him.
Laurie: He said, Laurie, he came to me and told me he’d pay me back within two years. So I gave him the money on good faith that I’ll get it back.
Bobby: Good faith? Laurie, can I tell you about what happened? (laughs) You probably don’t even want to know.
Laurie: Oh, I’d love to know because — you know what? — I don't have that intimate, lovey feeling with Bernie. So I...
Bobby: He gave me some money but it ...
Laurie: How much did he give you?
Bobby: I think it was $4,000. It was in three installments. This is what happened: I was so mad at the time. I was thinking about a lot, I was going through a lot. It was just to try to get even with him ... I told him I had a school loan. I was just thinking of a way ... Maybe it was the wrong thing to do, and I feel bad about it now. And he did give me about $4,000, in three installments. It was in the summer...
Laurie: (unintelligible) You had a student loan you wanted to pay off.
Bobby: That’s what I’m talking about. This was something I had to say. It had to be three, four summers ago now, right?
Laurie: Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Bobby: So four summers ago. (Editor’s note: Bobby was in his mid-20s at the time.) It was when you were in Scott Ave., whatever, it was in the house. He called me. It must’ve been during camp, too, I’m thinking, because he came over during lunch. He’s like, here, I’ve got this amount, and I’ll give you some more tomorrow, but then he’d make me do something.
Laurie: What did he want you to do? You can be honest with me.
Bobby: What do you think? What he always does.
Laurie: He wants you to grab him? Or blow him?
Bobby: He tried to make me grab him. But first he’d try to grab me and start touching me. ...
Laurie: Right. But when he gave you the money, what did he want for that? He wanted you to grab him or he wanted to do you?
Bobby: He wanted to do me. He wanted me to touch him. He tried to make me touch him a couple of times. He’d grab my hand and then I’d pull away. Then he’d put me in your bed and then, you know, put me down. And I’d try to go away. Then he put his arm on top of my chest. He goes, If you want this money, you’ll stay right here. I’d try to leave and he’d grab me real hard. You know what he does — I told you about this before, right? He’d grab you if you tried to walk away and he’d say, I’ll pull it off or something like that.
Laurie: Right, right.
Bobby: I told you that before.
Laurie: But you never had any oral sex with him?
Bobby: No. I think he’d want to.
Laurie: Of course, he would. Why wouldn’t he?

Bobby: I don't know. (laughs)
Laurie: So then he gives you all this money. Now you’re not willing to ...
Bobby: This is three days in a row. And then I never came around again, I was so, like, distraught. I was like oh my gosh. I don’t know. It was a weird situation. Now I look back, there’s no way I could give him the money back after what I went through. Maybe that’s wrong, I don’t know.
Laurie: See, the money isn’t the issue here. He lured you with the money. See, he knew full well what he was doing.
This is so sordid and lurid, graphic talk about hand-jobs?? This makes the entire penn st. scandal look tame in comparison. AND, Laurie seduced young Bobby as well when he was a senior in high school, he decided that he didnt like her tuna fish smelling pusssy, so he went back to Bernie's thick juicy cock and balls.
How much of this did Syracuse Head coach Jim know about this lurid sex scandal? Cause if Joe Pa can get fired, then certainly this guy can go quietly without fuss.
I wonder what Bernie's Rabbi thinks about this? OY VAY!!!!
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

bradhusker wrote:so he went back to Bernie's thick juicy cock and balls.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by bradhusker »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
bradhusker wrote:so he went back to Bernie's thick juicy cock and balls.
Hey, dont shoot the messenger, Im just reporting the details. Its the journalist in me, we report everything thats fit to print, period.

Besides, you were probably titilated by my reporting of this story, so much so, that you had to quote it. Meaning that you are not comfortable with your own sexuality.
just sayin'
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Interesting "reporting" style, bradley. Referring to the man's package as "thick and juicy."
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by Goober McTuber »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Interesting "reporting" style, bradley. Referring to the man's package as "thick and juicy."
He's obviously comfortable with his own HOMO-sexuality.
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Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by Van »

That "journalist in bradhusker" revelation was meant to be taken literally. Said writer deposited his iPad twelve inches up sissyhuthker's upper sigmoid, along with a gallon of Sooner splooge.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by bradhusker »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Interesting "reporting" style, bradley. Referring to the man's package as "thick and juicy."
As you know, a real journalist, worth his or her salt, is not gonna reveal his sources. So if "thick and juicy" or "aids infested" are terms which offend you, then you must lead a very sheltered life.

Saying or implying that I must be gay because I report facts with utter clarity and distinction, is like saying that Goober is a baby diddler just because he has "tickle me elmo" dolls all over his crib.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by Van »

Well, no, people say you're gay because you suck a lot of cock.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Um, Ok.

So you're suggesting that Bernie Fine's "thick juicy cock and balls" is fact-based information, and is somehow relevant to the story?
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by bradhusker »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Um, Ok.

So you're suggesting that Bernie Fine's "thick juicy cock and balls" is fact-based information, and is somehow relevant to the story?
Ob viously you are not from the greater Syracuse area or upstate New York in general. Its a well known fact that in gay circles up there, that Bernie Fine possesses (how do you say) extremely large privates, if you will.
So, the fact that I reported as such does NOT make me a flaming faggott, anymore than it does you for repeating what I have so dilligently and painstakingly reported.

Are we on the same wavelength here? or, am I being obtuse?
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

You really are a strange little slab of fuck.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by bradhusker »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:You really are a strange little slab of fuck.
Does this mean we've "bonded"?
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by R-Jack »

So, as a reporter, you fact checked the "thick juicy cock and balls" part of your story? :?
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by BSmack »

bradhusker wrote:Ob viously you are not from the greater Syracuse area or upstate New York in general. Its a well known fact that in gay circles up there, that Bernie Fine possesses (how do you say) extremely large privates, if you will.
So, the fact that I reported as such does NOT make me a flaming faggott, anymore than it does you for repeating what I have so dilligently and painstakingly reported.

Are we on the same wavelength here? or, am I being obtuse?
No, you're being perfectly clear in admitting to being familiar with the "gay circles" of CNY. I'm sure you're also familiar with things like "swallowing" and "glory holes."
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by mvscal »

bradhusker wrote:Bernie's thick juicy cock and balls...
So how much juice would you say Bernie is spraying, brad? When he nuts in your cake funnel, do you need to wear a bib to catch the overflow? Are you able to comfortably accomodate his thickness or does it strain your jaw to near dislocation and do you ever wish you were like a snake so you could just unhinge your jaw and gobble a moose cock balls and all?
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by bradhusker »

R-Jack wrote:So, as a reporter, you fact checked the "thick juicy cock and balls" part of your story? :?
Well, obviously there is a huge difference between merely checking the facts and diving "face first" into someone's genitals, can we at least agree on that fundamental truth, before we proceed any further???
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by smackaholic »

i heard the tape of the phone call yesterday. that bitch is more fukked up than her old man. both of them need a bullet in the head.
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Re: Lori Fine

Post by Ana Ng »

R-Jack (referring to bradhusker) wrote:You lost?
You new?
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