the only ones that deserve prison time in this case are the ones who decided it warranted a nickel's worth of the federal gubmint's time. i've thoroughly searched the constitution for the part about covering pro athlete's juicing habits.
i could really give two shits about barroid and would find it kind of funny if the 'roids kill his ass, but it is none of the fed's bidness. i am glad there won't be any tax dollars spent locking him away.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
smackaholic wrote:but it is none of the fed's bidness.
Prescribing drugs for non-approved uses is none of the Fed's business?
Gee, and here I was, thinking the FDA (never guess what the "D" stands for) controlled those laws and regulations... silly me.
I think he is talking about whether or not the Constitution gives the power to regulate drugs to the National government, which is doesn't. Unless those drugs are in interstate commerce which they wouldn't be if the SCOTUS had not illegally ruled in favor of the National government in Wichard.
You need to read more of Ron Paul's writings and listen to more of Ron Paul’s speeches.
Papa Willie wrote:
You're a tiny little shit liberal lawyer. You and your kind are progressively destroying this country. Little fuckers like you are pretty much at the root of every problem we HAVE in this country.
Sorry. I have absolutely no fucking respect for you and your kind at all.
A) Way to change the subject you fat stupid fuck.
B) Protecting people from an over-reaching government is bad? Gotcha you jackbooted shitstain.
Dins, you are the last guy I'd expect to see defending the feds in this one.
I understand that the feds have made who gets what drug their bidness, even though they shouldn't. My problem with this situation in particular because it is MLB, resulting in congressional fukking hearings is a joke.
They got bigger fish to fry.
You won't catch the feds dragging ucunt into hearings to explain his hugeness any time soon simply because he is just a regular shmuck.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Papa Willie wrote:Let's hope Ron Paul makes it. Do you know how many people like you will be out of a job, and rightfully so?
If Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination, I'd SERIOUSLY consider voting for him. It might just push the GOP into the abyss once and for all. If we're lucky they'll take the Dems with them.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
Papa Willie wrote:You tell me this god damned country isn't fucked to the wall, and I'll kiss your asshole on Broadway.
Fuck. What should we do?
What do you think?
We should take up a collection to make this happen. 2 plane tickets to the big apple can't be that expensive. i can hop the train down there for the day, camcorder in tow. i will even pay my own way, in addition to throwing in a few bucks for the plane fare.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.