smackaholic wrote:Overall, I think teachers are reasonably well compensated here. Not rich by any stretch, but reasonably paid. Some places they truely are screwed, but, then again, no one is putting a gun to their heads.
So tough shit for the kids in those areas where teachers get screwed when they can't attract qualified/competent instructors?
The area that people are overpaid in this area is law enforcement, prison guards and a few other jobs which are "high risk". Those in these jobs get damn good pay,
There's a reason why LE work is well compensated: their jobs
are high risk, and involve a lot of sacrifices. The danger while on the job is mostly obvious; those with traffic/patrol assignments daily engage violators who could turn out to be a regular Joe Schmoe, or violent 3-strikes offender who refuses to go back for life. They could be part of a team serving a search or arrest warrant where the criminal isn't willing to give up his or her freedom or illicit profits. How many other professions take part in such dangerous situations? Have you ever hit the local coffee spot before starting your shift (yeah, shift work is for people doing real work - which eliminates you)? How dangers could that be? Google the names Mark Renninger, Tina Griswold, Ron Owens, & Greg Richards. When you eat at a restaurant, do you feel the need to sit with your back against the wall so that you can watch everyone coming in the door....even while off the clock & out of your work clothes? Do people constantly, upon learning your profession, complain about their last run-in with your profession? Or about some incident in the paper - regardless of how much spin the media puts on it (hell, here in Seattle we have the media bitching about some comments two cops made about an injured pedestrian - by the police car camera
after the pedestrian had been taken away by the ambulance. How would you like being scrutinized for everything you say while on duty - even while in a place you thought was private?) And along those lines, do you even tell people what you actually do for a living? Most cops don't - at least not directly. Finally, do you have to worry about the safety of your family because of your job? No, I don't mean what would happen if you were to be killed...I mean their physical safety. Cops do.
As to all the pay they get, they earn it. A lot of the times the high amounts of take home pay are due to overtime. Some of it is due to court appearances (what, you thought they don't deserve overtime pay for coming into court during the day after working the overnight shift?). Beyond that most large amounts of overtime are simply due to the local politicians not being willing to fund the pd well enough to hire sufficient officers for coverage. The cops themselves aren't the ones who decide whether they work it or not. If you don't like the city/county shelling out so much for overtime, tell them to mix in a few more officers on the payroll. And btw, all that overtime means time away from their families.
Merry Christmas, Smackaholic. Hope you enjoy the holiday with your family. And I hope you appreciate the fact that you'll be protected by those who rarely get to enjoy that same holiday with their families because they're protecting you. But I doubt your ivory tower-ass will.