smackaholic wrote:70 years ago, our education public primary education system was the best on the planet. It turned out a much better product than today.
This statement is certainly evidence of that, eh?
Just needs a few apostrophes.
But to the point you you trying to make before ingesting the mouthful of marbles -- gee, what happened to the education system in this country?
Oh, that's right -- one James Earl Carter.
How many people had the federal Department of Education educated, anyway?
Pretty sure they're still sitting on "zero" on the scoreboard after 30+ years.
Let's see... we're going to have the fed scoop up all of the education money, siphon whatever they want off the top to cover whatever administrative fees they need, then send the rest back to the state and local levels...
pure genius. I don't see what could possibly go wrong.
Libs are a funny lot -- they whine and cry that the federal government should fix everything, then when all the money and power are consolidated in one place, run by 600-700 people pulling the purse strings, they're now marching in the streets because people were able to influence-peddle the trillions of dollars sitting in one place.
The libs got what they wanted, even though the end result was inevitable to anyone with an IQ over 50, and now they're crying about it.
Ergo, libs,
by definition, aren't very intelligent.
But of course, our government neverevereverever admits a mistake, so they won't abolish complete failures like the Department of Educatio, never mind their other epic failures.