88 wrote:
The Pigrims arrived in 1620, about 156 years before the Declaration of Independence and 168 years before ratification of the Constitution.
Of course, yes, I'm aware of that. Perhaps I should've used the term America rather than United States (I knew immediately after hitting submit I'd get called on it), but of course you knew what I meant.
And without going all

here, of course you know that the United States is and has been a predominantly Christian nation, despite the protestations of enlightened agnostics and atheists to the contrary.
To wit:
wiki wrote:The majority of Americans (60% to 76%) identify themselves as Christians, mostly within Protestant and Catholic denominations, accounting for 51% and 25% of the population respectively.
Strange how a thread about Newt wanting to colonize the moon wound up in a religious argument. Jsc is positively giddy he turned it in that direction, knowing the hell bent characters who thrive around here. I mean.what brought
that on?
I simply pointed out that while this country was founded on freedom of religion, that didn't and doesn't mean freedom
from religion... and that he's a cocksucker, but that point is redundant.
It's funny how he can push his gay rights agenda down peoples throats, but be offended that people might pray or celebrate Christmas publically.
oh, and a stiff GFY, Dins, you effusively tedious twat.