I have recently decided to quit living in fear

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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Atomic Punk »

I think I just stated that about BG. Maybe you didn't get the implication since that was from the Luger site?

Regardless of the semantics, the bhusker troll is full of shit.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

bradhusker wrote:YES, I do expect you to fully believe it
It's common knowledge you're a horrendous read and a god awful simpleton incapable of formulating an original thought. I guess we can add fraud and liar to your list of attributes. You must be proud. Why don't you go peddle this petulant horse shit in a forum more your speed, like Craigslist Rants and Raves.

However, I am enjoying the fact a thread about Christianity has turned into a debate about what a random couple ordered for dinner at a NY restaurant.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Felix »

bradhusker wrote: Image
this troll has definitely jumped the shark....
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by BSmack »

Jsc810 wrote:I have never accepted any money or gifts for any ceremony that I've done, and never will. I perform marriages because they are a special joy and honor, when I get asked to do one I do it. I do not hold myself out as a preacher, I am a lawyer.
This is how far religion in this country has fallen. Even lawyers are reluctant to call themselves preachers.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by poptart »

Mgo, Roach, Van, Felix, DC (hey, you made a list!!)... and there may be others, have expressed disdain toward God because of His narrow path of salvation, and that many (who reject or never hear the Gospel) will perish and go to an eternal place apart from God.
And this is certainly very clearly shown in the Bible - Matthew 7:13,14, Luke 13:23,24, Romans 9:27 - among many others.

So I will give an answer to you - and if it goes long, please be patient with me.
I post the Scriptures for those that care to look at them.

But first, let me tell you that Felix has posed this question (and some others) to me in the past.
Understand that I myself have had (and do have) many questions of my own.

This particular question is one that I struggled with and wrestled around with in my mind for many years.
It's not as if I just thumped my Bible one day without giving thought to such questions and closed myself off to them.

No, the opposite is true.
I gave a LOT of thought (and - later prayer) to this question.

But ultimately, I do believe the Bible, and I'll tell you what I see in it about this question.

1. We don't know everything, and not by a very long shot.
We only know what God has chosen to reveal to us.
God's knowledge and understanding is at a level that completely dwarfs ours, and not only that, it is such that we are not even capable of formulating an imagination in our brain about the things of God - 1 Corinthians 2:9.

In short, God is the Holy Creator and we are merely His... creations.

As I see it, coming to this point of realization is the beginning of understanding.

2. Initially, satan attacked directly at our pride - by telling us that we can become like God (Genesis 3:5,6) and we don't have to stay with Him.
No, he tells us we can use our own mind, set our own standards, use our own thinking, use our own strength, etc.

And we like this idea (and satan knew, of course, that we would), so we go on our own.
And we end up saying things like, "God is fucked because he does... such and such..."

God has told us that we will surely die if we leave Him (Genesis 2:17), but we don't believe it.
We're smart now on our own.

But Ezekiel 18:4 reminds - all souls are GOD'S and the soul that sins... dies.

Our souls are not ours.

Can not the owner do as He will?
And does He not know infinitely more about what is right than His mere creations, anyway?

Btw, Paul directly answers this charge made by Mgo, Roach, Van, Felix, DC, etc., in Romans 9:18-23.

3. As Wagon pointed out earlier in this thread, everyone knows God exists - Romans 1:20, but people have rejected Him and from the beginning, and God has left those with unbelief go off on their own and produce offspring - who also wallow and suffer with what comes from unbelief.
Genesis 4 - Cain and His offspring - buh-bye...

Genesis 11:4-8 - After the flood, the Tower of Babel.
People believed the lie of satan, and they left God.
Corrupt and arrogant, they tried to make their own name and show their own greatness, just as Cain (fooled by satan) had tried to do.
But they were in the midst of curses - and God broke them down and scattered men all over the earth to wallow in their pitiful state of corruption and failure - living w/satan.

Abraham disbelieved God's promise of a child - and he knocked up his maid - to produce a child named Ishmael.
God sent Ishmael off - to produce offspring who are Arab people, who God has left to wallow in their dispair, apart from Him and instead w/satan.

But poptart, there are good people among the scattered around the world, and it's not fair that God let's them perish and go eternally apart from Him.

No, there is no one who is good.

This is your human standard and you are infinitely feeble of mind in comparison to the Creator of the universe, who also happens to be... 100% HOLY.
And the souls belong to God, anyway.

Genesis 8:21: the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth, and Romans 3:10: There is none righteous.

People have taken the same heart as satan, so they will go where he goes.

God has always preserved His children, though.
Those who simply believe in Him.
And it has never been in doubt.

His children are found scattered about the lost of the world.
And Jesus told his followers to go and find them - Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:16-20.

Those who sincerely seek Him will be rewarded - Hebrews 11:6.
They will not be left to perish, and eternally so.

God makes a way to preserve those who are His.

You may hate me and what I post, but I tell you the Truth.

I consider anyone who is able to be exposed to God's Word to be very blessed indeed.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
bradhusker wrote:YES, I do expect you to fully believe it
It's common knowledge you're a horrendous read and a god awful simpleton incapable of formulating an original thought. I guess we can add fraud and liar to your list of attributes. You must be proud. Why don't you go peddle this petulant horse shit in a forum more your speed, like Craigslist Rants and Raves.

However, I am enjoying the fact a thread about Christianity has turned into a debate about what a random couple ordered for dinner at a NY restaurant.
WOW, you are a clueless TARD MgoBlue, do you know that? Its poetic justice that a thread about christianity would feature a demonic liberal couple, talking their shit in a New York City restaurant!
Where have you been MgoBlue? Living under a faggott rock somewhere? You dont read the papers?
Newsweek just ran on their front cover, "The Global Assault on Christianity", and, the sick weirdo liberals are at the forefront of this assault. Liberals in government are spearheading this assault on the "free exercise thereof" concerning the catholic church as we speak.

Where the fuck have you been? The fact that I shed light on this sick liberal couple, while they dine on their sick food, and discuss sick dellusional topics, IS NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING!!
The fact that you didnt see a connection? PRICELESS!

Highlighting two dellusional liberals, is brilliant, considering the fact that they have nothing but pure hatred and disdain for all things christian.

Again MgoBlue, you are one clueless idiot.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

Dinsdale wrote:
KC Scott wrote:
And MVS is right - 3 is the max

Michelin uses 1-3, the other commonly used system, Forbes, uses 1-5.

Still, an epic fail for Brad, since (take it from a Portlandian) in vegan "cuisne," you can't slice/prepare/cook anything on any surface that's been previously used to prepare meat (sucks I know this, but I've dealt with several of the self-righteous douches).

Ana Ng wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:(well, save for the big'ol skunk in the backyard, but we don't have a symbiotic relationship --we have a "please don't spray me" relationship)
Something tells me that this is the same type of relationship you have with women?

I always cry while making love... I think it must be the mace.
Dinsdale? You are clueless!!! ANY chef knows that when you prepare different foods, ie..fish, pork, poultry, veggies, beef, raw foods, etc...etc....THEY SIMPLY just switch out for different and sanitized cutting boards, YOU FUCKIN MORON!!

GOD you are a fuckin idiot.
Can you really be that stupid to think that a restaurant doesnt clean and sanatize and have the ability to prepare different kinds of foods?
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Felix »

poptart wrote:
We only know what God has chosen to reveal to us.
God's knowledge and understanding is at a level that completely dwarfs ours, and not only that, it is such that we are not even capable of formulating an imagination in our brain about the things of God.
that's nonsensical gibberish cobbled together by people that had no understanding of how the world around them worked...they were dumbfounded by the fact that the sun apparently rose and set, and were baffled by the mysterious twinkling lights in the sky....so their conclusions were that some other world being must have created all of this just for us.....and any being capable of creating all of this was simply too powerful and intelligent for us to ever understand what his grand plan is.....
Initially, satan attacked directly at our pride - by telling us that we can become like God (Genesis 3:5,6) and we don't have to stay with Him.
No, he tells us we can use our own mind, set our own standards, use our own thinking, use our own strength, etc.

And we like this idea (and satan knew, of course, that we would), so we go on our own.
And we end up saying things like, "God is fucked because he does... such and such..."
so the question remains...why didn't your omnipotent god deal with this satan character once and for all when he started tempting man? the whole idea of this is beyond ridiculous.... or was it some sort of pact god signed with satan that he'd give the evil overlord a shot at everybody?
God has told us that we will surely die if we leave Him (Genesis 2:17), but we don't believe it.
We're smart now on our own.

But Ezekiel 18:4 reminds - all souls are GOD'S and the soul that sins... dies.

Our souls are not ours.

Can not the owner do as He will?
And does He not know infinitely more about what is right than His mere creations, anyway?
so let me see if I'm getting the gist here.....this god character creates us, then gives this satan character every opportunity to lead us away from him (free will I guess) and then it's incumbent on us to find our way back to his loving arms, otherwise he's going to have no alternative but to send us to everlasting torture? that's the biblical equivalent to a woman giving birth to a child and then simply saying the baby has to fend for themselves.....yeah, I guess in some peoples minds, this makes perfect sense....

After the flood, the Tower of Babel.
People believed the lie of satan, and they left God.
Corrupt and arrogant, they tried to make their own name and show their own greatness, just as Cain (fooled by satan) had tried to do.
now this must be one of those "the bible is allegory" because as I've said to you numerous times:
1. there is no geological evidence of this alleged world wide flood
2. a boat to carry two of every "kind" would have to be 10,000 times the size of the boat described in the bible
Abraham disbelieved God's promise of a child - and he knocked up his maid - to produce a child named Ishmael.
God sent Ishmael off - to produce offspring who are Arab people, who God has left to wallow in their dispair, apart from Him and instead w/satan.
so, abraham was the one that produced an innocent child, but god decided it best that the child and all of his offspring should be the ones that suffer for it? in what fucking world does this make any sense whatsoever....
But poptart, there are good people among the scattered around the world, and it's not fair that God let's them perish and go eternally apart from Him.

No, there is no one who is good.

This is your human standard and you are infinitely feeble of mind in comparison to the Creator of the universe, who also happens to be... 100% HOLY.
And the souls belong to God, anyway.
more of the "we're just too insignificant to understand god's greater plan" which apparently consists of letting a select few into everlasting glory, while sending the rest to eternal torture....
I consider anyone who is able to be exposed to God's Word to be very blessed indeed.
and those that aren't?
sorry no soup for you....
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Diego in Seattle »

It's time to KILL OFF this troll known as bradhusker..
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

Diego in Seattle wrote:It's time to KILL OFF this troll known as bradhusker..
Time to put an end to the tard troll known as Diego, once and for all, due to lack of a brain.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:
poptart wrote:
We only know what God has chosen to reveal to us.
God's knowledge and understanding is at a level that completely dwarfs ours, and not only that, it is such that we are not even capable of formulating an imagination in our brain about the things of God.
that's nonsensical gibberish cobbled together by people that had no understanding of how the world around them worked...they were dumbfounded by the fact that the sun apparently rose and set, and were baffled by the mysterious twinkling lights in the sky....so their conclusions were that some other world being must have created all of this just for us.....and any being capable of creating all of this was simply too powerful and intelligent for us to ever understand what his grand plan is.....
No, that was written by Paul - 1 Corinthians 2:9

You can check into his education background if you want.

The rest of your protests and questions are honestly covered by the Scriptures that I enclosed in my post.
Look at them if you want.
It's what I believe.

Except for Noah's Ark.
I didn't post anything about that - just mentioned it.

That'd be a whole separate topic.
If you want to take it up, post in Theology and I would answer to it.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Goober McTuber »

Papa Willie wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
KC Scott wrote:
And MVS is right - 3 is the max

Michelin uses 1-3, the other commonly used system, Forbes, uses 1-5.

Still, an epic fail for Brad, since (take it from a Portlandian) in vegan "cuisne," you can't slice/prepare/cook anything on any surface that's been previously used to prepare meat (sucks I know this, but I've dealt with several of the self-righteous douches).

Ana Ng wrote:Something tells me that this is the same type of relationship you have with women?

I always cry while making love... I think it must be the mace.

Whew. I saw "Spray", and .... Well. Never mind.
Fucking hell. I saw "mace" and started feeling sheepish.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by DC Smackmaster »

I'd only be echoing Felixs' comments, so I wont waste anyones time by doing that.

I do think that poptart is a noble dude and I absolutely respect and believe he has given his choice considerable research. I can't find any fault in that, though I obviously have reached a different conclusion.

It does seem logical to play it safe and live ones life according to Pascals Wager, which goes,

"If you erroneously believe in God, you lose nothing (assuming that death is the absolute end), whereas if you correctly believe in God, you gain everything (eternal bliss). But if you correctly disbelieve in God, you gain nothing (death ends all), whereas if you erroneously disbelieve in God, you lose everything (eternal damnation).

However, the god that the bible describes would certainly recognize this brand of faith as inauthentic (is this a word!?)

No, my reasoning, research, and life experience has led me to believe that our "soul" is not an everlasting one. It is the result of biological processes within the human central nervous system that ceases to exist when the body ceases to function (death).

Todd - you seem as though you would be eager to buy front row seats to watch St Peter hurl the damned into hell. That's pretty pathetic! Yours sounds like faith based on fear. Pussy.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by BSmack »

Pascal's wager is flawed. Pascal fails to account for the wages of faith during life. All that time wasted in prayer has to count for something. Not to mention all that money in the collection plate. Especially if you're Mitt Romney, that shit adds up. Plus, when you don't believe in all the anti-fornication bullshit, you can fuck guilt free.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:so, abraham was the one that produced an innocent child, but god decided it best that the child and all of his offspring should be the ones that suffer for it? in what fucking world does this make any sense whatsoever....
This part isn't actually spoken directly to in the Scriptures I posted, and it's worth a note.

The birth of Ishmael was no ordinary bastard birth, to say the least.

Abraham was told by God the the Messiah would come through his seed, but Abraham thought his wife was too old to have a child, so he figured he'd help God out. lol
He banged his maid and produced Ishmael.

God said, "Nope, that's not it," and this HUGE incident of disbelief on Abraham's part produced... Islam.

And God said this about Ishmael (his seed) - Genesis 16:12: And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Ishmael himself was actually blessed (saved) by God - because Abraham prayed for it - and Ishmael was also blessed materially, but what became of this incredible fugg up by Abraham (Arab people, Islam) was very significant.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by jiminphilly »

poptart wrote: God said, "Nope, that's not it," and this HUGE incident of disbelief on Abraham's part produced... Islam.

And God said this about Ishmael (his seed) - Genesis 16:12: And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
And here I thought we were on their turf trying to take their oil. Turns out, the Izzy fundies are just the red-headed step children of the world who get bitch slapped around because their Dad was fucking the help.

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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by DC Smackmaster »

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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Python »

DC Smackmaster wrote: my reasoning, research, and life experience
Your life experiences aren't over with yet, DC. Just a thought.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by DC Smackmaster »

I know you're a man of few words Py, but could you elaborate? Just trying to get your point because rarely do you write something not worth understanding.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Python »

Let me get all "religiousy" for a second. I know, that's not a word.

Maybe God's not finished with you yet. Just because your life experiences have brought you to this decision at this point in your life, you've got more living, thinking, believing and not believing to do.

That's all.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by DC Smackmaster »

No, you are right about that Python, who knows what's on the horizon? This has been very tough on me, admitting to myself that what I've "believed" for so long...I believed no more. Trust me, the idea of someday not being conscious of my children absolutely horrifies me. It is something I don't allow myself to dwell on at all. But my desire for another outcome, no matter how great, won't change a thing.

That being said, if I'm wrong and I find myself getting buttslammed by John Holmes for eternity, it's yours and poptart's fault for not doing a better job here... :grin:

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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Python »

I loves me some DC. No homo.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Python »

Waitaminute. You've got kids? Holy crap.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by DC Smackmaster »

"No Homo" haha!

Yep! Number three will be here in May.

I see you what you did there btw! I ask myself the same question often!
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Van »

pop, for the record, I don't have any disdain towards God for his narrow path to salvation. I have disdain for the Bible's silly description of it. I am agnostic only insofar as it relates to God's existence and, to a much lesser extent, Jesus's divinity. I am not the least bit agnostic when it comes to the Bible. I am certain of what it is and what it isn't. It's a primitive book of fables, neither written nor inspired by God. It's a man-made political vehicle, the purpose of which is societal control, as is the case with nearly all organized religions.

I have no problem in accepting the possibility of God. My assumption is that if He does exist He is so far beyond human reckoning that the Bible's childish attempts at anthropomorphizing Him in an effort to make Him 'knowable' serve absolutely no purpose in bringing us closer to Him. I haven't a clue as to His origin, power or intent. If he affords us an afterlife, I fully believe that the manner of salvation is also beyond our reckoning, as is the selection process. In my own feeble attempt at anthropomorphizing Him, I can only accept the notion of God as an equal-opportunity judge. He's not going to condemn us to 'hell' based on His own pure vanity, malice and lazy contempt, as is the case according to the Bible.

Here's a question for you. What is the Holy Spirit? I'm talking the Trinity here. I know we're supposed to have God, and Jesus is His son, through which mankind subsequent to Jesus's arrival on Earth may gain salvation. Jesus refers to God as His father, yet sometimes Jesus is also supposed to be God, as in one and the same, not merely an offspring. Whatever. That distinction matters little to me.

I am confused, though, as to the make-up and purpose of the Holy Spirit. It's rarely discussed. What's the role of the Holy Spirit supposed to be? When and where does it manifest itself in our lives, either here or in the afterlife?
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

DC Smackmaster wrote:No, you are right about that Python, who knows what's on the horizon? This has been very tough on me, admitting to myself that what I've "believed" for so long...I believed no more. Trust me, the idea of someday not being conscious of my children absolutely horrifies me. It is something I don't allow myself to dwell on at all. But my desire for another outcome, no matter how great, won't change a thing.

That being said, if I'm wrong and I find myself getting buttslammed by John Holmes for eternity, it's yours and poptart's fault for not doing a better job here... :grin:

Actually? Its not John Holmes' dick you should be worried about, SHIT, next to satan? John Holmes is hung like a flea. NO SIR, Your gonna get butt raped by SATAN, his dick is so BIG, its gonna rip thru ur anus and come out ur mouth,
The end for you will be like the Patrick Swayzee classic, "GHOST", 1990, Hideous black creatures screeching with ultimate horror will swoop up out of the ground and take you kicking and screaming like a coward lil' girl.
For me and pop? Us two born-again christians will see the beautiful stunning bright light!! Just like Patrick Swayzee did, we will ascend to the beautiful everlasting heaven, for all eternity.
dryfucked to oblivian. by the beastmaster himself, beelzebub, Lucifer, satan, the prince of darkness. AND, you've got no one to blame but yourself, YOU made the choice, and you must pay the ultimate price.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

DC Smackmaster wrote:Image
This post by DC is laughable and false.

YOU can only have logic where there is evidence and proof. In the greatest questions of all time, there is no proof or evidence , only theory and belief.
SO, your last post is laughable and arrogant. You assume that logic and science is firmly on your side of the equation, WHEN in REALITY, its NOT. AND, you are seriously dellusional to think otherwise.
AGAIN, the greatest questions of all time remain unanswered. UNTIL that time when we have knowledge and certainty on the origins of all things, you are completely in the dark on the matter.
ALL you have is belief. And, if that belief is that there is NO God, then I feel sorry for you

Your analogy of water being H2 O has no relevance here. WE ALL KNOW IT TO BE scientific FACT.
On the subject of the origins of all things, there is no scientific fact there, SO, again, your analogy does not apply.
The fact that you tried to equate the two subjects is downright laughable, to say the least.
Last edited by bradhusker on Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Derron »

bradhusker wrote: YOU?
dryfucked to oblivian. by the beastmaster himself, beelzebub, Lucifer, satan, the prince of darkness. AND, you've got no one to blame but yourself, YOU made the choice, and you must pay the ultimate price.
Link ?
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by DC Smackmaster »

:lol: The 13th apostle, brad.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

Derron wrote:
bradhusker wrote: YOU?
dryfucked to oblivian. by the beastmaster himself, beelzebub, Lucifer, satan, the prince of darkness. AND, you've got no one to blame but yourself, YOU made the choice, and you must pay the ultimate price.
Link ?
The major motion picture, "Ghost", starring Patrick Swayzee and Demi Moore and the late Whoopi Goldberg. 1990.

By the way, its not even his greatest film, that honor goes to "Roadhouse", 1989. Its a testosterone filled flick for guys who like "tough guy" movies.

BUT, I digress, you probably like films like "The Notebook" .
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Derron »

bradhusker wrote:
Derron wrote:
bradhusker wrote: YOU?
dryfucked to oblivian. by the beastmaster himself, beelzebub, Lucifer, satan, the prince of darkness. AND, you've got no one to blame but yourself, YOU made the choice, and you must pay the ultimate price.
Link ?
The major motion picture, "Ghost", starring Patrick Swayzee and Demi Moore and the late Whoopi Goldberg. 1990.

By the way, its not even his greatest film, that honor goes to "Roadhouse", 1989. Its a testosterone filled flick for guys who like "tough guy" movies.

BUT, I digress, you probably like films like "The Notebook" .
Yeah..everything you see at the movies is true. :doh:

And I am a believer..just not one who has to ram in down every ones throat..and I never set foot in a church for a conventional service..nor do I feel compelled to waste huge amounts of bandwidth trying to prove or disapprove a decision most believers and non believers are perfectly capable of making themselves.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by R-Jack »

bradhusker wrote: "Roadhouse", 1989. Its a testosterone filled flick for guys who like "tough guy" movies.

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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Goober McTuber »

bradhusker wrote:the late Whoopi Goldberg.
What the fuck? Is she pregnant?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Derron »

Goober McTuber wrote:
bradhusker wrote:the late Whoopi Goldberg.
What the fuck? Is she pregnant?
What I thought..looked pretty alive this morning when I channel scrolled past The View
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by mvscal »

bradhusker wrote:Actually? Its not John Holmes' dick you should be worried about, SHIT, next to satan? John Holmes is hung like a flea. NO SIR, Your gonna get butt raped by SATAN, his dick is so BIG, its gonna rip thru ur anus and come out ur mouth,

dryfucked to oblivian. by the beastmaster himself, beelzebub, Lucifer, satan, the prince of darkness.
Your expertise in cock both natural and supernatural is simply unparalleled, brad. I know you must have eaten, slept and breathed cock for decades to achieve this level of knowledge. To think that you have even Iried the Unholy Cock of Satan himself.

You are the Indiana Jones of Cock. Don't let anyone tell you any different.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by poptart »

Van wrote:Here's a question for you. What is the Holy Spirit? I'm talking the Trinity here. I know we're supposed to have God, and Jesus is His son, through which mankind subsequent to Jesus's arrival on Earth may gain salvation. Jesus refers to God as His father, yet sometimes Jesus is also supposed to be God, as in one and the same, not merely an offspring. Whatever. That distinction matters little to me.

I am confused, though, as to the make-up and purpose of the Holy Spirit. It's rarely discussed. What's the role of the Holy Spirit supposed to be? When and where does it manifest itself in our lives, either here or in the afterlife?
I'll try to sum it up.

The Holy Spirit appears in the 2nd verse of the Bible, and Genesis 1:1-3 IS the Gospel.

Genesis 1:1-3
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Darkness (satan) swallows everything up, and God's Spirit (Holy Spirit) comes is as the Light (Christ) which overcomes the darkness.

The Holy Spirit is the presence of God, and when a person is believing God's Word, that is when the Spirit is active - and it is when someone might feel it.

People (from Genesis 3) have all become spiritual captives of satan and are actually dead spiritually.
But when they believe in Christ (Who is God's Word), the Light chases the darkness away, just as in Genesis 1:1-3, and they are live spiritually.

Romans 8:2 - For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Jesus promised (Acts 1:8) the Holy Spirit would come for all believers - and the reason is has come is (1) it gives us salvation, and (2) it gives us power in this world.

When a person believes and receives Christ, the Holy Spirit enters them and will never leave them.
It's is eternally finished.
They are no longer born of Adam's ruined seed but are instead born again of God's incorruptible seed, which is a spiritual seed - 1 Peter 1:23.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by poptart »

jiminphilly wrote:
poptart wrote: God said, "Nope, that's not it," and this HUGE incident of disbelief on Abraham's part produced... Islam.

And God said this about Ishmael (his seed) - Genesis 16:12: And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
And here I thought we were on their turf trying to take their oil. Turns out, the Izzy fundies are just the red-headed step children of the world who get bitch slapped around because their Dad was fucking the help.

I LOLed at this - and even more so when I put Archie Bunker's voice to your words.

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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by mvscal »

poptart wrote:
jiminphilly wrote:
poptart wrote: God said, "Nope, that's not it," and this HUGE incident of disbelief on Abraham's part produced... Islam.

And God said this about Ishmael (his seed) - Genesis 16:12: And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
And here I thought we were on their turf trying to take their oil. Turns out, the Izzy fundies are just the red-headed step children of the world who get bitch slapped around because their Dad was fucking the help.

I LOLed at this - and even more so when I put Archie Bunker's voice to your words.

Yeah, except that we aren't "on their turf taking their oil." We're on their turf helping them get it out of the ground so we can buy it from them for $100 a barrel and making them filthy fucking rich in process.

The analogy kinda breaks down when it hits reality.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by PSUFAN »

mvscal wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Actually? Its not John Holmes' dick you should be worried about, SHIT, next to satan? John Holmes is hung like a flea. NO SIR, Your gonna get butt raped by SATAN, his dick is so BIG, its gonna rip thru ur anus and come out ur mouth,

dryfucked to oblivian. by the beastmaster himself, beelzebub, Lucifer, satan, the prince of darkness.
Your expertise in cock both natural and supernatural is simply unparalleled, brad. I know you must have eaten, slept and breathed cock for decades to achieve this level of knowledge. To think that you have even Iried the Unholy Cock of Satan himself.

You are the Indiana Jones of Cock. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by War Wagon »

BSmack wrote:Pascal's wager is flawed. Pascal fails to account for the wages of faith during life. All that time wasted in prayer has to count for something. Not to mention all that money in the collection plate.
I've never wasted a minute in prayer or a dime in the collection plate. Those things are worthwhile.

Wages of faith = people a whole lot happier and better off than people in decrepid poverty and health wondering what went wrong in their lives.

The most miserable people on the planet tend to blame God first and then deny he exists.
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