I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

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Goober McTuber
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I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Goober McTuber »

The campaign could be highly entertaining.
(CNN) -- Presidential candidate Rick Santorum is unhappy with last week's compromise over whether Catholic institutions should be required to cover contraception for their employees, arguing that birth control "shouldn't be covered by insurance at all." The issue, Santorum claims, is "economic liberty." But in the past, he has made his real objection clear, categorizing contraception as "a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be."

Taken with statements Santorum made in his 2005 book, "It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good," his opposition to contraception (as well as to abortion, even in the case of rape) seems part and parcel of a deep hostility toward efforts to empower women and enhance their status. He has shown nothing but contempt for what his book called the "radical" feminist "pitch" that "men and women be given an equal opportunity to make it to the top in the workplace." So perhaps it's not surprising that at the time of publication he did not list his wife as a co-author or contributor, although when asked last week about this and other comments on working mothers, he now says his wife wrote that part of the book.

Whichever member of the couple wrote the section on women, it is worth revisiting a couple of its points. Take the book's dismissal of programs to help impoverished single mothers improve their job prospects by returning to school: "The notion that college education is a cost-effective way to help poor, low-skill, unmarried mothers with high school diplomas or GEDs move up the economic ladder is just wrong." Or its claim that unnamed "surveys" have shown that educated professional women find it "easier, more 'professionally' gratifying, and certainly more socially affirming, to work outside the home than to give up their careers to take care of their children."

The Santorums' apparent hostility to women's educational and professional advancement is insulting and out of touch with today's world. But it is also odd in light of their purported interest in the welfare of children. It turns out that the most powerful single influence on a child's educational success is not the mother's marital status but her own level of education and her educational aspirations for her children, according to education researcher W. Norton Grubb.

Having more education is one of the biggest predictors of women having careers. But it's also one of the biggest predictors of women (and their husbands) doing more child care, according to a forthcoming paper by Paula England, a New York University sociologist and research fellow at the Council on Contemporary Families, and her collaborator, Anjula Srivastava. Educated mothers are much more likely to work outside the home and to return to work within a year after the birth of a child. They also tend to have fewer children than their less educated counterparts. Yet on average, they spend more time in direct interaction with their kids than less educated women.

Well-educated fathers also spend more time in child care than less-educated dads. But, interestingly, the amount of child care a man does is more directly influenced by his wife's educational level than his own. On average, having a wife with a college degree raises a man's participation in child care by 3½ hours per week.

Educated parents find more time to spend with their children by reducing time dedicated to home-based activities that involve little interaction with children. They spend less time on sleep and personal grooming, less time doing housework and less time watching television than their less-educated counterparts, regardless of their employment status. This is hardly evidence that they do not find child care gratifying.

No single choice about how to organize work and family life is right or possible -- for every family. And every choice has tradeoffs. Sometimes, having a mom stay home is a big help. On the other hand, when a mother works outside the home, her husband generally does more child care and has higher parental knowledge about his childrens' friends, routines and needs, cutting across the tendency for fathers to be second-string parents at home.

Every family must make its own, sometimes difficult, decisions about what best fits their particular needs and preferences. We don't need politicians like Rick Santorum -- or, as he now somewhat unchivalrously claims, his wife -- making those decisions more painful by suggesting that women who choose to pursue careers are worse mothers than those who do not.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Derron »

Another balanced non bias position from the Clinton News Network. Shocking.
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Goober McTuber
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Goober McTuber »

Derron wrote:Another balanced non bias position from the Clinton News Network. Shocking.
What facts do you feel are incorrect? Just curious.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by bradhusker »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Derron wrote:Another balanced non bias position from the Clinton News Network. Shocking.
What facts do you feel are incorrect? Just curious.
Goober? Are you really this stupid. or just pretending? You dont see the NAKED manipulation by the CNN liberal elites? The sick manipulation by the far left weirdos from msnbc?

They are so frightenned by Mitt Romney, that they are pimping Rick Santorum, LITERALLY doing everything they can to boost Santorum with phoney polls.

They know that a far right wing nut like Santorum would get crushed by Obama in November.
Mitt, on the other hand would get lots of independant voters due to the fact that he is a moderate.
Poll after legitimate poll shows that Mitt and Obama would be an extremely close election.

Legitimate polls ALL show that Santorum would be totally destroyed by Obama come November.

NOW, that being said, the liberal media elites are doing something so nakedly weird, so emotionally disturbed, that ive NEVER in my life seen this on any real journalistic level.

They are using fake polls, putting them out there night after night, making Santorum look like a legit candidate, EVEN THOUGH, in REALITY, Santorum is an extreme right wing nut job, MEANING, he would lose in a landslide to Obama, due to the fact that independants will NOT vote for a right wing fundamentalist.

Romney on the other hand is a true moderate, only slightly right of center, much like most americans. SO, the liberal elites who control much of CNN and MSNBC, are SCARED SHITLESS of Mitt ROMNEY, a man who poses a serious threat to OBAMA, their chosen one.

NEVER in my life have I seen a media as corrupt as this, I am stunned at the corruptiuon and manipulation of this liberal media.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Derron »

(CNN) -- He has shown nothing but contempt for what his book called the "radical" feminist "pitch" that "men and women be given an equal opportunity to make it to the top in the workplace." So perhaps it's not surprising that at the time of publication he did not list his wife as a co-author or contributor, although when asked last week about this and other comments on working mothers, he now says his wife wrote that part of the book.

The Santorums' apparent hostility to women's educational and professional advancement is insulting and out of touch with today's world. But it is also odd in light of their purported interest in the welfare of children.

This is hardly evidence that they do not find child care gratifying.
Opinion. Not sustained.

We don't need politicians like Rick Santorum -- or, as he now somewhat unchivalrously claims, his wife -- making those decisions more painful by suggesting that women who choose to pursue careers are worse mothers than those who do not.

Now what part of reporting the facts did that reporter forget before he starts pontificating his opinion.
Last edited by Derron on Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Status is everything to you, isn't it 88?

Go ahead and spend the rest of your life deepening the chasm between you and those with these money and resource than you.

Those with more money than you, still think you're an unwashed douche.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Derron »

bradhusker wrote:
Romney on the other hand is a true moderate, only slightly right of center, much like most americans.
Like most Americans ? Which is why they elected Obongo. The encrusted jizz on your mouth is altering your speech patterns.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by bradhusker »

Derron wrote:
bradhusker wrote:
Romney on the other hand is a true moderate, only slightly right of center, much like most americans.
Like most Americans ? Which is why they elected Obongo. The encrusted jizz on your mouth is altering your speech patterns.
Nice try Derron, BUT, Obama was elected due to the whole "hope and change" thing, PLUS, independants believed his "COVER" of being a moderate. NOW that we've had almost 4 years, we know that he admires Saul Alinsky and Noam Chomsky, two weirdos who most of america finds disturbed.
AND YES, most of america is slightly right of center, thats a FACT. look it up.
Slightly a blip right to center is a badge of honor. ANYTHING on the left is downright weird.
DO the research and you will find that Obama was elected because the independants swung his way. PLAIN AND SIMPLE, the left votes left, the right votes right, and the middle ground of independants actually decide the elections.

WHICH brings us to Rick and Mitt, RICK is a sick right wing fundamentalist type of guy. Mitt is a moderate, who is slightly right of center. RESULT? Independants will run from Santorum, they dont want anything to do with a far right nutcase like him. Romney is the guy who can get independants,
WHICH is why the liberal hacks are downright scared of Mitt. ya follow?
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

88 wrote:
Martyred wrote:Go ahead and spend the rest of your life deepening the chasm between you and those with these money and resource than you.
Don't WTF? me. That's your entire existence on T1B. Airing our your fear of inadequacy and the haunting terror that you might be judged not by your bank account, but by the merit of your labours.

No good boot goes unlicked in your world, I guess. Ahhh...the comfort of hierarchy...so reassuring to you, isn't it?
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Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by mvscal »

bradhusker wrote:They are so frightenned by Mitt Romney, that they are pimping Rick Santorum,
Nobody is scared of Shitt Romney. They aren't pimping Santorum. They're going to destroy Santorum just like they have destroyed every other Republican candidate who started to build enough momentum to threaten Romney.

The Obluegum team is dreaming about a Romney nomination. He's pretty much straight from central casting as an out of touch plutocrat with no firm positions on any issue. He will be completely annihilated in the general election. Remember McCain? Before he got the nomination, he was the "electable moderate" a "maverick" even who wasn't afraid to the buck the party line to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats to get things done. As soon as he got the nomination, they fucked his ass eight ways from Sunday. They threw every single piece of shit they could find at him. How many houses did he have? Why was he fucking a lobbyist? He was turned into a wildy extreme warmongering maniac.

Romney is a fucking punching bag. No self-respecting conservative will ever vote for him under any circumstances and your so called moderates will piss in his face. Nobody is going to vote for Obongo Lite when they can vote for the real thing. There simply isn't enough to distinguish Shitt from Odowngrade.
Last edited by mvscal on Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by mvscal »

Martyred wrote:
88 wrote:
Martyred wrote:Go ahead and spend the rest of your life deepening the chasm between you and those with these money and resource than you.
Don't WTF? me. That's your entire existence on T1B. Airing our your fear of inadequacy and the haunting terror that you might be judged not by your bank account, but by the merit of your labours.

No good boot goes unlicked in your world, I guess. Ahhh...the comfort of hierarchy...so reassuring to you, isn't it?
There is only one KC Scott here. You're chasing your tail now.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote: There is only one KC Scott here. You're chasing your tail now.

Scott and I have reached an "accord".

We are "boys" now and I can not countenance any further reproach upon his character.
Sorry mv, you're on your own with this.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Derron »

Martyred wrote: We are "boys" now and I can not countenance any further reproach upon his character.

Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Hate all you want, but Scott and I "iz thugz 4 life, yo".

we've been through too much, it was time to put away our chrome
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by The Seer »

mvscal wrote:
bradhusker wrote:They are so frightenned by Mitt Romney, that they are pimping Rick Santorum,
Nobody is scared of Shitt Romney. They aren't pimping Santorum. They're going to destroy Santorum just like they have destroyed every other Republican candidate who started to build enough momentum to threaten Romney.

The Obluegum team is dreaming about a Romney nomination. He's pretty much straight from central casting as an out of touch plutocrat with no firm positions on any issue. He will be completely annihilated in the general election. Remember McCain? Before he got the nomination, he was the "electable moderate" a "maverick" even who could who wasn't afraid to the buck the party line and reach across the aisle and work with Democrats to get things done. As soon as he got the nomination, they fucked his ass eight ways from Sunday. They threw every single piece of shit they could find at him. How many houses did he have? Why was he fucking a lobbyist? He was turned into a wildy extreme warmongering maniac.

Romney is a fucking punching bag. No self-respecting conservative will ever vote for him under any circumstances and your so called moderates will piss in his face. Nobody is going to vote for Obongo Lite when they can vote for the real thing. There simply isn't enough to distinguish Shitt from Odowngrade.
Decent argument based on recent history. However, the novelty of having our 1st balck president will be done, there is a strong current of ABO (anyone but obama), and McCain, other than his heroism, had nothing to offer. Marketing nightmare.

Romney at least can speak, and IF he can surround himself with reasonably intelligent staff for the stretch run, could put some dents into the 'crats platform.

There will be new ground broken in terms of the level of "news" distortion via the "mainstream media" which by the way is NOT a bad tactic considering their constituents for the most part don't have to "ability" to be able to discern fact from fiction...Come October and the economy will be damn near perfect....per usual suspects.

Romney throws in a nice marketable conservative on the ticket - Rubio is the no-brainer - and it should be the end of the "experiment"....
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by War Wagon »

mvscal wrote:He will be completely annihilated in the general election.

Mitt, Mitt, he's our man, if he caint do it caint nobody can!
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

The Seer wrote:...there is a strong current of ABO (anyone but obama)...

No, there isn't.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by mvscal »

The Seer wrote:Romney at least can speak,
No, he can't. He's a fucking dolt. He's done OK so far because he's the annointed one and gets every softball. That isn't going to happen in the general. You throw him off message and his programming can't handle it. He starts to look like exactly what he is: a stilted, robotic stiff.

ABO is a fucking pipe dream.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Van »

ABO is over. Between the amazingly convenient timing of the Bin Ladin killing, the military pull-out in Iraq, the drawing-down of forces in Afghanistan, the turning of Iran into The Next Big Devil, and even the economy's laughably transparent signs of semi-recovery, everything has been perfectly orchestrated to ensure Obama's re-election.

Santorum will never get a sniff at the nomination, and Romney has no chance in the general election. Well, okay, he has one chance: another nation-wide economic meltdown before November. Short of that, we're stuck with Obama for another four years.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote:Between the amazingly convenient timing of the Bin Ladin killing, the military pull-out in Iraq, the drawing-down of forces in Afghanistan, the turning of Iran into The Next Big Devil,
None of that matters and it won't be a major point of emphasis in his campaign for the simple reason that they were all continuations of Bush's policies.
even the economy's laughably transparent signs of semi-recovery,
There is no recovery. In fact, things have and are getting worse. It won't stop a compliant media from regurgitating the lies from the White House, though. No, the focus of Obongo's campaign will be tearing Shitt Romney to pieces and he will be completely successful.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Van »

mvscal wrote:
Van wrote:Between the amazingly convenient timing of the Bin Ladin killing, the military pull-out in Iraq, the drawing-down of forces in Afghanistan, the turning of Iran into The Next Big Devil,
None of that matters and it won't be a major point of emphasis in his campaign for the simple reason that they were all continuations of Bush's policies.
Irrelevant. He will take credit for them, with the full backing of large segments of the media. If need be, he will beat those 'accomplishments' over a fawning public's head at every turn.

You aren't his audience. Joe Dumbfuck "Hopey Changey" Guy and his ilk are the choir to which he will preach, and those inspid fuckpuddles will blindly accept anything as evidence that they weren't wrong the first time.
even the economy's laughably transparent signs of semi-recovery,
There is no recovery. In fact, things have and are getting worse. It won't stop a compliant media from regurgitating the lies from the White House, though.
Like I said.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by War Wagon »

bullshit, the both of you. Most likely, neither of you even bother to vote.

Obama got elected by a 52-48% margin with record turnout, many of those 1st time voters. They won't show up at the polls this time, disheartened that their savior couldn't deliver on his bullshit promises.

On the other hand, people who were disgusted with Bush didn't show up at the polls in 2008 and will rectify that mistake in 2012.

Mitt, in a landslide, you politically naive dumbfucks.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote:He will take credit for them, with the full backing of large segments of the media. If need be, he will beat those 'accomplishments' over a fawning public's head at every turn.
It will be a footnote in his campaign. He is least comfortable with foreign affairs and the steps that he has taken have not been wildly popular with his base. His Afghanistan surge has been a categorical failure. His Arab Spring is turning into an Islamist Winter. He didn't close Gitmo. He is killing American citizens without trial. His Libyan adventure was entirely unconstitutional and he compounded the error by backing the wrong side. Syria is spinning out of control. The shit is getting pretty fucking complex and none of it looks good.

He's much more comfortable with smoothly lying about his domestic agenda and buttfucking his political opponents with every slimy trick in the book. He's a Chicago ward heeler with a 3 trillion dollar line of credit. He doesn't need "Hope and Change" anymore. He's got the money and the means to distribute it to those who play ball.

The fix is in. The niggger gets another four years.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by BSmack »

The single worst Republican candidate since Barry Goldwater was John McCain.

Mitt Romney LOST to John McCain.

Think about it folks.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by War Wagon »

BSmack wrote:The single worst Republican candidate since Barry Goldwater was John McCain.
Where did you pull that factoid from, the Rachel Maddow show?
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by mvscal »

BSmack wrote:The single worst Republican candidate since Barry Goldwater Bob Dole was John McCain.

Mitt Romney LOST to John McCain.

Think about it folks.

Dole was another "accomodating moderate."

Goldwater had the singular misfortune of pairing up against one of the dirtiest bastards in the history of American politics. At least Barry didn't get his head blown off...
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by War Wagon »

mvscal wrote:Dole was another "accomodating moderate."
oh please, you don't know jack shit about Bob Dole. Dude was conservative as they get.

Dole had the misfortune of running against an incumbent when times were flush.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Diego in Seattle »

The Seer wrote:
mvscal wrote:
bradhusker wrote:They are so frightenned by Mitt Romney, that they are pimping Rick Santorum,
Nobody is scared of Shitt Romney. They aren't pimping Santorum. They're going to destroy Santorum just like they have destroyed every other Republican candidate who started to build enough momentum to threaten Romney.

The Obluegum team is dreaming about a Romney nomination. He's pretty much straight from central casting as an out of touch plutocrat with no firm positions on any issue. He will be completely annihilated in the general election. Remember McCain? Before he got the nomination, he was the "electable moderate" a "maverick" even who could who wasn't afraid to the buck the party line and reach across the aisle and work with Democrats to get things done. As soon as he got the nomination, they fucked his ass eight ways from Sunday. They threw every single piece of shit they could find at him. How many houses did he have? Why was he fucking a lobbyist? He was turned into a wildy extreme warmongering maniac.

Romney is a fucking punching bag. No self-respecting conservative will ever vote for him under any circumstances and your so called moderates will piss in his face. Nobody is going to vote for Obongo Lite when they can vote for the real thing. There simply isn't enough to distinguish Shitt from Odowngrade.
Romney at least can speak,...

Between his comment comparing himself to other Americans out of work and his recent comment about not being concerned about the poor he's going to end up with a case of athlete's mouth by November.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by mvscal »

War Wagon wrote:
mvscal wrote:Dole was another "accomodating moderate."
oh please, you don't know jack shit about Bob Dole. Dude was conservative as they get.
WRONG! Since you clearly don't know what you're talking about, you can start here:
Dole had a moderate voting record and was widely considered to be one of the few Kansas Republicans who could bridge the gap between the moderate and conservative wings of the Kansas Republican Party. As a Congressman in the early '60s, he supported the major civil rights bills, which appealed to moderates. When Johnson proposed the Great Society in 1964–65, Dole voted against some War on Poverty measures like public-housing subsidies and Medicare, thus appealing to conservatives. Dole's first speech in the Senate in 1969 was a plea for federal aid for the handicapped. Later, as a member of the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs Dole joined liberal Senator George McGovern to lower eligibility requirements for federal food stamps, a liberal goal that was supported by Kansas farmers.

There are more references...a lot more.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by War Wagon »

Diego in Seattle wrote:Between his comment comparing himself to other Americans out of work and his recent comment about not being concerned about the poor he's going to end up with a case of athlete's mouth by November.
You mean, of course, the comments lib dicklickers like yourself take out of context and then use as moronic talking points to influence other lib dicklickers.

Of course.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by War Wagon »

Dole had a moderate voting record and was widely considered to be one of the few Kansas Republicans who could bridge the gap between the moderate and conservative wings of the Kansas Republican Party.
mv, you're seriously trying to make a distinction between the 'moderate' and 'conservative' wing of the Kansas Republican Party?

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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Bizzarofelice »

moderates from Dole's era are now called "Democrats"
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Felix »

War Wagon wrote: take out of context
so exactly what was the context?
he's not worried about the poor because they've got safety nets he's determined to gut in order to shovel more money to those that need it the least?

you mean that context?

pray tell, do tell us how mittens is going to save us....
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:pray tell, do tell us how mittens is going to save us....
The same way as your shitskinned hero. He is planning on spending even more of your money.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

In a ' war' between Martyred and 88:

Take 88 and give the points.
What were we just talking about?
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
The same way as your shitskinned hero. He is planning on spending even more of your money.
whatever gave you the impression that I like obama and his idiotic policies?

this election isn't about "who's the better of two worsts" it's about "who's not going to crash our economy"
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by bradhusker »

Felix wrote:
War Wagon wrote: take out of context
so exactly what was the context?
he's not worried about the poor because they've got safety nets he's determined to gut in order to shovel more money to those that need it the least?

you mean that context?

pray tell, do tell us how mittens is going to save us....
OH, Hi felix dummy!! NO, the context where HIS ACTIONS speak louder than his words. The guy gives between 7.5 and 8.5 MILLION a year to various charities which HELP the POOR.
THAT CONTEXT you stupid fuckin moron you!!!

The guy gives 15 percent of his income to the poor. JUST CURIOUS? FELIX? What percent of your income goes to the poor? Did you give a soft taco to a bum once?
Did you give a snickers bar to a hooker after she failed to get you off?
Tell us if your actions speak louder than your disturbed words.

SO, to summarize, Over the course of the last 30 years, Mitt Romney has donated over 200 million dollars to charities which help the less fortunate.

Over the course of felix's lifetime, he has donated his sperm to hookers and trannies, every once and a while, you throw them a chicken and rice burrito for charity's sake.

You DARE to make fun of a great man like Mitt? When your life is a sick and horrid joke by comparison?
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Felix »

bradhusker wrote: NO, the context where HIS ACTIONS speak louder than his words. The guy gives between 7.5 and 8.5 MILLION a year to various charities which HELP the POOR. THAT CONTEXT you stupid fuckin moron you!!! The guy gives 15 percent of his income to the poor.
no he doesn't....the majority of his donations are to the mormon church and he even stiffs them (doesn't always give his 10%)....some of the other "poor" charities that he gave money to were The Friends of George Bush Library, the US Equestrian Team Foundation, the Heritage Foundation.....and exactly how do these organizations help "the poor"
What percent of your income goes to the poor? Did you give a soft taco to a bum once?
Did you give a snickers bar to a hooker after she failed to get you off?
Tell us if your actions speak louder than your disturbed words.
what does that have to do with anything? I'm not running for POTUS.....but, if it will make you feel better, 5% of my income goes to United Way and I donate lots of time to helping the local area food bank, I sit on the board of a local Children's Art Institute, I donate time and money to the local Humane Association, I raise money for Habitat for Humanity, and a couple of other things.....

hope that helps
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Goober McTuber »

88 wrote:And I wonder if this might be the most cost-effective way to deal with poor, unwed mothers with low-skills: findasugardaddy.com
Hey, there’s a porker on there from Kansas that can be had for a measly $1,000/month. Sweet.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum

Post by Van »

It's fairly abhorrent, but not as abhorrent as this...

"He also said that is his personal view, and not how he has voted when performing his role as an elected government official."

What the fuck is he doing as an elected official if not voting based on his personal views? If he's just going to stick his finger in the air and vote the prevailing winds, then what difference does it make what he thinks about anything?
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

Show me your dicks. - trev
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