I have recently decided to quit living in fear

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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by smackaholic »

bradhusker wrote: I find that a diet rich in tomatoes and tomato sauces will greatly enhance overall prostate health and well-being.
And, it also helps to greatly reduce red meat intake as well.
I thought you were some sort of red meat expert? 9 star steakhouses and such.

Infact, you are more a black meat kinda guy. As for prostate health, you might have some trouble there seeing as your has already been worn down to a nub.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

poptart wrote:People let Van slide because they're afraid he'll leave the board if they hammer him.

Don't hammer him, brad.
You're a gentle and thoughtful soul, and it comes through strongly in your posts.

Yes, his reply was most unfortunate.
Ok pop, I see your point, I will be kind to him regardless if he trashes my idols. I too dont want him to leave the board, so I will take Patrick Swayzee's words of wisdom from the classic movie, Roadhouse, and I quote, "be nice", I dont care if they insult your wife or your daughter, or even your mom, just, "be nice".

First rule of being a good bouncer, "be nice".

By the way, you really MUST suspend all belief to enjoy Roadhouse, I mean, there is no way in hell, that a guy like Swayzee at 5,5 in height, and 120 pounds soaking dripping wet with 2 dozen rolls of quarters in his pockets, is gonna poze a serious threat to ANYONE! SHIT, Serena Williams, the female tennis sensation could beat him to a bloody pulp, WITHOUT having to use her racket.

Be nice.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

smackaholic wrote:
bradhusker wrote: I find that a diet rich in tomatoes and tomato sauces will greatly enhance overall prostate health and well-being.
And, it also helps to greatly reduce red meat intake as well.
I thought you were some sort of red meat expert? 9 star steakhouses and such.

Infact, you are more a black meat kinda guy. As for prostate health, you might have some trouble there seeing as your has already been worn down to a nub.
smack, I did say "reduce" red meat intake, meaning, I can still enjoy a thick juicy porterhouse every once and a while, BUT, smack, if you want to eat steak every day of your miserable life, GO AHEAD!
I wont stop you, YOU want to end up like John Wayne, THE DUKE? The guy was backed up with several tons of undigested red meat in his system. His body was riddled with several different kinds of cancer.

See, back in the golden days of hollywood, "tough guys" didnt eat salads, the thought was that if you ate salads, you were a faggott like james dean or rock hudson. So the Duke and Clark Gable ate steaks for breakfast with eggs, steak sandwiches for lunch, and steak for dinner, and in-between for snacks, they munched on beef jerky.

SO, go ahead smack, enjoy your red meat you moron you, Your intestines are backed up, and your colon is filled with cancerous growths.

As for me? I own an expensive juice machine, im a model for good health and well-being.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

Sudden Sam wrote:http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=823_1328921111

"...new bands like Black Sabbath, etc..."

What a goober*.

*I need a new term for dolts, idiots, POSs, etc.
Ive been saying that for months now, Santorum is out of touch, he is a severe right wing nutjob, WHICH IS WHY he cannot win in November. AND as a result, he wont be the nominee.

NOW, Mitt Romney on the other hand is a moderate, he is HIGHLY electable, and the Obama administration WISHES that Newt or Rick would beat Romney. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!
Mitt can do what the other guys cant, he can get the votes of independants, and, lets face it, its the independants who will decide the next president.

Fuck David axelrod in his fag dem liberal pussy ass!!! I cant wait till he brings his BILLION dollar war chest of negative ads against Mitt. Because Mitt will make Obama look like the community street peddler that he is.
IN A DEBATE? Mitt will make Obama look like a middle school kid(no teleprompter).

Mitt can use the stark contrast of, "I admire the founding fathers", Obama admires Noam Chomsky,
game over.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Mr T »

bradhusker wrote:
Mr T wrote:

Holocaust, Sex Slave Trade, Ethiopia, Super Bowl halftime shows, ect.

Excuse me Mr T. Did you just mention the Slave Trade? You do understand that blacks ALSO owned slaves. And that blacks also enslaved their own people? OR, are you one of those ignorant fucks who believe that ONLY whites owned slaves, ONLY whites practiced slavery?
If that is the case, and you really believe that, you should just swallow a bullett right now.
To this day, there is still slavery in parts of Africa. To this day, black muslims are killing christians all around the world.
ONLY left wing liberal pigs who masquerade as college professors, teach that ONLY whites enslave people.
Actually I mentioned the Sex Slave Trade. It is something that happens in America and around the world. Thank God that it does because the lord works in mysterious ways and everything happens for a reason.... :meds:

Don't really know what your rant was about. Did you take offense to my mocking of super bowl halftime shows?
Last edited by Mr T on Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by smackaholic »

yup, living it up on our great grandkid's nickel isn't our biggest problem. it's kids living to that new heavy metal like black sabbath. :lol:
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Van »

poptart wrote:People let Van slide because they're afraid he'll leave the board if they hammer him.
Is this your first day here?
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Sudden Sam wrote:
What a goober*.

*I need a new term for dolts, idiots, POSs, etc.
I hear ”bradhusker” will be available soon.
Last edited by Diego in Seattle on Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Ana Ng »

Ya, I'm pretty sure Santorum's "heavy metal ban" rant was satirical commentary.

Dude accusing heavy metal for "lactose intolerance" out front shoulda told ya.

Unfortunately, no one told my husband....and he unleashed a response to the article on his FB page.

I've already switched back to my maiden name. :/
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Van »

Good call, 'Spray. 'Ana Wrathchild' sounds seriously hot. A woman carrying that name couldn't be anything but wickedly gorgeous.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

poptart wrote:People let Van slide because they're afraid he'll leave the board if they hammer him.

Damn, 'tart...

I'll remember never to get on your bad side.

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Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Good thread.

DC, nice to see you again bro.

Religion is man's search for God. Christianity is God's search for man.

Hope, peace and strength lie within.
What were we just talking about?
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

Ya know whats funny? Everybody bitchin and complaining about how nothing gets done in Washington, the dems and repubs hate each others guts, and wont work with one another across the aisle, LIKE Reagan and Tip O neal did way back in the 1980's.

The reason is simple, the dems are farther and farther to the left nowadays, their party is hijacked by the weird lefties, AND, the repubs are Hijacked by far right wing loonies like Santorum.

ENTER Mitt Romney, a TRUE moderate like Bill Clinton, only republican, THIS IS WHY I SUPPORT HIM!!! Bill Clinton was able to work across the aisle with Newt and the repubs, and GET IT DONE!

I find it very very plausible that independants will come to see Mitt as the answer to gridlock in Washington, and come November, they will be the difference in the election, ESPECIALLY when Mitt OWNS Obamma in the debates.

Hello, Im Mitt Romney, im running for president, the differences between me and Obamma couldnt be more clear or stark. I admire our founding fathers, and, Obama admires Noam Chomsky, Saul Allinsky and Karl Marx.

Game Over.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Goober McTuber »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Religion is man's search for God. Christianity is God's search for man.
Roger_the_Shrubber is proof that even God is human.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
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Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Ana Ng »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Religion is man's search for God. Christianity is God's search for man.
Roger_the_Shrubber is proof that even God is human has a sense of humor.
Yes, yes.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by mvscal »

bradhusker wrote: AND, the repubs are Hijacked by far right wing loonies like Santorum.
Santorum is a Christian Socialist. He is barely right of center.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by mvscal »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:man's search for God.

Found it.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Hey! Whoa!! :shock:
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Van »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

mvscal wrote:
bradhusker wrote: AND, the repubs are Hijacked by far right wing loonies like Santorum.
Santorum is a Christian Socialist. He is barely right of center.
YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT, Santorum is very very right wing, he's talking now about the ill effects of heavy metal music on our youth,

Next time you open your sewer of a mouth, THINK before you make a fool out of yourself.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Derron »

Sudden Sam wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=823_1328921111

"...new bands like Black Sabbath, etc..."

This is where the Santorum heavy metal comments originated.

Just glancing around this site, I think I like this guy.
How shocking is that..Occupy Tacoma protesters and metal heads..in the Seattle area ..the place where Kurt Cobain left his brains all over the wall of a room with a 12 gauge ? The birthplace of grunge, and home to Jimi, Sammy and many other rockers ?

Fucking idiots.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by mvscal »

bradhusker wrote: Santorum is very very right wing, he's talking now about the ill effects of heavy metal music on our youth, DOES THAT SOUND LIKE SOMEONE CLOSE TO CENTER?
Why yes, it does, brad. In fact, it sounds exactly like Tipper Gore and every other nanny state do gooder. It is things like this that make Santorum a Christian Socialist rather than a conservative Republican (assuming there even is such a thing anymore).

He's a big government statist just like Twitt Romney except that he isn't wearing magic underwear. Santorum takes his superstitious crazy with a splash of evangelical tub thumping.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by poptart »

That's right.

Santorum and his ilk just pimp the "our government solution is better than their government solution" jive.

Someone who eliminates government from their solution is the real conservative.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

mvscal wrote:
bradhusker wrote: Santorum is very very right wing, he's talking now about the ill effects of heavy metal music on our youth, DOES THAT SOUND LIKE SOMEONE CLOSE TO CENTER?
Why yes, it does, brad. In fact, it sounds exactly like Tipper Gore and every other nanny state do gooder. It is things like this that make Santorum a Christian Socialist rather than a conservative Republican (assuming there even is such a thing anymore).

He's a big government statist just like Twitt Romney except that he isn't wearing magic underwear. Santorum takes his superstitious crazy with a splash of evangelical tub thumping.
NICE TRY mvscal, you can play word games all you want, the FACT remains that Santorum is indeed a "right winger". He believes that even if a woman is RAPED, she should NOT be allowed to have an abortion.

NOW, do you STILL want to play word games here and pretend this guy is moderate?


Ive heard some stupid posters in here before, BUT you mvscal, you take the top prize for sheer dumbness.

YES, Santorum has extreme far far right ideas. He doesnt believe a woman has the right to abort, even if she was violently raped. AND, even if her life is in danger, This far right wing wacko STILL doesnt think she has the right to an abortion.

You still think he is moderate? Huh you stupid dumb fucker?

Are you really this stupid?
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by bradhusker »

mvscal wrote:
bradhusker wrote: Santorum is very very right wing, he's talking now about the ill effects of heavy metal music on our youth, DOES THAT SOUND LIKE SOMEONE CLOSE TO CENTER?
Why yes, it does, brad. In fact, it sounds exactly like Tipper Gore and every other nanny state do gooder. It is things like this that make Santorum a Christian Socialist rather than a conservative Republican (assuming there even is such a thing anymore).

He's a big government statist just like Twitt Romney except that he isn't wearing magic underwear. Santorum takes his superstitious crazy with a splash of evangelical tub thumping.
Two points, You try to say Santorum is closer to center and a moderate? Nice try dumbass.
Santorum believes that a woman who was violently raped should have the baby, AND, even if her life is in danger, STILL must have the baby, NO ABORTION ALLOWED, according to this right wing nutjob.

Second, you called our next president Mitt Romney, "twitt". Thats funny, mvscal, you make fun of a man who is more accomplished in life than you will ever dream of being?
Mvscal, next to Romney, you are a fuckin loser in life, so, when ytou make fun of him, WE ALL LAUGH AT YOU!! You come across as a pathetic loser in life.

Its common practice for people with zero self-esteem to make fun of and bring down others in life who are "light years" more accomplished and successful then they are.

Next to Mitt Romney, YOU mvscal, are a complete loser and waste of life. How do you like those facts?
Facts are stubborn things mvscal, ONLY in your dellusional world can a man who would force a woman who was raped, to keep the baby, be labeled a moderate.

you cocksucking idiot.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by mvscal »

bradhusker wrote:YES, Santorum has extreme far far right ideas. He doesnt believe a woman has the right to abort, even if she was violently raped.
Neither does the Catholic Church and its politics are decidedly left wing.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »


Catholics are very conservative. Just an FYI.
What were we just talking about?
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by mvscal »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:MV,

Catholics are very conservative. Just an FYI.
Some few of them are and The Church certainly isn't, so save your FYIs, shitheel. Are you 1/16th Catholic now or something? Don't answer. Just fuck off.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote: Some few of them are and The Church certainly isn't,

Oh...you mean the hippie, kumbaya, one-world smoke and mirrors show they put on as part of the post-Vat II "restructuring" to cover up the money laundering and influence peddling? Oh, that....
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Van »

mvscal wrote:
Rog wrote:Catholics are very conservative. Just an FYI.
The Catholic Church certainly isn't, so save your FYIs, shitheel.
Neither are shitloads of its practioners, countless millions of whom rely on endless government handouts and nonexistent immigration controls. They sure do have a lot of abortions, as well. Oh, and tons of sex before marriage, too. They also tend to dominate politically in liberal states such as California and Massachusetts while being much less of a factor in traditional Red States.

Exactly how are Catholics conservative again?
Last edited by Van on Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Mace »

I don't know about their politics but there was a reason we always wanted to date Catholic girls. I never understood how it was okay to have sex but a mortal sin for the guy to wear a condom.....not that going bareback wasn't a good thing, but knocking up a girl in high school isn't.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by mvscal »

Mace wrote: I never understood how it was okay to have sex but a mortal sin for the guy to wear a condom.....
Genesis 1:28
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Mace »

mvscal wrote:
Mace wrote: I never understood how it was okay to have sex but a mortal sin for the guy to wear a condom.....
Genesis 1:28
So having sex out of wedlock is not a sin? Damn, and to think I felt guilty about it.....well, maybe sometimes, but that was usually one of those dinsdale at closin' time deals.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Derron »

Mace wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Mace wrote: I never understood how it was okay to have sex but a mortal sin for the guy to wear a condom.....
Genesis 1:28
So having sex out of wedlock is not a sin? Damn, and to think I felt guilty about it.....well, maybe sometimes, but that was usually one of those dinsdale at closin' time deals.
Those poor repressed Catholic girls..used to pick them up after church on Saturday night and confession, and we were off, drinking wine, smokin weed and getting naked in an hour. Got some good rides off them..well I was 19, so any ride was good in those days..but you never had to talk the Catholic girls into it...they were down with it just fine. And they did want to use a condom, still wanted the load, but not to get knocked up.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Mace »

Derron wrote:Those poor repressed Catholic girls..used to pick them up after church on Saturday night and confession, and we were off, drinking wine, smokin weed and getting naked in an hour. Got some good rides off them..well I was 19, so any ride was good in those days..but you never had to talk the Catholic girls into it...they were down with it just fine. And they did want to use a condom, still wanted the load, but not to get knocked up.
My girlfriend in high school was a beautiful little Catholic girl and all she wanted to do was fuck and suck my dick. Damn, I should have married that girl....except I'd probably have 10 kids. I saw her a few years ago and she was even hotter now than when she was in high school....in a middle aged hottie kind of way, which works just fine for me these days.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Derron »

Mace wrote:
My girlfriend in high school was a beautiful little Catholic girl and all she wanted to do was fuck and suck my dick.
Sigh..those were the days.


35 years ago.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Derron wrote:
Mace wrote:
My girlfriend in high school was a beautiful little Catholic girl and all she wanted to do was fuck and suck my dick.
Sigh..those were the days.


35 years ago.

You wanted to suck Mace's dick 35 years ago?


Whatever floats your boat, dude.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Mace »

Derron wrote:
Mace wrote:
My girlfriend in high school was a beautiful little Catholic girl and all she wanted to do was fuck and suck my dick.
Sigh..those were the days.


35 years ago.
Closer to 45 than 35, Derron, but yeah, those were the days. :lol:
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Mace »

Martyred wrote:
Derron wrote:
Mace wrote:
My girlfriend in high school was a beautiful little Catholic girl and all she wanted to do was fuck and suck my dick.
Sigh..those were the days.


35 years ago.

You wanted to suck Mace's dick 35 years ago?


Whatever floats your boat, dude.
Now, now Marty, that's not what Derron said. We're talking about hot Catholic girls that like to fuck and suck.
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Re: I have recently decided to quit living in fear

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

So, Roman Catholics are progressive/liberal.

I am sure the Pope will be interested in that.

Van/mvscal, do ever read what you type?

MV is just typing stuff to seem to be "mean"

But Van, you know better.
countless millions of whom rely on endless government handouts and nonexistent immigration controls.
Whom are these Roman Catholics? Relying on gubmint hand outs?

And WTF does immigration control have to do with anything?????????

Van, instead of just being a bitterman, try reading the topic before typing.
They sure do have a lot of abortions, as well.
Van, the 'go to guy' when it comes to knowing the data about abortion/religious affiliation records. Or do you just....make it up? Or lie?

How about typing stuff you know, not what you 'think'. Hmmmmm?
What were we just talking about?
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